Awesome List Updates on Jun 29, 2018
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome
Articles / Templating
- SVG Sprites and Twig Macros in Craft CMS by Sean Smith/Caffeine Creations -
29 June 2018
2. Awesome Design Patterns
General Architecture
- scalable System Design Patterns - Scalable system design techniques.
Micro services & Distributed Systems
- microservices - A pattern language for microservices.
- enterprise Integration Patterns - Patterns and Best Practices for Enterprise Integration.
DevOps & containers
- kubernetes (⭐2k) - Kubernetes Production Patterns.
3. Awesome Javascript
API / Runner
- axios (⭐106k) - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
Animations / Other
- particles.js (⭐29k) - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.
4. Awesome Ember
Packages / Broccoli read
5. Guides
Other / API
Other / Node.js
6. Awesome4girls
Initiatives/Programs / Academy/Camp
BlackHoodie is a free, women only reverse engineering workshop. The motivation behind this workshop is to give female engineers the prospect of a comfortable learning environment. Mostly the topic is complex and comes with a steep learning curve which often demotivates students in the beginning. Thus the idea to host events which would support one of infosec’s minorities, the ladies.
7. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / # individuals
Products/Technologies / R technologies
8. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Developer Utilities
- Sweet.apex (⭐43) - Sweet.apex is the next generation of Apex development, transpiling Sweet Apex(a feature-rich Apex-like code) to Apex classes.
9. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-bootstrap-plugins (⭐46) * A set of plugins to bridge with 3rd party Bootstrap addons - Demo
- aurelia-slickgrid (⭐116) * Slickgrid the best javascript datagrid for performance & customization is now available in Aurelia - Demo
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- nhibernate-core (⭐2.1k) - NHibernate Object Relational Mapper.
- Prev: Jun 30, 2018
- Next: Jun 28, 2018