Awesome List Updates on Feb 14, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Maintainers
- @kennethreitz, requests (⭐48k)
- "The Reality of Developer Burnout" (post)
2. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- XO (⭐7.7k) - Enforce strict code style using the JavaScript happiness style.
3. Awesome Jvm
Nix tools
- bcc (⭐16k) - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more.
4. Awesome Dotnet
- ConsoleTableExt (⭐332) - Fluent library to create table for .Net console application.
5. Awesome Vehicle Security
Miscellaneous / Episodes
- PandwaRF - PandwaRF is a pocket-sized, portable RF analysis tool operating the sub-1 GHz range. It allows the capture, analysis and re-transmission of RF via an Android device or a Linux PC. Capture any data in ASK/OOK/MSK/2-FSK/GFSK modulation from the 300-928 MHz band.
6. Awesome Humane Tech
- Security Belt (⭐73) - A framework for improving the IT-Security of your teams through gamification.
7. Awesome Dataviz
JavaScript tools / React
- React Svg Textures (⭐29) - Textures.js ported to React. Fully isomorphic.
8. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
- How Does The TensorFlow Work How Does The Machine Learning Library TensorFlow Work?
9. Awesome Nextjs
- Next Plugin Graphql (⭐57) - Next.js plugin for .graphql and .gql files using graphql-tag
- Next With Apollo (⭐765) - Apollo Graphql integration for Next.js
- Prev: Feb 15, 2018
- Next: Feb 13, 2018