Awesome List Updates on Nov 27 - Dec 03, 2017
41 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Google Calendar View (⭐223) - View your Google Calendar events.
- PDF Tools (⭐147) - Optimize, encrypt and manipulate PDF files.
- Things (⭐366) - Interact with Things 3 using Alfred.
2. Awesome Linux Containers
Partial Access
- Moby (⭐66k)
A "Lego set" of toolkit components for containers software created by Docker.
- container-diff (⭐3.5k)
A tool for analyzing and comparing container images.
- buildah (⭐6.4k)
A tool which facilitates building OCI container images.
3. Awesome Computer History
Videos / Old recordings
- Computer Networks - ARPANET (1972) - The developers of the ARPANET talk about their new network:
Texts / Folklore
- Unix Recovery Legend (1986)
4. Awesome Nextjs
5. Awesome Swift
Images / Barcode
- FacebookImagePicker (⭐236) - Facebook album photo picker.
Utility / Barcode
- OpenSourceController (⭐52) - The simplest way to display the librarie's licences used in your application.
6. Awesome Css
Introduction / Complementary Resources
7. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Mood
- MoodJam - Track your moods with colors. (Web only).
- iMoodJournal - Mood Tracking on a 10-point scale from Really great to Couldn't be worse. Exportable data. (Android, iOS, Apple Watch).
- Perspective - Journaling to captures Thoughts, Moods, and Interests with the goal of helping you reflect and find perspective. (iOS).
- Moods by Mokriya - Quick track your mood as good, okay or bad. Specify feelings using a word cloud. No data export option. (iOS, Apple Watch).
8. Awesome Ant Design
- Ant Design - An Enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation.
Electron / Themes
- StarCabinet (⭐407) - Github Stars-based cross-platform tool based on React, Electronand and Ant Design.
- Nowa (⭐201) - A webpack based front-end plug-in scaffolding and development solution.
9. Awesome Smart Tv
Samsung Tizen / Official resources
- vscode-extension-tizentv - A Visual Studio Code extension that provides a lightweight IDE for Tizen application developers.
10. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / ChatOps
- Hubot - A customizable, life embetterment robot. (Source Code (⭐17k))
Software / Automation
- Apache Ant - Automation build tool, similar to make, a library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. (Source Code (⭐415))
Software / Backups
- Shield (⭐353) - A pluggable architecture for backup and restore of database systems.
Software / Configuration Management
- CFEngine - Configuration management system for automated configuration and maintenance of large-scale computer systems. (Source Code (⭐484))
Software / Control Panels
- Froxlor - Lightweight server management software with Nginx and PHP-FPM support. (Source Code (⭐1.6k))
Software / Deployment Automation
- Genesis (⭐54) - A template framework for multi-environment BOSH deployments.
- munki - Webserver-based repository of packages and package metadata, that allows macOS administrators to manage software installs. (Source Code (⭐3.1k))
Software / Distributed Filesystems
- TahoeLAFS - Secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, peer-to-peer distributed data store and distributed file system. (Source Code (⭐1.3k))
Software / DNS - Control Panels & Domain Management
- Designate - DNSaaS services for OpenStack. (Source Code)
- DomainMOD - Manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location. (Source Code (⭐473))
Software / DNS - Servers
- Knot - High performance authoritative-only DNS server. (Source Code)
Software / Editors
- Haroopad - Markdown editor with live preview. (Source Code (⭐1.6k))
- ICEcoder - Code editor awesomeness, built with common web languages. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.4k))
- jotgit (⭐208) - Git-backed real-time collaborative code editing.
- KDevelop - IDE by the people behind KDE. (Source Code)
- Notepad++ - GPLv2 multi-language editor with syntax highlighting for Windows. (Source Code (⭐22k))
Software / Identity Management - Tools and web interfaces
- BounCA - A personal SSL Key / Certificate Authority web-based tool for creating self-signed certificates. (Source Code)
- Fusion Directory - Improve the Management of the services and the company directory based on OpenLDAP. (Source Code (⭐159))
- LDAP Account Manager (LAM) - Web frontend for managing entries (e.g. users, groups, DHCP settings) stored in an LDAP directory. (Source Code (⭐423))
- Libravatar - Libravatar is a service which delivers your avatar (profile picture) to other websites. (Source Code)
- Samba - Active Directory and CIFS protocol implementation. (Source Code)
Software / Log Management
- Flume - Distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. (Source Code (⭐2.5k))
Software / Mail Clients
- Claws Mail - Old school email client (and news reader), based on GTK+. (Source Code)
- ImapSync - Simple IMAP migration tool for copying mailboxes to other servers. (Source Code (⭐3.3k))
- Mutt - Small but very powerful text-based mail client. (Source Code)
Software / Miscellaneous
- Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows. (Source Code (⭐10k))
- Fog - Cloning/imaging solution/rescue suite. (Source Code (⭐1.1k))
Software / Monitoring
- Adagios - Web based Nagios interface for configuration and monitoring (replacement to the standard interface), and a REST interface. (Source Code (⭐327))
- cadvisor (⭐17k) - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
- Nagios - Computer system, network and infrastructure monitoring software application. (Source Code (⭐1.5k))
- Performance Co-Pilot - Lightweight, distributed system performance and analysis framework. (Source Code (⭐957))
- PHP Server Monitor - Open source tool to monitor your servers and websites. (Source Code (⭐2.1k))
- PhpSysInfo - A customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely. (Source Code (⭐1.4k))
- rtop (⭐2.1k) - Interactive, remote system monitoring tool based on SSH.
