Awesome List Updates on Jul 10, 2018
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Flutter
Auth / Image Picker
- SimpleAuth (⭐354) - Azure Active Directory, Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Github, Google, Instagram, Linked In, Microsoft Live Connect, Github, OAuth, Basic Auth by James Clancey
2. Awesome Cpp
- StatsLib (⭐539) - A C++ header-only library of statistical distribution functions. [Apache2] website
3. Awesome Design Patterns
Programming Language Design Patterns
4. Awesome Diversity
- Women Who Go - A network focused on building a more diverse and inclusive Golang community.
5. Awesome Webgl
- WebVR Community Group - Group who's goal is to help bring high-performance Virtual Reality to the open Web.
Tutorials / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- The Book of Shaders - Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
Maps and Visualizations / Particles
- - WebGL overlay suite for React providing a set of highly performant data visualization overlays.
WebVR / Particles
- React 360 - Build VR websites and interactive 360 experiences with React.
Others / Particles
- CopperLicht - JavaScript library and WebGL 3D engine for creating games and 3D applications.
6. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Malware Corpora
- VirusBay - Community-Based malware repository and social network.
7. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- iGlance (⭐2.4k) - macOS System Monitor for the Status Bar.
- Prev: Jul 11, 2018
- Next: Jul 09, 2018