Awesome List Updates on Sep 08, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Real World Projects with Vue.js by Daniel Khalil, Packt. (August 2018)
2. Awesome Talks
- Why Do Keynote Speakers Keep Suggesting That Improving Security Is Possible? by James Mickens (USENIX Security '18-Q) [51:21]
3. Awesome Ros2
Papers / ROSCon 2015
4. Awesome Emails
Services / Misc
- Mailgun - Transactional Email API Service For Developers.
5. Awesome Ocaml
- ocaml-cuid (⭐18) - Collision-resistant IDs for server scalability & database performance.
6. Awesome React Native
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Forex Rates (⭐45) - Foreign exchange rates. currency rate converter. Historical exchange rates. Android and iOS.
7. Awesome Diversity
- Dear Tech People - A race and gender diversity ranking of 100 top tech companies.
Actionable Resources
- 5 Ally Actions | June 15, 2018 - By Better Allies.
- Bias and Hiring: How We Hire UX Researchers - By Sharon Bautista.
- Dev Team Diversity #Realtalk - By Sarah Mei.
- Survival Tips For Women In Tech - By Patricia Aas.
- The Other Diversity Dividend - By Paul Gompers and Silpa Kovvali.
- The Perverse Incentives That Help Incels Thrive In Tech - By Ellen Pao.
- What I Learned From The Fall Of Ellen Pao - By Madhushree Ghosh.
- Why Are There Few Women In Tech? Watch A Recruiting Session - By Jessi Hempel.
8. Awesome Mastodon
- Welcome Bot (⭐7) - Automatically send a welcome DM to new users (Python).
9. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime / Rust
- GTFS-realtime Autodoc - Automatically generated documentation for GTFS-realtime, generated from the official GTFS-realtime protocol buffer specification (⭐646) and including some extensions.
- Prev: Sep 09, 2018
- Next: Sep 07, 2018