Awesome List Updates on Jul 05, 2018
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs
- Manatee.Trello (⭐121) - A fully object-oriented .Net wrapper for Trello's RESTful API written in C#.
2. Awesome Web Security
Frontend (like SOP bypass, URL spoofing, and something like that)
- How do we Stop Spilling the Beans Across Origins? - Written by aaj at and mkwst at
Backend (core of Browser implementation, and often refers to C or C++ part)
3. Awesome Material
- DevExtreme — 65+ responsive and feature-complete UI components with customizable Material Design compliant themes. Available for Angular, React, Vue and jQuery.
4. Typography
- Font-size: An Unexpectedly Complex CSS Property -93 most popular premium fonts alternative google fonts
Web Fonts & Web Performance
Font Combinations
5. Awesome Drupal
- Drupal Console - The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.
- DrupalVM - Drupal VM makes building Drupal development environments quick and easy, and introduces developers to the wonderful world of Drupal development on virtual machines or Docker containers (instead of crufty old MAMP/WAMP-based development).
- Drush - Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. Drush core ships with lots of useful commands for interacting with code like modules/themes/profiles. Similarly, it runs update.php, executes sql queries and DB migrations, and misc utilities like run cron or clear cache.
- DDEV-Local (⭐1.5k) - A Docker-based tool to create and manage local development environments. Use for other PHP apps too. Also see the Get Started Guide
- Administration menu - Provides a theme-independent administration interface (aka. navigation, back-end).
- Administration views - Replaces administrative overview/listing pages with actual views for superior usability.
- Backup and Migrate - Back up and restore your Drupal MySQL database, code, and files or migrate a site between environments. Backup and Migrate supports gzip, bzip and zip compression as well as automatic scheduled backups.
- Better Exposed Filters - Back up and restore your Drupal MySQL database, code, and files or migrate a site between environments. Backup and Migrate supports gzip, bzip and zip compression as well as automatic scheduled backups.
- CKEditor - WYSIWYG HTML editor - This module will allow Drupal to replace textarea fields with the CKEditor - a visual HTML editor, usually called a WYSIWYG editor.
- Colorbox - Colorbox is a light-weight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery. This module allows for integration of Colorbox into Drupal.
- Context - Context allows you to manage contextual conditions and reactions for different portions of your site. You can think of each context as representing a "section" of your site.
- Display Suite - Display Suite allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using a drag and drop interface.
- Module Filter – The modules list page can become quite big when dealing with a fairly large site or even just a dev site meant for testing new and various modules being considered.
- Owl Carousel - This module integrates the wonderful Owl Carousel slider built by OwlFonk.
- Panelizer - Allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses.
- Pathauto - The Pathauto module automatically generates URL/path aliases for various kinds of content (nodes, taxonomy terms, users) without requiring the user to manually specify the path alias.
- Slick - Slick is a powerful and performant slideshow/carousel solution leveraging Ken Wheeler's Slick carousel. See
- Token - Provides additional tokens not supported by core (most notably fields), as well as a UI for browsing tokens.
- Ubercart - Ubercart is the most popular Drupal E-Commerce platform for your website. It implements everything you need to start selling products online.
- Rules - The Rules module allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (known as reactive or ECA rules).
- elFinder file manager - elFinder is a open source AJAX file manager
- IMCE - IMCE is an image/file uploader and browser that supports personal directories and quota.
- Webform - Webform is the module for making forms and surveys in Drupal.
- Open Atrium - Open Atrium, maintained by Phase2 Technology, is a Drupal distribution that allows you to confidently engage with your colleagues through convenient collaboration.
- OpenPublic - For government and public policy organizations, open source only works if it’s built for the security, accessibility, and flexibility requirements of the public sector.
- OpenPublish - OpenPublish is a Drupal 7 packaged distribution designed for the online news industry. It is deployed in a variety of media outlets sites including magazines, newspapers, journals, trade publications, broadcast, wire service, multimedia sites and membership publications.
6. Awesome Python
Machine Learning
- H2O (⭐6.8k) - Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning Platform.
7. Awesome List
- iOS (⭐48k) - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.
- Electron (⭐26k) - Cross-platform native desktop apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
- Cordova (⭐300) - JavaScript API for hybrid apps.
- watchOS (⭐473) - Operating system for the Apple Watch.
