Awesome List Updates on Apr 20, 2018
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Javascript Learning
Videos / Single Topics
- Understand JavaScript's this Keyword in Depth - 18 minutes divided into 8 short videos to wrap you head around
DOM related / Single Topics
- Traversing the DOM with JavaScript - A tutorial featuring native methods to traverse the DOM.
2. Awesome Framer
- How to Create High‑Quality GIFs - How to Create High‑Quality GIFs, our guide to making amazing GIFs with some of our favorite tools: ScreenFlow and Claquette.
- Framer StatusBarLayer (⭐52) - Module for generating accurate, customizable status bars for iOS app prototypes.
- framer keyboardEvents (⭐10) - Hassle-free keyboard bindings for Framer: No need to look up keyCodes; supports 100+ keys with minimal performance impact.
- Framer Joystick (⭐15) - Module for Gamepad-driven UI prototypes.
- Framer Feedback (⭐20) - Framer feedback module makes it easier for you to prototype with feedback messages.
- Framer-Bottom-Navigation (⭐8) - Framer Module to add Android's Bottom Navigation to your project.
- Framer Device Rotator (⭐1) - A Framer module that adds a rotation button to a phone/tablet when said is displayed in a desktop browser or in Framer Studio (but not on device).
- Keyboard Input for Framer (⭐10) - A module that allows you to easily manage keyboard input.
- Framer DesignComponents (⭐30) - Module for converting your designs in design mode into full scalable classes in code, without a single line of code!.
- Framer Web Audio API Module (⭐6) - A Framer module that provides better audio support for your Framer projects.
- Framer Status Bar Module (⭐2) - Module to initialize a status bar in a Framer application.
- Framer Android Picker (⭐7) - An Android Picker Module.
- Yummy Framer - Yummy provides custom layer functions such as LoadViews, LoadNextView, Fade & Move Layer.
- Framer Font Loader (⭐30) - Painlessly, reliably load local and web fonts into Framer prototypes.
- Framer Form (⭐107) - Give your Framer prototypes a third dimension.
UI Libraries
- Framework (⭐30) - A general-purpose component kit for Framer.
- iOS Kit - Readymade elements for starting your next iOS app. Direct link.
- Android Kit - Material Design elements for your next Android app. Direct link.
- Web Kit - All the elements you’ll need to start your next web project. Direct link.
- Wireframe Kit - Basic wireframe elements to blueprint your next big project. Direct link.
3. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- iocextract (⭐495) - Advanced Indicator of Compromise (IOC) extractor, Python library and command-line tool.
4. Awesome Laravel
Community / Local User Groups
5. Awesome Regression Testing
Slideshows, talks and videos (a-z↓)
- Visual Regression Testing - from a tool to a process by Nikhil Verma - How the Mobile Web team in Badoo converted and integrated PhantomCSS into their workflow and connected it to their CI process.
6. Awesome Network Analysis
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Connectome - Comprehensive maps of neural connections.
Journals / Topic-specific
- Journal of Complex Networks (Oxford, gated).
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- Large Graphs and Networks - Research group at the Catholic University of Louvain (official page).
- Murata Laboratory - Tokyo-based research group, studying bi-, tri- and k-partite (hyper)networks.
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- Positional Analysis and Blockmodeling (Computational Complexity, 2012).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Networks in Social Psychology, Beginning with Kurt Lewin (Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014).
- Urban Social Networks: Some Methodological Problems and Possibilities (The Small World, 1989).
Software / C / C++
- OpenOrd: Large-scale Graph Layout (formerly DrL) - C++ algorithm, also available as a Gephi plugin.
Varia / Tutorials
- Convert Between Graph Formats - Online service to convert from/to many different common graph formats.
Varia / Network Science
- The ‘New’ Science of Networks - Review of network science books published in 2002-2003.
7. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Non-dedicated
- Apache JMeter - Popular load testing tool, you can get real-time results sent to a backend through the InfluxDBBackendListenerClient which allows you to send metrics (active threads, response time ...) to an InfluxDB Backend using UDP or HTTP protocols
8. Awesome Swift
App Routing
- Linker (⭐139) - Lightweight way to handle internal and external deeplinks for iOS.
Multi Database
- Shallows (⭐623) - Your lightweight persistence toolbox.
Other Data
- StorageManager (⭐50) - Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database.
Images / Barcode
- ImageScout (⭐974) - Implementation of fastimage - supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
Localization / Barcode
- Localize (⭐291) - Localize apps using e.g. regular expressions in Localizable.strings.
Text / Barcode
- PredicateFlow (⭐102) - PredicateFlow is a builder that allows you to write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate.
UI / Barcode
- RetroProgress (⭐18) - Retro looking progress bar straight from the 90s.
Alert / Barcode
- PMAlertController (⭐2.5k) - PMAlertController is a great and customizable substitute to UIAlertController.
Button / Barcode
- PMSuperButton (⭐724) - A powerful UIButton with super powers, customizable from Storyboard.
9. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Pomotroid (⭐4.2k) - Pomodoro timer.
For Electron / Other
- chromium-net-errors (⭐21) - Chromium's network errors as custom error classes.
10. Awesome Nodejs
Related lists / Miscellaneous
- awesome-npm (⭐4.5k) - Resources and tips for using npm.
- awesome-cross-platform-nodejs (⭐1.2k) - Resources for writing and testing cross-platform code.
11. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Krzysztof Cieslak (⭐8) - Software developer, consultant, founder of Lambda Factory, author of Ionide, Forge, Fornax, project owner and maintainer of VSCode-Elm, contributor to many OSS projects, international speaker.
12. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Index
- Pilosa (⭐2.5k) Open source distributed bitmap index that dramatically accelerates queries across multiple, massive data sets.
13. Awesome Recursion Schemes
Implementations / Hylomorphisms in the Wild
- Katalyst (⭐22) for Kotlin - a re-envisioning based off Matryoshka using lightweight higher kinded polymorphism.
- Prev: Apr 21, 2018
- Next: Apr 19, 2018