Awesome List Updates on Sep 24, 2018
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ethereum
- Week in Ethereum - A summary of everything happening in Ethereum each week.
2. Awesome Eta
Introduction / First Steps
- Prelude (⭐6) - Default modules for an easier start.
Sample Applications / Android
- eta-android-2048 (⭐56) - The 2048 game for Android.
Sample Applications / Web
- eta-todo (⭐16) - Example of a Spock web application written in Eta.
- eta-yesod-minimal (⭐5) - Example of a Yesod web application in Eta.
3. Awesome Computer History
Videos / Old recordings
- The Computer Literacy Project (1980-1989) - In the 1980s, the BBC explored the world of computing in The Computer Literacy Project (all episodes)
- Thinking Allowed - Artificial Intelligence (1989) - Interview with John McCarthy, creator of Lisp and one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence
Videos / Documentaries
- Hackers: Wizards of the Electronic Age (1984) - Documentary about a 1984 hacker conference 7.6/10
- The KGB, the Computer, and Me (1990) - With computer scientist Clifford Stoll 8.0/10
- Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires (1996) - History of the personal computer 8.5/10
- Revolution OS (2001) - The story of GNU/linux and Open Source Movement 7.3/10
- The Secret History Of Hacking (2001) - History of early hackers 7.6/10
- BBS The Documentary (2005) - History of the Bulletin Board System 8.5/10
- Hackers Are People Too (2008) - Documentary about what hackers are 6.0/10
- Something Ventured (2011) - The history of early venture capital 7.0/10
- Code 2600 (2011) - Documents the Info-Tech Age, told by the events and people who helped build and manipulate it 7.4/10
- We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists (2012) - A documentary on the workings and beliefs of the self-described "hacktivist" collective, Anonymous 7.3/10
- Silicon Valley (2013) - A PBS "American Experience" documentary about the start of Silicon Valley 7.9/10
- DEFCON: The Documentary (2013) - Documentary about DEFCON, the biggest hacker conference 5.8/10
- Downloaded (2013) - The Napster Revolution, a documentary that explores the downloading revolution 6.9/10
- The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014) - The story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz 8.1/10
- Rise of the Hackers (2014) - Harnessing cryptography to stay a step ahead of cybercriminals 7.5/10
- Silicon Cowboys (2016) - Documentary detailing the story of Compaq, its three founders and how it took on IBM at the height of its PC dominance. 6.8/10
Videos / Reflective interviews
- Steve Jobs - The Lost Interview (2012) - A conversation with Steve Jobs as he was running NeXT, the company he had founded after leaving Apple 8.1/10
Videos / Movies
- Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) - History of Apple and Microsoft 7.3/10
- The Social Network (2010) - The history of the birth of Facebook 7.7/10
- Steve Jobs (2015) - The story shows Steve Jobs behind the scenes of Apple's iconic product launches. 7.2/10
Videos / Commercials
- Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial (1984) - Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial Introducing Macintosh Computer 7.8/10
Texts / Folklore
- The Jargon File (1988)
- A Cypherpunk's Manifesto (1993)
- UTF-8 history (2003)
4. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
Researchers / Miscellaneous
5. Awesome Crystal
Examples and funny stuff
- crystalworld (⭐43) - back-end API implementation
6. Awesome Ripple
- ripple-python-lib (⭐24): Python implementation of JSON-RPC and Data API calls
7. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Riza Fahmi (⭐2) - Developer, mentor, speaker. Curriculum Director, Co-Founder Hacktiv8 Coding Bootcamp.
8. Awesome Qt
Tools / Third-Party Tools
- Qompoter (⭐19) - Dependency manager for Qt / C++.
9. Awesome Humane Tech
- Privacy Respecting (⭐1.8k) - A curated list of privacy-respecting Services and Software.
10. Awesome Swift
Dependency Injection
- DITranquillity (⭐425) - Dependency injection framework with tranquility.
Pagination / Barcode
- FlexiblePageControl (⭐801) - A flexible UIPageControl like Instagram.
11. Awesome Gbdev
Hardware / Opcodes
- Related custom hardware (⭐325) - by Gekkio.
- ESP8266 GB Dev Board (⭐26) - Dev board for Game Boy accessories development, powered by ESP8266.
- ESP8266 GB Printer (⭐48) - A device that emulates the GB Printer and lets you retrieve images using WiFi.
Peripherals / Opcodes
- Ben Heck Reverse Engineers Game Boy Printer (Errata: the used thermal paper is expired, 4 colors are actually printable).
Cartridges / Opcodes
- MBC1+RAM+Battery cartridge Schematic - First schematics by Jeff Frohwein.
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- SameBoy (⭐1.7k) - Accurate emulator with a wide range of powerful debugging features.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- liblsdj (⭐93) - Utility library for interacting with the LSDj save format (.sav), song files (.lsdsng) and more.
- lsdpatch (⭐176) - Tool for modifying samples, fonts and palettes on LSDj ROM images.
Directories / Syntax highlighting packages
- The Game Boy Archive - Salvage (⭐33) - Historical archive of software, old articles, FAQs and various documents.
12. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- - O primeiro podcast voltado ao mundo Salesforce no idioma Português, aqui batemos um papo de Desenvolvimento, Administração da Plataforma, Produtos Salesforce além de assuntos como Carreira entre outros.
- Prev: Sep 25, 2018
- Next: Sep 23, 2018