Awesome List Updates on Apr 07, 2018
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- q (⭐67) - Vim like macro registers for your Bash and Zsh Shell
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- licins (⭐23) - Insert commented software licenses into source code.
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- progress (⭐8.1k) - Linux tool to show progress for
, and more...
- stronghold (⭐1k) - Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- xiringuito (⭐1.1k) - SSH-based "VPN for poors"
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- adb-export (⭐101) - Export Android content providers to CSV format
Games / Directory Navigation
- piu-piu (⭐721) - Horizontal scroller game in bash with multiplayer mode!
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- phases (⭐13) - Minimally invasive bash preprocessor, select sections of your script to run
2. Awesome Ddd
Video Collections
- KanDDDinsky - A YouTube collection of talks given at KanDDDinsky.
3. Awesome Crystal
- carbon (⭐85) - Fun, testable, and adapter-based email library
4. Awesome Cl
Event processing / Third-party APIs
- cl-flow (⭐50) - Data-flowish computation tree library for non-blocking concurrent Common Lisp. MIT.
5. Awesome Vapor
- Swifter (⭐38) – A macOS tool to help you manage your Xcode projects and give you a quick access to DerivedData folder cleaning and management.
6. Awesome Pyramid
Web frontend integration
- PyramidVue (⭐36) - Pyramid and VueJs (JavaScript) template with Hot-Module-Replacement starter template.
- Prev: Apr 08, 2018
- Next: Apr 06, 2018