Awesome List Updates on Apr 14, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mongodb
Tools / Administration
- pt-mongodb-query-digest - Aggregates queries from query profiler and reports query usage statistics
- pt-mongodb-summary - MongoDB cluster status overview command line tool
2. Awesome Sre
3. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers
- Zarp (⭐1.4k) - Network attack tool centered around the exploitation of local networks.
- dnstwist (⭐4.9k) - Domain name permutation engine for detecting typo squatting, phishing and corporate espionage.
Network Tools / Protocol Analyzers and Sniffers
- Netzob (⭐768) - Reverse engineering, traffic generation and fuzzing of communication protocols.
Network Tools / Proxies and Machine-in-the-Middle (MITM) Tools
- Morpheus (⭐849) - Automated ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking tool.
- SSH MITM (⭐1.6k) - Intercept SSH connections with a proxy; all plaintext passwords and sessions are logged to disk.
4. Machine Learning with Ruby
✨ Tutorials
Machine Learning Libraries / Frameworks
- machine_learning_workbench (⭐20) - Growing machine learning framework written in pure Ruby, high performance computing using Numo, CUDA bindings through Cumo (⭐94). Currently implementating neural networks, evolutionary strategies, vector quantization, and plenty of examples and utilities.
- Deep NeuroEvolution (⭐125) - Experimental setup based on the machine_learning_workbench (⭐20) towards searching for deep neural networks (rather than training) using evolutionary algorithms. Applications to the OpenAI Gym (⭐35k) using PyCall (⭐1.1k).
Machine Learning Libraries / Neural networks
- machine_learning_workbench (⭐20) - Framework including pure-Ruby implementation of both feed-forward and recurrent neural networks (fully connected). Training available using neuroevolution (Natural Evolution Strategies algorithms).
Machine Learning Libraries / Evolutionary algorithms
- machine_learning_workbench (⭐20) - Framework including pure-Ruby implementations of Natural Evolution Strategy algorithms (black-box optimization), specifically Exponential NES (XNES), Separable NES (sNES), Block-Diagonal NES (BDNES) and more. Applications include neural network search/training (neuroevolution).
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search
- 2015
- Machine Learning made simple with Ruby by Lorenzo Masini [post]
- Using Ruby Machine Learning to Find Paris Hilton Quotes by Rick Carlino [tutorial]
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mail
- netDumbster (⭐122) - a .Net Fake SMTP Server used for testing. Clone of the popular Dumbster.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- CsvHelper (⭐4.7k) - Library to help reading and writing CSV files.
6. Awesome Ansible
Blog posts and opinions
- Ansible Best Practices by AndiDog - Practices covering many aspects of an Ansible setup, including hints to support different environments (testing, staging, production).
7. Awesome Dotnet
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- Testura.Code (⭐297) - Wrapper around the Roslyn API and used for generation, saving and compiling C# code. It provides methods and helpers to generate classes, methods, statements and expressions.
8. Awesome Roslyn
Open Source Projects
- OmniSharp - Enables a cross platform .NET development in the editor of your choice. A family of open source projects, each with one goal: To enable a great .NET experience in your editor of choice.
- roslyn-linq-rewrite (⭐703) - Compiles C# code by first rewriting the syntax trees of LINQ expressions using plain procedural code. This increases performance by minimizes heap allocations and dynamic dispatch.
- SharpLab - .NET code playground. Displays intermediate steps and results of code compilation. Shows the code as compiler sees it. Allows selecting different branches and versions of Roslyn. Runs C#, VB.NET, and F# code in the browser.
Open Source Analyzers, Code Fixes, and Refactorings
- .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Analyzers (⭐1.3k) - Diagnostic analyzers developed by the Roslyn team. Initially developed to help flesh out the design and implementation of the static analysis APIs. The analyzers cover code quality, .NET Core, desktop .NET Framework, comments in code, and more.
- Refactoring Essentials for Visual Studio (⭐640) - Refactorings, analyzers and code fixes for C# and VB.NET.
9. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- Netflix/ribbon 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐4.4k) - Remote procedure call library with built in software load balancers.
- Prev: Apr 15, 2018
- Next: Apr 13, 2018