Awesome List Updates on Aug 15, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ffmpeg
- Filters - Docs for FFmpeg's powerful filter chains (scaling, cropping, concatenating, merging, etc.). This is one of my most visited links when working with FFmpeg.
- Man page - Official FFmpeg man page.
- CLI flags (⭐37) - A comprehensive list of all FFmpeg commandline flags. Really useful for searching random flags that you come across in the wild.
- ffmpeg-concat (⭐646) - Concats a list of videos together using FFmpeg with sexy OpenGL transitions.
- ffmpeg-extract-frames (⭐56) - Extracts screenshots from a video using FFmpeg.
- ffmpeg.js (⭐2.8k) - Port of FFmpeg to JavaScript via Emscripten. Allows for limited FFmpeg use on the client-side.
- ffmpeg-static (⭐697) - Provides static FFmpeg binaries for macOS, Linux, and Windows. Very useful for CI testing.
2. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- keras (⭐63k) - High-level neural networks frontend for TensorFlow (⭐188k), CNTK (⭐18k) and Theano (⭐9.9k).
3. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
4. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Capture
- Netis Packet Agent (⭐947): It is a remote data capture utility through GRE tunnel, which makes you easily capture packets from an NIC interface, encapsulate them with GRE and send them to a remote machine for monitoring and analysis.
5. Awesome Maintainers
6. Awesome Nextjs
- NextJS TypeScript Starter Kit (⭐336) - 🎉 TypeScript + NextJS, Styled-jsx, Redux, PostCSS, configurable SEO
- Typescript Monorepo Next Example (⭐43) - A minimalistic next.js + typescript monorepo.
7. Awesome Vue
Resources / Examples
8. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Blockchain
- BTCPayServer (⭐6.3k) - A cross platform, self-hosted server compatible with Bitpay API.
- NBXplorer (⭐316) - A Bitcoin and Altcoin lightweight block explorer.
9. Awesome Code Review
- Building an Inclusive Code Review Culture Guidelines to help ensure a collaborative and learning culture
- Code Review Review is the Manager's Job Why management should ensure code review is done and done well.
- LGTM Automated Git code review for GitHub and Bitbucket pull requests for finding security vulnerabilities and code quality issues.
- Prev: Aug 16, 2018
- Next: Aug 14, 2018