Awesome List Updates on Dec 18 - Dec 24, 2017
33 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Crystal
Machine Learning
- shainet (⭐184) - SHAInet (Neural Network in pure crystal)
2. Awesome Talks
Test-Driven Development
- The Magic Tricks of Testing by Sandi Metz (Rails Conf 2013) [32:22]
3. Awesome Vulkan
Hardware Support
4. Awesome Asyncio
- AsyncIO for the Working Python Developer - A gentle introduction to asynchronous programming from basic examples working up to URL fetching.
5. Awesome Diversity
- PHP Women - An inclusive & global network providing support within the PHP community.
6. Awesome Swift
Text / Barcode
- Sprinter (⭐166) - A library for formatting strings.
UI / Barcode
- CountryPickerView (⭐509) - A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
7. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- GrijjyFoundation (⭐220).
Foundation classes and utilities that are used throughout the other Grijjy Repositories. // BSON/JSON, IOCP/EPOLL sockets, socket pools, HTTP, HTTP/2, OpenSSL, ProtocolBuffers.
8. Awesome Python Data Science
Optimization / Others
- Bayesian Optimization (⭐8.1k) - A Python implementation of global optimization with gaussian processes.
Statistics / NLP
- stockstats (⭐1.3k) - Supply a wrapper
based on thepandas.DataFrame
with inline stock statistics/indicators support.
9. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Spotify Mini Player - Take full control of your Spotify library.
10. Awesome Serverless
Literature / Education
- ServerlessLab - Effective serverless, AWS Lambda and Node.js training.
Professional services
- Seraro - Agency.
11. Awesome Math
12. Awesome Framer
- framer-Symbols (⭐117) - Module to create symbols in Framer.
- framer-modules (⭐336) - Discover, install and save your favorite modules at one place.
13. Awesome Spanish Nlp
Corpora / Corpora
14. Awesome Webgl
Others / Particles
- Turbulenz (⭐4.6k) - Modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers, desktops and mobile devices.
15. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- vue-storefront (⭐11k) - Vue.js Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento2 supported.
16. Awesome Quant
CSharp / Data Visualization
- QuantConnect (⭐10k) - Lean Engine is an open-source fully managed C# algorithmic trading engine built for desktop and cloud usage.
17. Awesome Bigdata
Data Ingestion
- Apache NiFi - Apache NiFi is an integrated data logistics platform for automating the movement of data between disparate systems.
18. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- VarInt (⭐20k) - No-deps variable int implementation without deps (by Bazel).
Nix tools
- ioping (⭐868) - Simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool.
- GCeasy - Machine learning guided Garbage collection log analysis tool. Auto-detect problems in the JVM GC logs and recommend solutions to it.
- osquery - osquery is an instrumentation framework that expose the operating system as a high-performance relational database.
19. Awesome Ionic
Open Source Projects
20. Engineering Blogs
Products/Technologies / K technologies
21. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Deep Learning by Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville (05/07/2015)
Table of Contents / Courses
- UVA Deep Learning Course MSc in Artificial Intelligence for the University of Amsterdam.
- Practical Deep Learning For Coders by Jeremy Howard -
- Introduction to Deep Learning by Prof. Bhiksha Raj (2017)
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Frameworks
22. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Gratisography - Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. New pictures added weekly.
Photography / Custom License / Usage
- Death to the Stock Photo - ©️ Free monthly photos for all your creative needs.
- ISO Republic - ©️ ISO Republic provides exclusive free stock photos for creatives.
- Kaboom Pics - ©️ Great place to get breathtaking Free Pictures for business or personal projects.
Photography / Public Domain
- New Old Stock - ©️ Vintage photos from the public archive. of known copyright restrictions.
Photography / Attribution Required licenses
- IM Creator - Also includes Website templates and icons. Some (CC0-licensed) works, check the license before use.
- Superfamous - ©️ Superfamous CC BY 3.0 licensed images by Folkert Gorter.
