Awesome List Updates on May 02, 2018
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Web APIs
- PubChemPy - Python wrapper for the PubChem PUG REST API.
- ChemSpiPy - Python wrapper for the ChemSpider API.
Resources / Blogs
- So much to do, so little time - Trying to squeeze sense out of chemical data - Bolg of Rajarshi Guha, who is a research scientist at NIH Center for Advancing Translational Science. * Some old blogs 1 2.
- Macs in Chemistry - Provide a resource for chemists using Apple Macintosh computers.
See Also / Books
- awesome-python-chemistry (⭐999) - Another list focuses on Python stuff related to Chemistry.
2. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust
- OrbCAD SQL Server to GTFS-realtime (⭐16) - A Java-based command-line utility that extracts vehicle positions and trip updates information from an OrbCAD SQL Server and exports them to the GTFS-realtime TripUpdates and VehiclePositions formats.
3. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Podcasts
- Podcast.init Episode 58 - Wagtail with Tom Dyson - In this episode Tom Dyson explains how Wagtail came to be created, what sets it apart from other options, and when you should implement it for your projects.
4. Awesome ad Free
Resources / Articles
5. Awesome Embedded Rust
Firmware projects / WIP
- anne-key (⭐568): Alternate keyboard firmware for the Obins ANNE Pro
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Android Programming Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
C++ / Non-X86
- C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
F Sharp / Phoenix
- F# Succinctly, SyncFusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
iOS / Bootstrap
- iOS Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
JavaScript / jQuery
- jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
JavaScript / Node.js
- Node.js Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
Linux / TeX
- Linux Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
MATLAB / PicoLisp
- MATLAB Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
Objective-C / PicoLisp
- Objective-C Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
PostgreSQL / Zend
- Postgres Succinctly (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
PowerShell / Zend
- PowerShell Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
R / Tornado
- R Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
Scala / Sinatra
- The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless - Dave Gurnell (PDF, HTML, EPUB) (email address requested, not required)
Scala / Play Scala
- Essential Play - Dave Gurnell (PDF, HTML, EPUB) (email address requested, not required)
TypeScript / Vapor
- TypeScript Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
7. Awesome Cl
Apps / Third-party APIs
- wiki-lang-detect (⭐31) - Text language identification using Wikipedia data. No license specified.
8. Awesome Amazon Alexa
- AVS-server (⭐19) - Node.js web server for interacting with the Alexa Voice Service.
- AVS-client (⭐13) - Front-end application for interacting with Alexa Voice Service.
- SSMLOL (⭐3) - MP3 file validator for Alexa SSML <audio> tags.
- Jovo Framework (⭐1.6k) - Build cross-platform apps for Alexa and Google Home.
- Alexa Smart Home SDK (⭐11) - An Alexa Skill Generator for IoT.
- AssistantJS (⭐110) - TypeScript framework to build cross-platform voice applications.
- alexa-avs-sample-app - This project provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you build a hands-free Alexa Voice Service (AVS) prototype in 60 minutes.
- alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-java (⭐795) - SDK and example code for building voice-enabled skills for the Amazon Echo.
- ask-alexa-pykit (⭐273) - A minimalist SDK for developing skills for the Amazon Echo's ASK.
- alexa-skill-kit (⭐282) - Library for effortless Alexa Skill development with AWS Lambda.
- alexa-home (⭐247) - Using Amazon Echo to control the home!
- go-alexa (⭐255) - A collection of Amazon Echo / Alexa tools for Go development.
- AlexaAndroid (⭐278) - A library and sample app to abstract access to the Amazon Alexa service for Android applications.
- arduino-esp8266-alexa-wemo-switch (⭐271) - Amazon Alexa + WeMos switch made with Arduino D1 Mini.
- MacLexa (⭐193) - Put Amazon's Alexa in the Mac System Tray, uses Alexa Voice Service and built with Swift.
- Alexa-Chromecast-Skill-2.0 (⭐323) - Allows Amazon Alexa to control Google Chromecast, designed for Raspberry Pi.
- AlexaSkillsKit.NET (⭐211) - .NET library that simplifies Alexa skills development; same object model as Amazon's AlexaSkillsKit for Java.
- alexa-rubykit (⭐156) - Amazon Echo Alexa's App Kit Ruby Implementation.
- SwiftOnLambda (⭐108) - Use Swift to define an Amazon Lambda function, and an Alexa Custom Skill.
- alexa-skills-dotnet (⭐525) - An Amazon Alexa Skills SDK for .NET.
- ralyxa (⭐180) - A Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa.
- alexacast (⭐110) - Chromecast support for Amazon Alexa.
- alexa-assistant - Implementation of the Google Assistant SDK as an Alexa skill.
- haaska (⭐247) - Home Assistant Alexa Skill Adapter.
- ASK-HackerNews (⭐13) - An Alexa Skills Kit app to read the top Hacker News headlines.
- Alexa-ChromeControl - Control your chrome browser via your Amazon Echo.
- alexa-skill-jenkins (⭐10) - Alexa Skill that tells Who broke the Jenkins build.
- ASK-fortune (⭐3) - Read a random, hopefully interesting, adage.
- gmail-on-alexa (⭐5) - Gmail skill for Amazon Alexa.
- alexa-plex (⭐150) - Alexa (Amazon Echo) app for interacting with a Plex Server and controlling client playback.