Software / Network Configuration Management
- GNS3 - Graphical network simulator that provides a variety of virtual appliances. (Source Code (⭐2.1k))
- Oxidized (⭐2.7k) - Network device configuration backup tool.
Software / Packaging
- omnibus-ruby (⭐1.3k) - Easily create full-stack installers for your project across a variety of platforms.
- tito (⭐378) - Builds RPMs for git-based projects.
Software / Queuing
- ActiveMQ - Java message broker. (Source Code (⭐2.3k))
- Gearman - Fast multi-language queuing/job processing platform. (Source Code (⭐731))
Software / Service Discovery
- Consul - Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration. (Source Code (⭐28k))
Software / Software Containers
- LXC - Userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features. (Source Code (⭐4.6k))
Software / Troubleshooting
- grml - Bootable Debian Live CD with powerful CLI tools. (Source Code)
- mtr - Network utility that combines traceroute and ping. (Source Code (⭐2.6k))
- Wireshark - The world's foremost network protocol analyzer. (Source Code)
Software / Version control
- Mercurial - Distributed source control management tool. (Source Code)
Software / Virtualization
- Packer - A tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. (Source Code (⭐15k))
- Proxmox VE - Virtualization management solution. (Source Code)
- Vagrant - Tool for building complete development environments. (Source Code (⭐26k))
- VirtualBox - Virtualization product from Oracle Corporation. (Source Code)
Software / VPN
- OpenVPN - Uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange. (Source Code (⭐10k))
- SoftEther - Multi-protocol software VPN with advanced features. (Source Code (⭐11k))
- strongSwan - Complete IPsec implementation for Linux. (Source Code (⭐2.2k))
Communities / Forums / Web
- Reddit - Really, really large bulletin board system.
- /r/Linux - News and information about Linux.
- /r/LinuxQuestions
- /r/SysAdmin
- Spiceworks Community - General enterprise IT news and small articles.
- StackExchange Network - Q&A communities.
- Server Fault - StackExchange community for system and network administrators.
Repositories / Web
- EPEL - Repository for RHEL and compatibles (CentOS, Scientific Linux).
- IUS - Community project that provides RPM packages for newer versions of select software for Enterprise Linux distributions.
- Remi - Repository with LAMP updated packages for RHEL/Centos/Fedora.
- Software Collections - Community Release of Red Hat Software Collections. Provides updated packages of Ruby, Python, etc. for CentOS/Scientific Linux 6.x.
Websites / Web
- ArchWiki - Arch Linux Wiki which has really nice written articles valid for other distros.
- Gentoo Wiki - Gentoo Linux Wiki with a lot in-detail description of Linux components.
- Awesome SysAdmin @ LibHunt - Your go-to SysAdmin Toolbox. Based on the list here.
- Digital Ocean Tutorials - 6,000+ tutorials for getting the basics of certain applications/tools/systems administration topics.
11. Awesome Dev Fun
- Xkcd Excuse - The easiest way to get your slacking excuse in hip xkcd format!
12. Vertx Awesome
- Mail
- SMTP (⭐36)
- Async SMTP client.
- vertx-smtp-server (⭐5) - SMTP server bridging to EventBus.
- SMTP (⭐36)
13. Awesome Php
Configuration / Miscellaneous
- BotMan (⭐6.1k) - A framework agnostic PHP library to build cross-platform chatbots.
