Awesome List Updates on Aug 24, 2018
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Uncopyright
- Healthy Enough - Helping you become as fit and healthy as possible.
2. Awesome Web Security
Remote Code Execution
- Remote Code Execution on a Facebook server - Written by @blaklis_.
3. Awesome Vehicle Security
- Car Hacking on the Cheap - A whitepaper from Chris Valasek and IOActive on hacking your car when you don't have a lot of resources at your disposal.
- Researchers tackle autonomous vehicle security - Texas A&M researchers develop intelligence system prototype.
- Reverse engineering of the Nitro OBD2 - Reverse engineering of CAN diagnostic tools.
- How to drift with any car - Introduction to CAN hacking, and using a real car as an Xbox controller.
Miscellaneous / Episodes
- OpenXC - OpenXC is a combination of open source hardware and software that lets you extend your vehicle with custom applications and pluggable modules. It uses standard, well-known tools to open up a wealth of data from the vehicle to developers. Started by researchers at Ford, it works for all 2002 and newer MY vehicles (standard OBD-II interface). Researchers at Ford Motor Company joined up to create a standard way of creating aftermarket software and hardware for vehicles.
Applications / Episodes
- talking-with-cars (⭐115) - CAN related scripts, and scripts to use a car as a gamepad
4. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Imposter-Plugin (⭐151) - Wrapping all composer vendor packages inside your own namespace. Intended for WordPress plugins.
5. Awesome Cheminformatics
Resources / Blogs
- Practical Cheminformatics - Blog with in-depth examples of practical application of cheminformatics.
6. Awesome Flutter
Utilities / Game Engine resources
- FlutterIcon - Icon set generator by Mike Hoolehan
7. Awesome Sre
8. Awesome Crystal
C bindings
- (⭐10) - Bindings for
9. Awesome Ocaml
Code Analysis and Linters
- Infer (⭐15k) - Infer is a static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C
- Frama-C - Frama-C is a static analysis and formal proof framework for C and C++.
Program analysis
- BAP (⭐2.1k) - BAP is a reverse engineering and program analysis platform that targets binary programs.
- BinCat (⭐1.7k) - BinCat is a binary code static analysis toolkit.
Developer Tools
- Jupyter (⭐294) – An OCaml kernel for the Jupyter notebook.
- utop (⭐857) – Universal toplevel for OCaml with support for multiline edition, history, real-time and context-sensitive completion, colors, and more.
- ocamlformat (⭐651) - A command-line tool to format OCaml code.
- Foreign Function Interface:
- ctypes (⭐379) – Library for binding to C libraries using pure OCaml.
- ocaml-main-program-in-c (⭐17) – Example build system for making mixed C/Ocaml binaries where the main program is in C.
- Modular foreign function bindings
- (⭐189) - OCaml bindings for Python.
- ocaml-zmq (⭐81) – ZeroMQ bindings for OCaml with Async and Lwt wrappers.
- owl (⭐1.2k) - OCaml numerical library: dense and sparse matrix, linear algebra, regressions, maths and stats functions.
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- commanddotnet (⭐567) - Model your command line application interface in a class.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- querybuilder (⭐3.1k) - SqlKata Query Builder is a powerful Sql Query Builder written in C#.
11. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / .NET SDK
- Prev: Aug 25, 2018
- Next: Aug 23, 2018