- trash-talk (⭐6) - 100 greatest movie insults of all time to motivate you.
- AlexaMakeMeASandwich (⭐26) - Chrome Extension that turns your Amazon Echo into a Sandwich Artisan.
- LIFX-Alexa-Skill (⭐21) - An Alexa Skill created for the Amazon Echo that allows you to control your LIFX Lightbulbs.
- EarthquakeInfoSkill (⭐9) - Amazon Echo (Alexa) skill to read out recent earthquakes in the world.
- alexaHomeboy (⭐10) - Alexa Lambda Function for communicating with IFTTT maker channel.
- RokuAlexaLambdaSkill (⭐102) - An Alexa Skill that allows voice control of your Roku.
- alexa-sonos (⭐21) - An Alexa app to control a Sonos.
- RottingTomatoes (⭐0) - Alexa skill that tells you various info about movies.
- ktd-piggy-bank (⭐1) - An Alexa Skill to query the value of a Piggy Bank in Numerous.
- dominos-alexa-skill - An Alexa Skill to track your Domino's orders.
- bf-helper (⭐0) - An Alexa Skill to help Basic Fantasy RPG players with various tasks involved in setting up characters and navigating rules.
- EchoMovieDialog (⭐2) - Amazon Echo skill: Alexa engages in a dialog using movie quotes.
- alexa-coho (⭐62) - Sample code for building skill adapters for Alexa Connected Home using the Lighting API.
- asana-alexa-skill (⭐12) - Alexa Skill for Asana.
- alexa-against-humanity (⭐1) - Ask Alexa to randomly pick white or black cards from Cards Against Humanity.
- echo-venmo (⭐5) - Amazon Echo Skill for Venmo.
- Uber-Alexa-Skill (⭐13) - An Alexa skill for calling an Uber ride.
- npmAlexa (⭐0) - Alexa app to ping NPM API.
- 1minuteMindfullnessSkill (⭐7) - Skill code for Alexa Skill: 1 minute Mindfulness.
- codeword-alexa-skill (⭐0) - Generate code words using Alexa.
- alexa-league (⭐1) - Alexa Skill for Riot API.
- alexa-astro (⭐1) - Ask your Amazon Echo about the night sky.
- alexa_metar (⭐7) - Read ADDS METARs aloud on an Amazon Echo.
- alexa-qrz (⭐3) - An Alexa Skill to lookup FCC license information.
- alexa-airportinfo (⭐62) - This skill uses the FAA API to report the current weather, and any delays, for a given airport code.
- alexa-ha (⭐89) - An Amazon Echo skill for controlling your Home Automation via voice.
- alexia-starter-kit (⭐16) - Starter Kit project with sample Amazon Echo skill created using Alexia Framework. Contains eslint config, sample intent structure, unit tests and more.
- geemusic (⭐672) - A bridge between Google Music and Amazon's Alexa.
- ASK Dev Weekly - Subscribe to a hand picked round up of the best Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) development links every week.
- Love My Echo - Love My Echo is the first consumer-oriented site dedicated to the Amazon Echo: what it is, what it does, and how to get the most from it.
- Alexa Voice Service (AVS) with cURL - Tutorial on interacting with Alexa Voice Service over cURL.
- Alexa Voice Service (AVS) Authentication - Tutorial on Alexa Voice Service authentication.
- How to create an Alexa Skill using Alexia Framework - Tutorial on using the Alexia framework.
- How to create a cross-platform voice app using Assistant.js (⭐110) - Tutorial on using Assistant.js.
- AWS re:Invent 2015 | (MBL301) Creating Voice Experiences Using Amazon Alexa - Learn about creating good user experiences on Alexa.
- AWS re:Invent 2015 | (MBL310) Alexa Voice Service Under the Hood - Learn more about Alexa in-depth.
- Introduction to Voice Design with Amazon's Alexa - Introduction to Alexa Voice Design.
Easter Eggs
- Alexa Easter Eggs - A list of Alexa easter eggs.
9. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Tutorials
- Kubernetes examples (⭐6.3k) - Deployment tutorial of a basic Node.js and MongoDB web stack on Kubernetes
10. Awesome Android
Data binding
- Data Binding Library - Official Android Data Binding Library to write declarative layouts and minimize the glue code necessary to bind application logic and layouts.
- Pull to refresh - A swipe refresh layout is available in the v4 support library.
GUI / View Pagers
- Material Dots Indicators (⭐2.8k) - Three Material Dots Indicators styles for View Pagers.
Networking / Field Validation
- Android Volley - Official Android HTTP library that makes networking for easier and faster.
Other / Custom Dialog
- Android Support library - The Android Support Library package is a set of code libraries that provide backward-compatible versions of Android framework API.
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Device Art Generator - Wraps app screenshots in real device artwork.
- Pencil Project - An open source prototyping software.
11. Awesome Web Security
- uxss-db (⭐634) - Collection of UXSS CVEs with PoCs by @Metnew.
12. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Eloquent Filter (⭐1.5k) - Filter models and their Relationships
13. Awesome Free Software
Resources / Articles
- 'Libre' Software: Turning Fads into Institutions? - Academic article presenting an economic analysis of libre software and its sustainability.
- Prev: May 03, 2018
- Next: May 01, 2018