Awesome List Updates on Mar 30, 2018
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Testing & Debugging
- Laravel TestTools - Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app
- Laravel Test Factory Generator (⭐922) - Generate Laravel test factories from your existing models
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Laravel Video Chat (⭐751) - Video Chat using Socket.IO and WebRTC
- Widgets for Laravel (⭐1.1k) - A powerful alternative to view composers.
Popular Packages / Media & Document Management
- Intervention Image (⭐13k) - Image handling library for creating, editing and composing images
- Laravel Glide (⭐371) - Easily convert images with Glide
- Laravel MediaLibrary (⭐5.1k) - Associate files with Eloquent models
- Laravel Snappy (⭐2.3k) - HTML to PDF generator using wkhtmltopdf
- Laravel DOMPDF (⭐5.5k) - HTML to PDF generator using dompdf (⭐9.2k)
- Laravel Stapler (⭐565) - ORM-based file upload manager
- Laravel Excel (⭐11k) - Import and export Excel and CSV files
Popular Packages / Monitoring
- Horizon (⭐3.5k) - Monitor and configure queues with a simple web UI
- Laravel Failed Job Monitor (⭐729) - Get notified when a queued job fails
- Laravel Uptime Monitor (⭐924) - A powerful and easy to configure uptime and ssl monitor
Application Hosting / Third-party Service Integration
Starter Projects / Videos
2. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors
- CotEditor - Lightweight plain-text editor for macOS.
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- CodeKit - Web development tool for compiling and auto-refreshing.
- PaintCode - Vector drawing app that generates Objective-C or Swift code in real time.
- SnippetsLab - Easy-to-use code snippets manager.
- StarUML - Powerful UML app.
- Swiftify - Objective-C to Swift code converter and Xcode & Finder extensions.
Developer Tools / API Development and Analysis
- Insomnia - The most intuitive cross-platform REST API Client.
Developer Tools / Command Line Tools
- bash-it (⭐14k) - Shameless ripoff of oh-my-zsh for bash.
- Glances (⭐27k) - Glances is a cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool.
- htop (⭐5.9k) - htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
- lnav - A log file navigator.
Developer Tools / Version Control
- Cornerstone - Powerful version control with a gorgeous interface.
- GitX-dev - Fork of Pieter's (⭐1.8k) nice git GUI for OS X. Includes branch/tag sidebar and various fixes.
Developer Tools / Databases
- Core Data Editor (⭐2.1k) - Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data.
- MDB Explorer - MDB tool to open, read, export your MDB files to other formats and databases.
- Medis - GUI Manager for Redis.
- - The easiest way to get started with mongoDB on the Mac.
- MySQL Workbench - The official MySQL GUI.
- - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac.
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Rambox - Messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.
- Signal Desktop - Fast, simple, secure. Privacy that fits in your pocket.
Communication / Email Clients
- Polymail - Simple, beautiful and powerful email client.
Data Recovery Tools / File Sharing
- DiskWarrior - The world’s most advanced repair and recovery tool for Mac.
Download Management Tools / Audio Record and Process
- Downie - Video downloader for macOS with support for YouTube and other 1200 sites.
- qBittorrent - A project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to µTorrent.
Translation Tools / Audio Record and Process
- iTranslate - Translate entire website instantly with its built-in browser or with iTranslate Safari extension into over 40 languages.
Security Tools / Audio Record and Process
- KextViewer - View all modules on that are loaded in the OS kernel.
- LockDown - Open-source tool for El Capitan that audits and remediates security configuration settings.
Utilities / Clipboard Tools
- CopyQ - Clipboard Manager with Advanced Features.
- iPaste - Lightweight and efficient clipboard tool.
Utilities / File Organization Tools
- The Unarchiver - Unarchive many different kinds of archive files.
Utilities / To-Do Lists
- Day-O 2 - Menu bar clock replacement with built-in calendar.
- TaskPaper - Plain text to-do lists.
Utilities / Productivity
- Ukelele - Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor.
Utilities / System Related Tools
- HandShaker - Mac on the management of Android mobile phone content.
- Paragon NTFS - Read/write access to NTFS in macOS Sierra.
- Tuxera NTFS - Full read-write compatibility with NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac.
3. Awesome Android
Kotlin / Custom Dialog
- Android Clean Architecture - Kotlin (⭐330) - A base project using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture with Kotlin language and the latest Android technologies.
4. Awesome Hacking
Web / Other
- Hack The Box - a free site to perform pentesting in a variety of different systems.
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Functional Programming
- DynamicData (⭐1.7k) - Reactive collections based on Rx.NET.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Template Engine
- dotliquid (⭐1k) - .NET Port of Tobias Lütke's Liquid template language.
- fluid (⭐1.4k) - Open-source .NET template engine that is as close as possible to the Liquid template language.
6. Awesome Shell
Shell Script Development / See also
- Prev: Mar 31, 2018
- Next: Mar 29, 2018