Awesome List Updates on Feb 20 - Feb 26, 2017
47 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Laravel
Conferences / Third-party Service Integration
2. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: Industrial Control System Security (⭐1.7k)
Description: List of resources related to Industrial Control System (ICS) security
3. Awesome Ruby
State Machines
- state_machines (⭐823) - Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class.
4. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Industrial Control System Security (⭐28) - A curated list of resources related to Industrial Control System (ICS) security.
5. Vertx Awesome
Vert.x Event Bus Clients
- Java (⭐120) - Event bus support in JavaScript through Java code.
- VertxUI (⭐120) - A pure Java front-end toolkit with descriptive fluent views-on-models, POJO traffic, JUnit testing on the virtual DOM or mixed-language on a real DOM, and more.
6. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In German
- Logbuch:Netzpolitik - Weekly podcast about netpolitics.
7. Awesome Gbdev
Peripherals / Opcodes
- The Game Boy Printer - An in-depth technical document about the printer hardware, the communication protocol and the usual routine that games used for implementing the print feature.
ASM / Music drivers and trackers
ASM / Timings
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- ArduinoGameBoy (⭐156) - Arduino based Game Boy cartridge reader and writer.
8. Awesome Webgl
- Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with WebGL by Edward Angel and Dave Shreiner - Suitable for undergraduate students in computer science and engineering, for students in other disciplines who have good programming skills, and for professionals interested in computer animation and graphics using the latest version of WebGL.
- Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL by Tony Parisi - Create high-performance, visually stunning 3D applications for the Web, using HTML5 and related technologies such as CSS3 and WebGL—the emerging web graphics standard.
- List of Presentations - List presented by Khronos of various WebGL related presentations.
- WebGL Inspector - Tool inspired by gDEBugger and PIX with the goal of making the development of advanced WebGL applications easier.
Tools/Debugging / Chrome Specific Tools/Debugger
- GLSL Shader Editor Extension (⭐620) - Chrome DevTools extension to help you edit shaders live in the browser.
Tools/Debugging / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Canvas Debugger - Quick tutorial how to use Firefox's developer tools to debug WebGL Shaders.
- Shader Editor - Quick tutorial how to use Firefox's developer tools to debug WebGL Shaders.
Videos / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- An Introduction to WebGL Programming - 3 hour overview of WebGL by SIGGRAPH University.
- WebGL Tutorials - YouTube - Series of lecture style video tutorials from Indigo Code on YouTube.
Articles / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- WebGL 2 What's New - Look into the new features added in WebGL 2.
Tutorials / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- WebGL 2 Fundamentals- Series of online tutorials with code samples and live demonstrations.
- WebGL 2 Samples - Great source of many different WebGL 2 work with very good commenting.
Math / Particles
- glMatrix - Javascript matrix and vector library for high performance WebGL apps.
Others / Particles
- GLGE - Javascript library intended to ease the use of WebGL.
- Scene.js - Extensible WebGL-based engine for high-detail 3D visualisation.
Related lists / Particles
- awesome (⭐347k) - Curated list of awesome lists.
- awesome-opengl (⭐2.2k) - Curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- awesome-vulkan (⭐3.4k) - Curated list of awesome Vulkan projects and ecosystem.
- gamedev (⭐14k) - Awesome list about game development.
- graphics-resources (⭐1.8k) - List of graphic programming resources.
9. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Fitness
- Gym Hero - Track workouts, strength training and other fitness exercise (iOS, Web)
10. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- influxdb-logger (⭐286) - SmartApp to log SmartThings device attributes to an InfluxDB database
Other tools / Hooks
- influxdb_google_sheets (⭐15) - Google Sheets script for fetching and formatting InfluxDB data
11. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- lmdbjni (⭐201) - Java API to LMDB (HawtJNI) which is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store written in C.
- lmdbjava (⭐673) - Java API to LMDB (JNR) which is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store written in C.
12. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Linux / TeX
- Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager - Mel Gorman (HTML, PDF)
Modelica / PicoLisp
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- A Byte of Python (3.x) (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Mobi)
13. Nlp with Ruby
Spelling and Error Correction / Constituency Parsing
- hunspell-i18n (⭐4) - Ruby bindings to the standard Hunspell Spell Checker.
- ffi-hunspell (⭐49) - FFI based Ruby bindings for Hunspell.
- hunspell (⭐34) - Ruby bindings to Hunspell via Ruby C API.
14. Awesome Netherlands Events
- Makersclub - Bimonthly casual drinkup without an agenda.
- NodeSchool - Monthly meetup about learning Node.js.
- Crowdsource - Crowdsource ideas for startups.
- Makersclub - Bimonthly casual drinkup without an agenda.
- Hackers & Founders - Monthly meetup at Cafe De Doffer.
- The Next Web Conference - Biggest tech conference (May 18 & 19).
- AMSxTech - Community driven conference (March 31) and monthly meetups.
- FunctionConf - Conference about serverless architectures (June 15 & 16).
- Amsterdam-rb - Active Ruby meetup with frequent, large events.
- Amsterdam-Elixir - Monthly Elixir meetups.
- Amsterdam-Rust - Monthly meetups and workshops around Rust.
- CocoaHeads - Monthly meetup about iOS and MacOS development.
15. Awesome Deep Vision
Object Detection
- You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection [Paper], [Paper Version 2], [C Code] (⭐23k), [Tensorflow Code] (⭐6k)
- Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali Farhadi, You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection, arXiv:1506.02640
- Joseph Redmon, Ali Farhadi (Version 2)
16. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Datasets
- The AR Face Database - Contains over 4,000 color images corresponding to 126 people's faces (70 men and 56 women). Frontal views with variations in facial expressions, illumination, and occlusions. (Formats: RAW (RGB 24-bit))
17. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Programming
- Rackerlabs Blueflood - multi-tenant distributed metric processing system
Key Map Data Model
- ScyllaDB - column-oriented distributed datastore written in C++, totally compatible with Apache Cassandra.
Graph Data Model
- GraphLab PowerGraph - a core C++ GraphLab API and a collection of high-performance machine learning and data mining toolkits built on top of the GraphLab API.
- Yahoo Gridmix3 - Hadoop cluster benchmarking from Yahoo engineer team.
Data Visualization
- Lumify - open source big data analysis and visualization platform
18. Awesome Research
Editors / Markdown
- eme (⭐2k) (
): Math support.
- Moeditor (
): All purpose markdown editor.
Editors / LaTeX
- Papeeria(
): Just another online LaTeX and Markdown with plot compiler and collaborations.
- DiRT Directory: Registry of digital research tools for scholarly use.
- Online Whiteboard: A simple online whiteboard that users can collaborate; Good for online meetings.
19. Awesome Flexbox
Tools / Slides and Notes
20. Awesome Android Ui
Name: PreviewSeekBar (⭐3.3k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Lottie for Android (⭐33k)
License: Apache License V2
21. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- scikit-plot (⭐2.4k) - A visualization library for quick and easy generation of common plots in data analysis and machine learning.
22. Awesome Vulkan
- Linux port of SteamVR (⭐912) - SteamVR is built on top of the Vulkan API.
23. Awesome
- Resonic - Fast and free audio player.
- Postbox - The Power Email App
24. Awesome Dotnet
- pythonnet (⭐4.9k) - Python and .NET interop framework
SMS and Phone calls
- Twilio-csharp (⭐678) - A C#/.NET Library for sending and receiving phone calls and text messages with Twilio.
Visual Studio Plugins
- OzCode - OzCode is a Visual Studio Extension which cuts down on debugging time and increases productivity by detecting and isolating bugs, making them easy to fix. [$]
25. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- jid (⭐6.8k) - Incremental Digger. Drill down JSON interactively by using filtering queries like jq.
- JSONlite (⭐844) - A simple, self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, json document store. (Bash)
- aeson-qq (⭐80) - JSON quasiquoter for Haskell.