14. Awesome Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- Sublime Text
- rust-lang/rust-enhanced (⭐798) - official Rust package
15. Awesome D3
- micropolar (⭐125) - A polar chart library
- mpld3 (⭐2.2k) - Export matplotlib graphics to work in the Browser
- vega (⭐10k) - A visualization grammar
- vega-lite (⭐4k) - A high-level grammar of interactive graphics
Charts / Third Party
- recharts (⭐20k) - Re-designed charting library built with React
Maps / Third Party
- datamaps (⭐3.7k) - Customizable map visualizations in one file
Utils / Third Party
- d3kit-timeline (⭐346) - Timeline component that labels do not overlap
- d3-breadcrumbs (⭐4) - Simplifies breadcrumbs usage
- d3-legend (⭐730) - Legend helper
Miscellaneous / Third Party
- chess-dataviz (⭐67) - Chess dataviz library
- codeflower (⭐657) - Bird's eye view of the whole code
- graph-scroll (⭐503) - Simple scrolling events
16. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Date & Time
- count-days-in-month (⭐1) - Get the number of days in a given month.
17. Awesome Testing
Suggested Awesome Lists / Useful References
- Awesome Software Quality (⭐2.3k) - A list of free software testing and verification resources.
18. Awesome Devenv
Misc / Extensions
- Mockoon - an API / HTTP REST mocking desktop application
19. Awesome Ddd
Training Courses
- Rails + Domain Driven Design Workshop - Introduction to DDD, fundamentals of CQRS & Event Sourcing for Ruby/Rails developers.
- Arkency - Various DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing related articles from Ruby experts.
Libraries and Frameworks / PHP
- Broadway (⭐1.5k) - Broadway is a (PHP) project providing infrastructure and testing helpers for creating CQRS and event sourced applications.
Libraries and Frameworks / Ruby
- Rails Event Store - Rails Event Store (RES) is a library for publishing, consuming, storing and retrieving events. It's your best companion for going with an event-driven architecture for your Rails application.
20. Awesome Cl
HTTP Servers / Clack plugins
- clack-errors (⭐27) - Error page middleware for Clack. LLGPL.
21. Engineering Blogs
Companies / N companies
- Nvidia
Individuals/Group Contributors / P individuals
- Paweł Chudzik
22. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- GTFS-OSM-Sync (⭐91) - A Java tool for synchronizing data in GTFS format with
23. Awesome Pascal
- madKernel.
The package is about Kernel Objects for the biggest part. The most important object types are wrapped up in interfaces, utilizing all the specific kernel32 APIs. Has interface wrappers for: Events, Mutexes, Threads, Processes, Windows, Modules, Tray Icons, shared memory buffers. // Free with source for non-commercial usage (only) with some conditions. Available to download as part ofmadCollection
installer. Pretty well documented. RequiresmadBasic
- madSecurity.
The package makes it easily possible to handle Shares and other Security Objects like file security or registry security. To be able to do so, this package also features functionality around Accounts and ACEs and ACLs. // Free with source for non-commercial usage (only) with some conditions. Available to download as part ofmadCollection
installer. Pretty well documented. RequiresmadBasic
- madShell.
The package implements often needed shell functionality, beginning with Special Folders like the "Windows" folder or the "Program Files" folder, continuing with Shell ID Lists, Shell Objects and Shell Events. Then you'll find functionality around ShortCuts/ShellLinks and finally everything about Display Modes. // Free with source for non-commercial usage (only) with some conditions. Available to download as part ofmadCollection
installer. Pretty well documented. RequiresmadBasic
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- Delphi IDE Explorer (⭐30). Wizard / expert / plugin that allows you to browser the internal fields, methods, properties and events of the IDE. // Mainly useful for developers of IDE experts
- OTA Interface Search (⭐11). Application helps to find Open Tools API (OTA) interfaces, methods and properties and understand how to get to those interfaces or methods / properties of the interfaces.
- AutoSave (⭐4). Expert that periodically auto saves all the open modified IDE files.
- madDisAsm. The package features a full x86 disassembler including MMX, 3dNow enhanced, SSE and SSE2 support. The disassembler can examine a single x86 instruction (see ParseCode) or a full function (see ParseFunction) and either return a short analysis or a full text disassembly. Register contents are watched/followed if possible, this improves the analyses for jump/call targets. Case/switch jump tables are automatically detected and handled correctly.
// Free without source for non-commercial usage (only) with some conditions. Available to download as part of
installer (you'll need to installmadExcept
item). Pretty well documented.
24. Awesome Math
Probability and Statistics / Statistics
- 📝 Theory of Statistics - James E. Gentle (George Mason University)
25. Awesome Elixir
- RemoteRetro (⭐577) - A real-time application for conducting Agile retrospectives at written in Elixir/Phoenix/React.