Vector Graphics / Unspecified License
Icons / Icon Fonts
- Appa Sariicon ©️ 147 8-bit retro style webfont icons for web and mobile
- Foundation Icon Fonts 3 - ©️ An icon font from Zurb, the people behind the Foundation framework.
- Material Design Icons - ©️ Google's Material Icons.
- Open Iconic - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Icon set with 223 marks in SVG.
- Social Stackicons - ©️ Icon set with over 60 social brands.
- Typicons - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Rounded icon set with 336 icons.
HTML Templates / Icons Packages and Collections
- Bootswatch - ©️ Free themes for Bootstrap.
Sounds & Music / Icons Packages and Collections
- Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection - ©️ Netlabels collection hosts complete, freely downloadable/streamable.
23. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- Chimp (⭐799) - Develop acceptance tests & end-to-end tests with realtime feedback.
24. Awesome Free Software
Software / Command Line Tools
- asciinema - Terminal session recorder. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐12k))
Software / Operating Systems
- PureOS - FSF endorsed derivative of Debian. (Multiple licenses)
Software / Web Applications
- Lobsters - Link aggregation and discussion with downvote explanations. (BSD 3-clause (⭐3.5k))
Hardware / Companies
- Purism - Privacy, security, and freedom focused computers and software.
Resources / Organizations
- Framasoft - Network dedicated to globally promoting free software, innovative projects, and a world of sharing and cooperation.
- - Crowdmatching for public goods.
25. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- simplebeerservice 🔥🔥 (⭐317) - Cloud-connected kegerator that streams live sensor data to AWS.
26. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / String
- striptags (⭐485) - An implementation of PHP's strip_tags in Node.js.
Modules / Other
- uuid (⭐14k) - Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript.
27. Awesome Typescript
- Use ts-node (⭐13k) to run scripts or REPL
- How to make executable typescript scripts:
- Make sure you have
(shipped withnpm >= 5.2
) andtypescript
package is installed - Add this shebang as first line to your script:
#!npx ts-node
- Make script executable:
chmod +x script.ts
- Run directly:
- Make sure you have
28. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Weekly Music Visualizations Weekly music visualization experiments built with Three.js and p5.js by Suraya Shivji.
29. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Date and Time
- nodatime (⭐2.7k) - Better date and time API for .NET
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / IDE
- Mono (⭐2.8k) - MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and web applications on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It also makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and Mac OS X maintaining a single code base for all platforms.
- SharpDevelop (⭐2.1k) - SharpDevelop is a free Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C#, VB.NET, Boo, IronPython, IronRuby and F# projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. It is written (almost) entirely in C#, and comes with features you would expect in an IDE plus a few more.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- Dapper (⭐17k) - Simple object mapper for .NET.
- Dapper-FluentMap (⭐428) - Provides a simple API to fluently map POCO properties to database columns when using Dapper.
- Dommel (⭐601) - Simple CRUD operations for Dapper.
- MicroOrm.Dapper.Repositories (⭐651) - CRUD for Dapper.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Testing
- (⭐382) - An extension for describing your tests using natural language.
30. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Read-Write
- stempeg (⭐79) 🐙 (⭐79) 📦 - read/write of STEMS multistream audio.
31. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Music, Radio and Podcasts / Others
- Radio Garden - Listen to thousands of radio stations worldwide by selecting a city on the globe.
Notepads and Notebooks / Others
- Taskade - Collaborative notes, task lists, and outlines. Sign up is optional.
32. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- proNet-core (⭐3) - A general-purpose network embedding framework: pair-wise representations optimization Network Edit.
Go / Natural Language Processing
- sentences (⭐443) - Golang implementation of Punkt sentence tokenizer.
33. Awesome Cpp
- Vireo (⭐939) - A lightweight and versatile video processing library by Twitter. [MIT]
- C++Now 2017 Presentations (⭐492) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2017.
- C++Now 2016 Presentations (⭐83) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2016.
- Prev: Dec 25 - Dec 31, 2017
- Next: Dec 11 - Dec 17, 2017