- IPFS (⭐4.4k) - P2P hypermedia protocol.
- Heroku (⭐311) - Cloud platform as a service.
- Raspberry Pi (⭐14k) - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more.
- Qt (⭐1.5k) - Cross-platform GUI app framework.
- Smart TV (⭐1.1k) - Create apps for different TV platforms.
- GNOME (⭐1.3k) - Simple and distraction-free desktop environment for Linux.
Programming Languages
- Swift (⭐25k) - Apple's compiled programming language that is secure, modern, programmer-friendly, and fast.
- Rust (⭐49k)
- Pest (⭐87) - Parser generator.
- Java (⭐43k) - Popular secure object-oriented language designed for flexibility to "write once, run anywhere".
- PHP (⭐31k) - Server-side scripting language.
- Composer (⭐870) - Package manager.
- Frege (⭐30) - Haskell for the JVM.
- CMake (⭐5.1k) - Build, test, and package software.
- ActionScript 3 (⭐253) - Object-oriented language targeting Adobe AIR.
- Eta (⭐63) - Functional programming language for the JVM.
- Idris (⭐398) - General purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types influenced by Haskell and ML.
- Esolangs (⭐523) - Programming languages designed for experimentation or as jokes rather than actual use.
Front-End Development
- Polymer (⭐398) - JavaScript library to develop Web Components.
- Backbone (⭐404) - App framework.
- HTML5 (⭐2.6k) - Markup language used for websites & web apps.
- SVG (⭐4.6k) - XML-based vector image format.
- D3 (⭐5.2k) - Library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations.
- jQuery (⭐947) - Easy to use JavaScript library for DOM manipulation.
- Cycle.js (⭐827) - Functional and reactive JavaScript framework.
- Vue.js (⭐73k) - App framework.
- Marionette.js (⭐154) - App framework.
- PostCSS (⭐429) - CSS tool.
- Draft.js (⭐2.5k) - Rich text editor framework for React.
- choo (⭐200) - App framework.
- Redux (⭐385) - State container for JavaScript apps.
- Browserify (⭐91) - Module bundler.
- Sass (⭐1.9k) - CSS preprocessor.
- Ant Design (⭐3.2k) - Enterprise-class UI design language.
- Less (⭐65) - CSS preprocessor.
- WebGL (⭐1.4k) - JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics.
- Next.js (⭐11k) - Framework for server-rendered React apps.
Back-End Development
- CakePHP (⭐913) - PHP framework.
- Symfony (⭐1.6k) - PHP framework.
- Rails (⭐3.8k) - Web app framework for Ruby.
- Gems (⭐2.8k) - Packages.
- nginx (⭐3.6k) - Web server.
- Apache Wicket (⭐81) - Java web app framework.
- Vert.x (⭐2.2k) - Toolkit for building reactive apps on the JVM.
- Terraform (⭐5.7k) - Tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure.
Computer Science
- Deep Learning (⭐25k) - Neural networks.
- TensorFlow (⭐17k) - Library for machine intelligence.
- TensorFlow.js (⭐170) - WebGL-accelerated machine learning JavaScript library for training and deploying models.
- TensorFlow Lite (⭐1.3k) - Framework that optimizes TensorFlow models for on-device machine learning.
- Papers (⭐26k) - The most cited deep learning papers.
- Education (⭐1.7k)
- Information Retrieval (⭐1.1k) - Learn to develop your own search engine.
Big Data
- Hadoop (⭐1.1k) - Framework for distributed storage and processing of very large data sets.
- Apache Spark (⭐1.8k) - Unified engine for large-scale data processing.
- Recursion Schemes (⭐1.2k) - Traversing nested data structures.
- Atom (⭐1.9k) - Open-source and hackable text editor.
- Visual Studio Code (⭐26k) - Cross-platform open-source text editor.
- Unity (⭐6.8k) - Game engine.
- LÖVE (⭐3.6k) - Game engine.
- Gideros (⭐29) - Game engine.
Development Environment
- Quick Look Plugins (⭐18k) - For macOS.
- Git Add-ons (⭐2k) - Enhance the
- Hyper (⭐11k) - Cross-platform terminal app built on web technologies.
- PowerShell (⭐5k) - Cross-platform object-oriented shell.
- Science Fiction (⭐4.4k) - Scifi.
