Awesome List Updates on Aug 21, 2018
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Password Management
- Enpass - Cross-platform password management tool with cloud integration.
2. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- bisect (⭐12) - Inserting values into a sorted array
Processes and Threads
- promise (⭐42) - A Promise implementation with type inference
- tasker (⭐56) - A high precision scheduler including timezone aware cron jobs
Shell plugins
- crun (⭐45) - Crystal Run : shebang wrapper for Crystal
3. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Service meshes
- Git Secrets (⭐12k) - Prevents you from committing passwords and other sensitive information to a git repository.
4. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
5. Awesome Mqtt
- mqtt-client (⭐13) - A Simple MQTT Client command line (Python) (use paho lib)
6. Awesome
Dev Tools / Tutorials
- Craft 3 Multi-environment (⭐72) - Craft 2 Version (⭐83) - Efficient and flexible multi-environment config for Craft CMS.
7. Awesome Swift
Images / Barcode
- ATGMediaBrowser (⭐218) - Image slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, and with ability to create new transitions with ease.
8. Awesome Ember
Packages / Content management systems
- ember-admin (⭐241) - Automatically discover your models and interact with all model data in a simple CRUD interface.
Packages / Tree Shaking
- ember-cli-tree-shaker (⭐76) - This is a testbed for the new tree-shaking and code splitting work from Kelly Selden and Alex Navasardyan.
9. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- TinyPress (⭐8) - TinyPress is the easiest way to publish a blog on GitHub.
10. Awesome Cl
Contract programming
- quid-pro-quo (⭐95) - a contract programming library in the style of Eiffel’s Design by Contract ™. Public domain.
- Learn X in Y minutes - Where X = Common Lisp - Small Common Lisp tutorial covering the essentials.
- Successful Lisp - A good book for beginners with some programming background.
11. Awesome Groovy
Build tools, setup and CI
- Gradle - A powerful build system for the JVM
- SDKMAN - The Software Development Kit Manager (Previously known as GVM)
Web Frameworks
- Spring-Boot - Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can you can "just run". Use Groovy as your coding language.
- Betamax (⭐472) - Betamax is a tool for mocking external HTTP resources such as web services and REST APIs in your tests.
- Vertx - Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM
Code Analysis
- Sonar-Groovy (⭐52) - SonarQube Groovy plugin
- GR8Conf Europe (discontinued)
- Prev: Aug 22, 2018
- Next: Aug 20, 2018