Awesome List Updates on Jun 13, 2018
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / StreamField
- UWKM Streamfields (⭐33) – A basic set of Wagtail StreamField blocks for fun and profit.
2. Awesome Vapor
Guardian (⭐89) – Modern rate-limiting middleware.
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Talkyard - Create a community, where your users can suggest ideas and get questions answered. And have friendly open-ended discussions and chat (Slack/StackOverflow/Discourse/Reddit/Disqus hybrid). (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.7k))
Software / Miscellaneous
- CUPS - The Common Unix Print System uses Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) to support printing to local and network printers. (Source Code (⭐1.2k))
4. Awesome Cpp
Build Systems
- Bazel - A multi-language, fast and scalable build system from Google. [Apache]
5. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Angular
6. Awesome Flutter
Charts / Image Picker
- FCharts (⭐325) - Beautiful, responsive, animated charts by Keenan Thompson
Top / Game Engine resources
- Cinematic (⭐895) - UI for Movie DB Public API by Aaron Oertel
- Beer-Me-Up (⭐493) - Beer tracking nicely designed by Benoit Letondor
7. Awesome AutoHotkey
Typing / Web
- KeyPress OSD (⭐222) - On-Screen Display which displays every key or mouse button press at a clearly visible text size. Forum thread: link
8. Awesome Design Patterns
DevOps & containers
- best-practices-for-shell-scripts - Best practices for shell scripts.
9. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: react-handsontable (⭐517)
Description: A React wrapper for the the Handsontable spreadsheet component.
Name: vue-handsontable-official (⭐749)
Description: Vue.js wrappers for the Handsontable and Handsontable Pro spreadsheet components.
10. Awesome D3
- metrics-graphics (⭐7.5k) - Optimized for visualizing time-series data [line, scatter, area]
Charts / Third Party
- potion (⭐183) - Collection of React components for composing visualizations
11. Awesome Dotnet
Application Frameworks
- .NET Boxed Framework (⭐721) - .NET Core Extensions and Helper NuGet packages
Application Templates
- .NET Boxed Templates (⭐3.4k) - .NET project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going faster.
12. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
13. Awesome Canvas
Canvas / Examples
- Star Time Lapse Effect [show me the code (⭐6)] • An example about creating a star time-lapse sky using canvas.
- Prev: Jun 14, 2018
- Next: Jun 12, 2018