Awesome List Updates on Aug 11, 2018
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Frc
- State Space Guide (⭐229) - A practical guide to state-space control: graduate-level control theory for high schoolers.
- GradleRIO (⭐251) - A powerful Gradle Plugin that allows teams competing in the FIRST robotics competition to produce and build their code.
- 2729 Storm Robotics Vision (⭐5) - An example of using OpenCV and GRIP to create a vision system.
Repositories / Java/Kotlin
- Shuffleboard (⭐78) - A clean Driver Station dashboard for FIRST teams.
- ROOSTER (⭐10) - A common library of useful classes and systems for FIRST.
2. Awesome Gbdev
Compilers / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- Wiz (⭐411) - A high-level assembly language for writing homebrew on retro console platforms (Game Boy, NES, Atari 2600, and more).
- gbforth (⭐129) - A Forth-based Game Boy development kit.
- gbasm (⭐130) - A JavaScript based compiler for Game Boy z80 assembly code.
- tniASM - Macro Assembler.
- Assembler (⭐118) - Assembler written in Swift.
Tools / Engines
- ZGB (⭐715) - A little engine for creating games for the original Game Boy (expands gbdk, more info here).
Tools / Graphics utilities
- GBTiles (⭐15) - Converts .GBR files created with Harry Mulder's Tile Designer (GBTD) and .GBM files created with Harry Mulder's Map Builder (GBMB) to different formats for use with the Game Boy and GBDK.
- bmp2cgb (⭐26) - Graphics converter for Game Boy Color development providing real time palette adjustments.
- png2gb (⭐21) - CLI tool to convert image file to game boy .c array.
- brewtool - A collection of primitive editor/converter tools for making assets used with homebrew ROM development.
3. Awesome Dash
- ARGO Labs - Plotly Dash Tutorial (Video) - Detailed introduction to creating interactive dashboards.
- Data Visualization GUIs with Dash and Python (Video playlist) - Five-part series exploring Dash features.
4. Awesome Swift
Button / Barcode
- ExpandableButton (⭐98) - Customizable and easy to use expandable button.
5. Awesome Embedded Rust
Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials
- Discovery by @rust-embedded — this book is an introductory course on microcontroller-based embedded systems that uses Rust as the teaching language. Original author: @japaric
6. Awesome Jupyter
- jupyter-edx-grader-xblock (⭐45) - Auto-grade a student assignment created as a Jupyter notebook and write the score in the Open edX gradebook.
- Prev: Aug 12, 2018
- Next: Aug 10, 2018