- json2react (⭐167) - Use JSON to create React Stateless Components.
Online tools
- - Fully client-side validator and formatter.
- TOML (⭐19k) - A minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics.
- HCL (⭐5.1k) - A structured configuration language that is both human and machine friendly.
- normalizr (⭐21k) - Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema. (Javascript)
26. Awesome Emails
Blogs / Misc
Statistics / Misc
- Campaign Monitor 2016 Report - 2016 Report: Campaign Monitor 2016 Year in Review.
27. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CLI
- wallix/awless 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐4.9k) - a Powerful CLI for EC2, IAM and S3 in Go.
28. Awesome Serverless
- Serverless Guy - Blog about a "life without servers".
29. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Moire - A Web Audio / WebGL visualisation.
30. Awesome Perl
- Audio::CD - Interface to libcdaudio (cd + cddb)
- Audio::Wav - Modules for reading & writing Microsoft WAV files.
Cloud / DSP
- AWS::CloudFront - Lightweight interface to Amazon CloudFront CDN
- AWS::S3 - Lightweight interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
- Net::Amazon::EC2 - Interface to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment.
- Net::AWS::SES - Perl extension that implements Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) client
- WebService::DigitalOcean - Access the DigitalOcean RESTful API (v2)
- WebService::Dropbox - Interface to Dropbox API
Video / Coverage
- FFmpeg - Interface to FFmpeg, a video converter written in C
- Video::Info - Retrieve video properties such as: height width codec fps
31. Awesome Ant Design
Components / Themes
- react-lz-editor (⭐951) - An open source rich react editor based on draft-Js and ant design.
32. Tips
Saving current state of unstaged changes to tracked files
git stash -k
git stash --keep-index
git stash push --keep-index
Saving current state with message
git stash push -m <message>
git stash push --message <message>
Saving current state of all files (ignored, untracked, and tracked)
git stash -a
git stash --all
git stash push --all
List n last commits
git log -<n>
git log -n <n>
List all git aliases
git config -l | grep alias | sed 's/^alias\.//g'
git config -l | grep alias | cut -d '.' -f 2
Show git status short
git status --short --branch
33. Awesome Deep Learning Papers
Awesome list criteria
- Papers that are important, but failed to be included in the list, will be listed in More than Top 100 section.
- 2015 : +200 citations
- 2014 : +400 citations
- 2013 : +600 citations
- Can anyone contribute the code for obtaining the statistics of the authors of Top-100 papers?
Contents / Understanding / Generalization / Transfer
- CNN features off-the-Shelf: An astounding baseline for recognition (2014), A. Razavian et al. [pdf]
- Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks (2014), M. Zeiler and R. Fergus [pdf]
- Decaf: A deep convolutional activation feature for generic visual recognition (2014), J. Donahue et al. [pdf]
Contents / Optimization / Training Techniques
- Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human-level performance on imagenet classification (2015), K. He et al. [pdf]
- Dropout: A simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting (2014), N. Srivastava et al. [pdf]
Contents / Unsupervised / Generative Models
- Improved techniques for training GANs (2016), T. Salimans et al. [pdf]
- Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning (2013), Q. Le et al. [pdf]
Contents / Convolutional Neural Network Models
- Deep residual learning for image recognition (2016), K. He et al. [pdf]
- Going deeper with convolutions (2015), C. Szegedy et al. [pdf]
- Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition (2014), K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman [pdf]
- Return of the devil in the details: delving deep into convolutional nets (2014), K. Chatfield et al. [pdf]
- ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks (2012), A. Krizhevsky et al. [pdf]
Contents / Image: Segmentation / Object Detection
- Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation (2015), J. Long et al. [pdf]
- Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation (2014), R. Girshick et al. [pdf]
