Awesome List Updates on May 08, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- gcalcli (⭐3.2k) - Google Calendar command line interface
2. Awesome Mqtt
- moxy (⭐23) - A Golang MQTT proxy providing useful output traces to monitor and troubleshoot your MQTT communications.
Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- homeeToMqtt (⭐10) - Bidirectional Interface between homee and MQTT.
3. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / General Purpose
- CDK (Chemistry Development Kit) - Algorithms for structural chemo- and bioinformatics, implemented in Java.
Libraries / Visualization
- JChemPaint (⭐106) - Chemical 2D structure editor application/applet based on the Chemistry Development Kit.
4. Awesome Swift
- SpriteKitEasingSwift (⭐119) - Better Easing for SpriteKit.
Images / Barcode
- BlockiesSwift (⭐64) - Unique blocky identicons/profile picture generator.
Text / Barcode
- Croc (⭐129) - A lightweight Emoji parsing and querying library.
5. Awesome Ember
Packages / Automation
- ember-cli-dependency-lint (⭐83) - Lint your app's addon dependencies, making sure you only have one version of each.
Packages / End-user customization
- ember-wormhole (⭐284) - Render a child view somewhere else in the DOM.
Packages / Helpers
- ember-cli-string-helpers (⭐75) - Set of the String helpers extracted from DockYard's ember-composable-helpers.
Packages / Articles
Packages / Videos
6. Awesome Laravel
Conferences / Third-party Service Integration
7. Awesome Css Learning
- Laying Out The Future With Grid And Flexbox - Introduction of a new layout system encompassing Flexbox, CSS Grid and the Box Alignment Module.
8. Awesome Machine Learning
.NET / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- GeneticSharp (⭐1.3k) - Multi-platform genetic algorithm library for .NET Core and .NET Framework. The library has several implementations of GA operators, like: selection, crossover, mutation, reinsertion and termination.
- ML.NET (⭐9.1k) - ML.NET is a cross-platform open-source machine learning framework which makes machine learning accessible to .NET developers. ML.NET was originally developed in Microsoft Research and evolved into a significant framework over the last decade and is used across many product groups in Microsoft like Windows, Bing, PowerPoint, Excel and more.
- Vulpes (⭐116) - Deep belief and deep learning implementation written in F# and leverages CUDA GPU execution with Alea.cuBase.
9. Awesome Vapor
Vapor reCAPTCHA (⭐11) – Validate Google reCAPTCHAs using Vapor.
Vapor Request Storage (⭐7) – A replacement for
which was available in Vapor 1 & 2.
- Prev: May 09, 2018
- Next: May 07, 2018