Awesome List Updates on Jan 28, 2018
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Esolangs
- Emojicode - Full-blown programming language consisting of emojis.
2. Awesome D3
Charts / Third Party
- ngx-charts (⭐4.2k) - Chart framework for Angular [bar, pie, line, area, polar, stacked, bubble]
3. Awesome R
HTML Widgets
- highcharter (⭐723) - R wrapper for highcharts based on htmlwidgets
- tigris (⭐325) - Download and use Census TIGER/Line shapefiles in R
4. Awesome Cpp
Build Systems
- Hunter - CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C++. [BSD-2]
5. Awesome Cl
- Minispec - A friendlier, but less-complete, version of CLHS. Also contains documentation for some commonly-used CL libraries (such as Alexandria).
6. Engineering Blogs
Products/Technologies / B technologies
7. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Editors
- Micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor. (Source Code (⭐25k))
8. Awesome Dev Fun
- No More Secrets (⭐5.2k) - A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
9. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-r-mask (⭐22) - Directive with template similar to javascript regular expression.
10. Awesome Hbase
Integrations / Transactions
- Crunch (⭐103) - HBase adapters for Crunch.
- Gearpump (⭐298) - Gearpump integration for HBase.
11. Sublime Bookmarks
Extensions / JavaScript Profile
- JavaScript Enhancements (⭐636) — plugin that offers smart javascript autocomplete, real-time errors and, also, a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects (such as Cordova, Ionic, React, etc.). It uses Flow (⭐22k) (javascript static type checker from Facebook) under the hood.
- Prev: Jan 29, 2018
- Next: Jan 27, 2018