Contents / Image / Video / Etc
- Deep visual-semantic alignments for generating image descriptions (2015), A. Karpathy and L. Fei-Fei [pdf]
- Show, attend and tell: Neural image caption generation with visual attention (2015), K. Xu et al. [pdf]
- Long-term recurrent convolutional networks for visual recognition and description (2015), J. Donahue et al. [pdf]
- Large-scale video classification with convolutional neural networks (2014), A. Karpathy et al. [pdf]
Contents / Natural Language Processing / RNNs
- Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate (2014), D. Bahdanau et al. [pdf]
- Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks (2014), I. Sutskever et al. [pdf]
- A convolutional neural network for modeling sentences (2014), N. Kalchbrenner et al. [pdf]
- Glove: Global vectors for word representation (2014), J. Pennington et al. [pdf]
- Distributed representations of sentences and documents (2014), Q. Le and T. Mikolov [pdf]
- Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space (2013), T. Mikolov et al. [pdf]
- Recursive deep models for semantic compositionality over a sentiment treebank (2013), R. Socher et al. [pdf]
Contents / Speech / Other Domain
- Deep speech 2: End-to-end speech recognition in English and Mandarin (2015), D. Amodei et al. [pdf]
- Deep neural networks for acoustic modeling in speech recognition: The shared views of four research groups (2012), G. Hinton et al. [pdf]
- Context-dependent pre-trained deep neural networks for large-vocabulary speech recognition (2012) G. Dahl et al. [pdf]
Contents / Reinforcement Learning / Robotics
- End-to-end training of deep visuomotor policies (2016), S. Levine et al. [pdf]
- Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search (2016), D. Silver et al. [pdf]
- Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning (2015), V. Mnih et al. [pdf]
Contents / More Papers from 2016
- Colorful image colorization (2016), R. Zhang et al. [pdf]
- SSD: Single shot multibox detector (2016), W. Liu et al. [pdf]
Contents / Old Papers
- Natural language processing (almost) from scratch (2011), R. Collobert et al. [pdf]
Contents / HW / SW / Dataset
- TensorFlow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous distributed systems (2016), M. Abadi et al. [pdf]
- Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions, R. Al-Rfou et al.
- Torch7: A matlab-like environment for machine learning, R. Collobert et al. [pdf]
- Caffe: Convolutional architecture for fast feature embedding (2014), Y. Jia et al. [pdf]
Contents / Book / Survey / Review
- Deep learning (2015), Y. LeCun, Y. Bengio and G. Hinton [pdf]
- Deep learning in neural networks: An overview (2015), J. Schmidhuber [pdf]
- Representation learning: A review and new perspectives (2013), Y. Bengio et al. [pdf]
Contents / Video Lectures / Tutorials / Blogs
- Oxford Deep NLP 2017, Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, University of Oxford [web] (⭐15k)
Contents / Appendix: More than Top 100
- Beyond short snippents: Deep networks for video classification (2015) [pdf]
- Large scale distributed deep networks (2012), J. Dean et al. [pdf]
34. Awesome Ledger
- Google Group - Ledger Google Group.
35. Awesome Draft Js
Common Utilities
- Draft.js Exporter (Go) (⭐22) - Export Draft.js content state into HTML.
36. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Queue and Messaging
- Mediator.Net (⭐370) - A simple mediator for .Net for sending command, publishing event and request response with pipelines supported.
- netmq (⭐2.9k) - 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs
- SendGrid-csharp (⭐1.1k) - C# client library for using the full SendGrid API.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- YAXLib (⭐0) - XML Serialization Library for the .NET Framework and .NET Core. Extremely flexible and powerful.
37. Awesome Decentralized
- Beaker: Experimental browser. It adds new technologies for Peer-to-Peer applications while staying compatible with the rest of the Web.
- CacheP2P (⭐863): highly distributed cache platform based on WebTorrent and runs only in the browser.
- Roll-Call: Free and reliable audio calls for everyone w/ browser P2P.
- Storj: Blockchain-based, end-to-end encrypted, distributed object storage, where only you have access to your data.
