Awesome List Updates on Jul 16, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Visualization
- Circular Audio Wave (⭐193) - A JS library for audio visualization in circular wave using Web Audio API and ECharts
2. Awesome Sre
3. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors
- Brackets - A modern, open source text editor that understands web design.
Developer Tools / IDEs
- Deco IDE - The best IDE for building React Native apps.
- JetBrains Toolbox App - Manage installed JetBrains tools, download new ones and open recent projects.
- AppCode - Smart IDE for iOS/macOS development
- RustRover - A brand new JetBrains IDE for Rust Developers.
- CLion - Powerful C and C++ IDE. (Free for Students)
- DataGrip - Cross-Plaform IDE for Databases and SQL. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
- DataSpell - The IDE for Professional Data Scientists
- GoLand - Provides ergonomic environment for Go development.
- IntelliJ IDEA - Powerful IDE for JVM languages. (Free for Students)
- PHPStorm - The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE.
- PyCharm - Powerful Python IDE, which has professional version and community version.
- Rider - Cross-platform C# IDE with Resharper features.
- WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE by JetBrains. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
Developer Tools / Frameworks For Hybrid Applications
- Qt - Cross-platform application framework.
4. Awesome Swift
- Perfect-CRUD (⭐64) 🐧 - CRUD is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system using Codable protocol.
Network / Barcode
- Wormholy (⭐2.4k) - iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙.
5. Awesome Cl
HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks
- cl-closure-template (⭐71) - Implementation of Google's Closure templates, where compiling a template creates a function that generates the result. LLGPL.
6. Awesome Pyramid
- nefertari (⭐53) - Nefertari is a REST API framework sitting on top of Pyramid and ElasticSearch.
- pyramid_apispec (⭐21) - Create an OpenAPI specification file using apispec and Marshmallow schemas.
7. Awesome D
Text Processing / Language Processing
- eBay's TSV utilities (⭐1.4k) - Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and other operations on TSV files. Very fast, especially good for large datasets.
8. Awesome Recursion Schemes
Implementations / Hylomorphisms in the Wild
- recursion (⭐8) for ATS - Demonstration of recursion schemes in ATS.
9. Awesome
Articles / Performance and Testing
- Debug Tool in Craft 3: Here’s all you need to know about it by Galaxy Weblinks -
2 July 2018
Articles / Templating
- Responsive tables in Craft by Jan D'Hollander -
10 July 2018
- Prev: Jul 17, 2018
- Next: Jul 15, 2018