Awesome List Updates on May 24, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Swift
- App Architecture (⭐2.1k) - A sample Code of the App Architecture Book.
Alert / Barcode
- SwiftEntryKit (⭐6.7k) - A simple and versatile pop-up presenter.
2. Awesome Cl
Date and time / Third-party APIs
- cl-date-time-parser (⭐18) - Parse date-time-string, liberally. Hides the difference between date-time formats, and enables to manage date and time as the one date-time format. MIT.
3. Awesome Sre
4. Awesome4girls
General / UX
Geek Girls Carrots – Loc:
Geek Girls Carrots is a global grassroots organisation focused on women in tech and female entrepreneurs. Carrots change the current situation in the IT industry by increasing women’s participation in new technologies. Diversity within teams contributes to boosting innovation and better economic results for the companies. GGC create an international community, by continuous group support, mutual motivation and a friendly environment for personal growth.
5. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Byungjin Park (⭐15) - Software Architect, DevOps Engineer, Hacker, Open Sourcer.
6. Awesome Pascal
- VerySimple.Lua (⭐124).
Lua Wrapper for Delphi XE5-D10.1 which automatically creates OOP callback functions for Delphi <-> Lua. // LUA DLL required
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- Project Magician. Wizard for advanced project options manipulation.
- Selective Debugging. Wizard that allows to tune for which units their debug version will be used.
- MMX Code Explorer. Feature-rich productivity enhancing plugin. Includes refactoring, class browser, advanced editing, metrict and many more.
- FormResource. Wizard that helps storing various data as form resources.
7. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Web
- SSHmon (⭐172)
- Real-time GUI to monitor SSH connections and establish port forwardings.
8. Awesome
Articles / Publications
- Introduction to Craft CMS (⭐83) by Jérôme Coupé/Webstoemp (on Github)
Articles / Templating
- Tips for Craft multilingual websites by Jérôme Coupé/Webstoemp -
15 Jul 2015
- Combined searches and filters using Craft by Jérôme Coupé/Webstoemp -
17 Feb 2016
Praises / Tutorials
- Why Craft? by Jérôme Coupé/Webstoemp -
17 Jun 2015
9. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / JavaScript SDK
- Prev: May 25, 2018
- Next: May 23, 2018