Awesome List Updates on Feb 06, 2018
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- Cryptocurrency Jobs - Location filter -> Remote
2. Awesome Ocaml
Security and Cryptography
- Digestif (⭐88) - Hash algorithms (like SHA* or BLAKE2*) in OCaml and C.
3. Awesome Ros2
Presentations / ROS Industrial Conference 2017
- micro Robot Operating System: ROS for highly resource-constrained devices Slides
- ROS2 - it's coming Slides
Presentations / ROSCon 2017
Presentations / ROSCon 2016
Presentations / ROSCon 2015
4. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Drawing / Others
- Witeboard - A real-time whiteboard for your team. No signups required.
5. Awesome Maintainers
- @janl, CouchDB (⭐5.5k)
- "Sustainable Open Source: The Maintainers Perspective or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love Open Source" (post)
- @steveklabnik, Ruby on Rails (⭐52k)
- "How to be an open source gardener" (post)
6. Awesome Javascript
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- hyperapp (⭐19k) - 1kb JavaScript library for building frontend applications.
API / Runner
- Rails Ranger (⭐32) - An opinionated REST client for Ruby on Rails APIs.
7. Awesome Cl
- dufy (⭐45) - exact color manipulation and conversion in various color models. MIT.
8. Awesome React Native
Blogs / Navigation Demos
- - Show and tell for React Native developers
9. Awesome Cpp
- SQLiteC++ (⭐2.3k) - SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper. [MIT]
- sqlite_modern_cpp (⭐912) - Header only C++14 wrapper around sqlite library. [MIT]
10. Awesome Webgl
Others / Particles
- ClayGL - WebGL graphic Library for building scalable Web3D applications.
- Prev: Feb 07, 2018
- Next: Feb 05, 2018