- MongoDB (⭐2.5k) - NoSQL database.
- TinkerPop (⭐187) - Graph computing framework.
- PostgreSQL (⭐10k) - Object-relational database.
- CouchDB (⭐182) - Document-oriented NoSQL database.
- HBase (⭐172) - Distributed, scalable, big data store.
- Codeface (⭐6.3k) - Text editor fonts.
- GIF (⭐627) - Image format known for animated images.
- Pixel Art (⭐1.1k) - Pixel-level digital art.
- CLI Workshoppers (⭐1.9k) - Interactive tutorials.
- CTF (⭐10k) - Capture The Flag.
- Honeypots (⭐9k) - Deception trap, designed to entice an attacker into attempting to compromise the information systems in an organization.
- Web Security (⭐12k) - Security of web apps & services.
Content Management Systems
- Refinery CMS (⭐34) - Ruby on Rails CMS.
- Textpattern (⭐82) - Lightweight PHP-based CMS.
- Drupal (⭐93) - Extensible PHP-based CMS.
- Craft CMS (⭐538) - Content-first CMS.
- Electric Guitar Specifications (⭐249) - Checklist for building your own electric guitar.
- OKR Methodology (⭐1.7k) - Goal setting & communication best practices.
- Indie (⭐10k) - Independent developer businesses.
- Slack (⭐851) - Team collaboration.
Decentralized Systems
- Bitcoin (⭐1.2k) - Bitcoin services and tools for software developers.
- Ripple (⭐185) - Open source distributed settlement network.
- Non-Financial Blockchain (⭐634) - Non-financial blockchain applications.
- JSON (⭐1.4k) - Text based data interchange format.
- Awesome (⭐350k) - Recursion illustrated.
- Answers (⭐769) - Stack Overflow, Quora, etc.
- Sketch (⭐740) - Design app for macOS.
- Gulp (⭐626) - Task runner.
- AMA (⭐1.4k) - Ask Me Anything.
- OpenGL (⭐2.2k) - Cross-platform API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics.
- Unicode (⭐924) - Unicode standards, quirks, packages and resources.
- Citizen Science (⭐261) - For community-based and non-institutional scientists.
- MQTT (⭐2.2k) - "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol.
- Vorpal (⭐143) - Node.js CLI framework.
- Vulkan (⭐3.4k) - Low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API.
- LaTeX (⭐1.4k) - Typesetting language.
- Economics (⭐1.4k) - An economist's starter kit.
- Colorful (⭐1.1k) - Choose your next color scheme.
- Steam (⭐511) - Digital distribution platform.
- Bots (⭐1.4k) - Building bots.
- DTrace (⭐155) - Dynamic tracing framework.
- Pokémon (⭐618) - Pokémon and Pokémon GO.
- ChatOps (⭐932) - Managing technical and business operations through a chat.
- Falsehood (⭐25k) - Falsehoods programmers believe in.
- Domain-Driven Design (⭐11k) - Software development approach for complex needs by connecting the implementation to an evolving model.
- Quantified Self (⭐2.4k) - Self-tracking through technology.
- SaltStack (⭐527) - Python-based config management system.
- Web Design (⭐2.5k) - For digital designers.
- Creative Coding (⭐13k) - Programming something expressive instead of something functional.
- No-Login Web Apps (⭐2.7k) - Web apps that work without login.
- Free Software (⭐1.8k) - Free as in freedom.
- Framer (⭐587) - Prototyping interactive UI designs.
- Markdown (⭐838) - Markup language.
- Dev Fun (⭐615) - Funny developer projects.
- Magento 2 (⭐1.1k) - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP.
- TikZ (⭐1.6k) - Graph drawing packages for TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt.
- Ad-Free (⭐449) - Ad-free alternatives.
- Prometheus (⭐1.7k) - Open-source monitoring system.
- Ledger (⭐152) - Double-entry accounting on the command-line.
- Uncopyright (⭐553) - Public domain works.
- Open Source Supporters (⭐636) - Companies that offer their tools and services for free to open source projects.
- Design Principles (⭐675) - Create better and more consistent designs and experiences.
- Theravada (⭐156) - Teachings from the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
- inspectIT (⭐24) - Open source Java app performance management tool.
- Prev: Jul 06, 2018
- Next: Jul 04, 2018