38. Awesome Shell
Games / Directory Navigation
- nudoku (⭐303) - ncurses based sudoku game written in C
- tty-solitaire (⭐263) - Play solitaire in your terminal!
39. Sublime Bookmarks
Extensions / Ruby Profile
- ProductiveSnippetsRuby (⭐106) — consistent set of alternative snippets, focusing on core and stdlib (Cheatsheet (⭐106))
Integration / Documentation and Help Systems
- LiveReload (⭐143) — a web browser page reloading plugin.
40. Awesome AutoHotkey
Maths / Web
41. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-tags-input (⭐8) * An aurelia tags input plugin
42. Awesome Dev Fun
- Nyan Cat RSpec Formatter (⭐738) - Nyan Cat inspired RSpec formatter!
- (⭐2.1k) - Subtle and not-so-subtle shell tweaks that will slowly drive people insane.
- sl (⭐2.5k) - SL (Steam Locomotive) runs across your terminal when you type "sl" as you meant to type "ls".
43. Awesome Speaking
- TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking - by Chris Anderson (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Start to finish guide to giving powerful talks.
44. Awesome No Login Web Apps
- Discord - Voice and text conference online. Username is asked at start to create a temp avatar.
- Videolink2 - Video conference online. Link generated, share link to invite other participants.
- - Video conference online. Has mobile browser support, just click start new call and share the link.
File Converters / Others
- Cloud Convert - Convert from anything to anything including audio, video, font, document and lots more. Excellent integration with cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox. Direct links.
- Online Convert - Collection of audio, video, image, document, ebook and archive converter. No file size limits and direct download links upon conversion.
- PDF <=> EPUB - PDF to EPUB converter and vice versa.
- Pandoc Try - Inter markup conversion using Pandoc. Supported - Latex, Markdown, HTML, RST and lots more.
- Print Friendly - Convert any webpage to simple format. Then download it or print as PDF.
File Hosting/Sharing / Others
- EFShare - Peer to peer secure file sharing.
- RGhost - File hosting service, Max limit 100mb without login.
- ImgSafe - Image hosting service with small direct links.
- Clyp - Audio sharing without limits, rich API.
- SendVid - Video hosting service.
- Unlimited file hosting of any type, no limits on bandwidth and upload size.
Internet Downloaders / Others
- - Download from YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more.
- Youtube Converter & Downloader - Download YouTube video in any audio/video format.
- keepvid - YouTube, SoundCloud, Facebook downloader.
- Seedr
- Cloud based torrent downloader. Limited to multiple torrents of total size of 2gb in free account. Unlimited bandwidth. 500mb increase on contributing a new user.
Privacy, Security and Cryptography / Others
- - AES-256 text encryption and decryption.
- Encrypted Pastebin - - Set password on your public pastes.
Miscellaneous / Others
- rollApp
- Run desktop applications on any device.
- Superbetize - Categorize your grocery list.
45. Awesome Tensorflow
- Getting Started with TensorFlow on Android - Build your first TensorFlow Android app
- TensorFlowOnSpark (⭐3.9k) - initiative from Yahoo! to enable distributed TensorFlow with Apache Spark.
Blog posts
- TFRecords Guide semantic segmentation and handling the TFRecord file format.
46. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- Ministat - A DIY chemostat.
Art and Science Spaces / Other
- Interspecifics - A Mexico City-based collective working on projects at the intersection of art and science, especially related to biologically-generated sound.
Funding and Support / Other Types of Support
- - An online community for DIY biologists.
- SciStarter - A search engine for finding citizen science projects to participate in.
- Federal Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Toolkit - Maintained by the US government.
Conferences and Events / Other Types of Support
- Biodesign Challenge - Student design competition that concentrates on envisioning the future application of biotechnology.
47. Awesome Dataviz
C++ tools / Misc
- LargeVis (⭐670) - implementation of the LargeVis paper, used to visualize large-scale and high-dimensional data.
- Prev: Feb 27 - Mar 05, 2017
- Next: Feb 13 - Feb 19, 2017