Awesome List Updates on Mar 18, 2018
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Swift
- Bond (⭐4.2k) - Binding framework.
Layout / Barcode
- LayoutLess (⭐432) - Write less UI Code.
Maps / Barcode
- LocoKit (⭐1.5k) - A location and activity recording framework for iOS.
Math / Barcode
- Upsurge (⭐183) - Simple and fast matrix and vector math.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- Blueprints (⭐991) - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.
Utility / Barcode
- Delegated (⭐703) - Closure-based delegation without memory leaks.
2. Awesome Vscode
Java / More
JavaScript / More
IntelliSense / More
Twig / More
Other extensions / Smarty Template Support
- PHP Debug - XDebug extension for Visual Studio Code
Read more / Smarty Template Support
UI / Gradle Tasks
3. Awesome Serverless
Serverless Framework Plugins
- Go serverless (⭐20) - GoFormation for the Serverless Framework. Create Serverless configs with Go structs.
4. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Document Management - Institutional Repository and Digital Library Software
- Samvera Hyrax - Front-end for the Samvera framework, which itself is a Ruby on Rails application for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories. (Source Code (⭐186))
5. Awesome Sre
6. Awesome Saltstack
- SaltStack - Quick Guide - Part of the larger "Learn SaltStack"-tutorial at Tutorials Point.
- Prev: Mar 19, 2018
- Next: Mar 17, 2018