Awesome List Updates on Jun 09, 2018
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Syntax highlighting packages
- GB303 (⭐133) - GB303 wavetable-based TB-303 style synthesizer for the Nintendo Game Boy.
- GBSlides (⭐30) - A simple Game Boy Powerpoint-like slides viewer.
- Pokered-gbc (⭐145) - Pokémon Red remade with full GBC support.
- StefaN (⭐4) - Fourway Breakout clone.
- desgb (⭐14) - DES encryption.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
- GBC Atari Boxing (⭐3) - Atari 2600 Boxing clone for the Game Boy (Color).
Demos / Syntax highlighting packages
2. Awesome Osint
Other Tools / Steam
- The Harvester (⭐12k) - Gather emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers and SHODAN computer database.
3. Awesome Malware Analysis
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- Exeinfo PE - Packer, compressor detector, unpack info, internal exe tools.
- PE-bear - Reversing tool for PE files.
Browser Malware / Other Resources
- SWF Investigator - Static and dynamic analysis of SWF applications.
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- dotPeek - Free .NET Decompiler and Assembly Browser.
4. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
5. Awesome Design Patterns
General Architecture
- 10 common architectural patterns - 10 Common software architectural patterns in a nutshell.
- reactive design patterns - This website accompanies the book Reactive Design Patterns by Roland Kuhn.
Cloud Architecture
- AWS cloud design patterns - The AWS Cloud Design Patterns (CDP).
Internet of things
- iot-communication-patterns - Strengths and Weaknesses of IoT Communication Patterns.
- design-patterns-for-iot - A Design Pattern Framework for IoT Architecture.
- opensecurityarchitecture - Security Architecture Patterns.
- azure-security - Azure security best practices and patterns.
Other Awesome Lists
- Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the awesome (⭐330k) list.
- Your contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.
6. Awesome Pixel Art
Inspiration / Other
- Lospec palette list - Collection of color palettes for pixel art with examples and artist information.
7. Awesome Db Tools
- DataGrip - Cross-Platform IDE for Databases & SQL by JetBrains.
- DBeaver (⭐42k) - Free universal database manager and SQL client.
- pspg (⭐2.5k) - Postgres Pager.
API / Samples
- Oracle REST Data Services - A mid-tier Java application, ORDS maps HTTP(S) verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) to database transactions and returns any results formatted using JSON.
- prest (⭐4.3k) - Is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go.
- resquel (⭐128) - Easily convert your SQL database into a REST API.
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Samples
- pgmetrics (⭐977) - Collect and display information and stats from a running PostgreSQL server.
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Zabbix
- Orabbix - Orabbix is a plugin designed to work with Zabbix Enterprise Monitor to provide multi-tiered monitoring, performance and availability reporting and measurement for Oracle Databases, along with server performance metrics.
- Pyora (⭐120) - Python script to monitor Oracle Databases.
8. Awesome Coldfusion
Application Frameworks
- CFWheels - An open source CFML framework inspired by Ruby on Rails.
- CFWheels RESTful - CFWheels encourages a conventional RESTful and resourceful style of request handling.
- CFML Package for Sublime Text 3 (⭐115) - CFML syntax highlighting as well as function and tag completions for Sublime Text 3
- CFML Extension for Visual Studio Code - CFML Language extension for VSCode
- CFML Language for Atom (⭐38) - CFML Language plugin for Atom
9. Js Must Watch
10. Awesome Swift
Alert / Barcode
- PopupDialog (⭐4k) - A simple, customizable popup dialog. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
11. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Templates
- AspNetCoreSpa (⭐1.5k) - Asp.Net Core 2+ & Angular 6 SPA with Angular CLI full featured application.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- Dotnet Script (⭐2.7k) - Run C# scripts from the .NET CLI.
12. Awesome Jamstack
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
- Prev: Jun 10, 2018
- Next: Jun 08, 2018