Awesome List Updates on Jun 23, 2018
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ctf
- Hacking-Lab - Ethical hacking, computer network and security challenge platform.
2. Awesome Hacking
Competition / Other
3. Awesome Talks
Test-Driven Development
- Why You Don't Get Mock Objects by Gregory Moeck (RubyConf 2011) [44:42]
4. Awesome Draft Js
Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js
- Draft.js Annotatable (⭐13) - Out of the box annotation system for Draft.js with support for user-created annotations.
- Draft.js Regex (⭐19) - The set of flexible helpers, like regex, blank lines preventing and pasted HTML clearing.
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Scheduler and Job
- Coravel (⭐3.8k) - .Net Core meets Laravel: Scheduling, Queuing, etc.
6. Awesome Serverless
- Using the Event Gateway to build serverless multi-cloud applications - How the Event Gateway can be used to build multi-cloud applications.
7. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- Appknox - not free
- Virustotal - max 128MB
- Fraunhofer App-ray - not free
- NowSecure Lab Automated - Enterprise tool for mobile app security testing both Android and iOS mobile apps. Lab Automated features dynamic and static analysis on real devices in the cloud to return results in minutes. Not free
- Prev: Jun 24, 2018
- Next: Jun 22, 2018