- uai_shot (⭐63) - A multiplayer ship game built with Elixir, Phoenix Framework and Phaser.
- unsafe (⭐12) - Generate easy unsafe (!) bindings for Elixir functions.
- tunnerl (⭐28) - SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy server.
- conduit (⭐129) - A framework for working with message queues, with adapters for SQS and AMQP, and plugs for reusable messaging patterns.
- test_selector (⭐14) - A set of test helpers that make sure you always select the right elements in your Phoenix app.
- Phoenix in Action - builds on your existing web dev skills, teaching you the unique benefits of Phoenix along with just enough Elixir to get the job done. By Geoffrey Lessel (2017).
26. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Mailspring (⭐15k) - Extensible email client. (Fork of Nylas Mail)
Samples / Other
- Activity Monitor - Shows a doughnut chart of the CPU system, user, and idle activity time.
- Hash - Shows the hash values of entered text using different algorithms.
- Prices - Shows the current price of oil, gold, and silver using the Yahoo Finance API.
Documentation / Other
27. Awesome Crypto Papers
Introducing people to data security and cryptography / Simple: cryptography for non-engineers
- Keys under Doormats - Or why cryptography shouldn't be backdoored, by a all-star committee of crypto researches from around the world.
Introducing people to data security and cryptography / Brief introductions
- Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks - By Needham, Schroeder: this is were crypto-based auth starts.
Introducing people to data security and cryptography / General cryptographic interest
- Another Look at “Provable Security” - Inquiries into formalism and naive intuition behind security proofs, by Neal Koblitz et al.
Specific topics / Hashing
- FIPS 198-1: HMACs - The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code FIPS document.
- FIPS 202: SHA3 - SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions.
- On the Security of HMAC and NMAC Based on HAVAL, MD4, MD5, SHA-0 and SHA-1 - Security analysis of different legacy HMAC schemes by Jongsung Kim et al.
- On the Security of Randomized CBC-MAC Beyond the Birthday Paradox Limit - Security of randomized CBC-MACs and a new construction that resists birthday paradox attacks and provably reaches full security, by E. Jaulmes et al.
Specific topics / Secret key cryptography
- List of proposed operation modes of AES - Maintained by NIST.
- Stick figure guide to AES - If stuff above was a bit hard or you're looking for a good laugh.
- Cache timing attacks on AES - Example of designing great practical attack on cipher implementation, by Daniel J. Bernstein.
- Salsa20 family of stream ciphers - Broad explanation of Salsa20 security cipher by Daniel J. Bernstein.
- AES submission document on Rijndael - Original Rijndael proposal by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen.
Specific topics / Cryptanalysis
- Self-Study Course in Block Cipher Cryptanalysis - Attempt to organize the existing literature of block-cipher cryptanalysis in a way that students can use to learn cryptanalytic techniques and ways to break new algorithms, by Bruce Schneier.
- Statistical Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers - By Pascal Junod.
Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP
- New Directions in Cryptography - Seminal paper by Diffie and Hellman, introducing public key cryptography and key exchange/agreement protocol.
- RFC 2631: Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement - An explanation of the Diffie-Hellman methon in more engineering terms.
- RSA Algorithm - Rather education explanation of every bit behind RSA.
- Remote timing attacks are practical - An example in attacking practical crypto implementationby D. Boneh, D. Brumley.
- The Equivalence Between the DHP and DLP for Elliptic Curves Used in Practical Applications, Revisited - by K. Bentahar.
Specific topics / Public key cryptography: Elliptic-curve crypto
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography: the serpentine course of a paradigm shift - Historic inquiry into development of ECC and it's adoption.
- Let's construct an elliptic curve: Introducing Crackpot2065 - Fine example of building up ECC from scratch.
- Explicit-Formulas Database - For many elliptic curve representation forms.
- Software implementation of the NIST elliptic curves over prime fields - Pracitcal example of implementing elliptic curve crypto, by M. Brown et al.
- High-speed high-security signatures - Seminal paper on EdDSA signatures on ed25519 curve by Daniel J. Bernstein et al.
Specific topics / Zero Knowledge Proofs
- Proofs that yield nothing but their validity and a Methodology of Cryptographic protocol design - By Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson, a relative to the above.
- A Survey of Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Applications to Cryptography - Great intro on original ZKP protocols.
Specific topics / Key Management
- Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1: General - Methodologically very relevant document on goals and procedures of key management.
Specific topics / Math
- PRIMES is in P - Unconditional deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that determines whether an input number is prime or composite.
Books / Post-quantum cryptography
- The joy of Cryptography - By Mike Rosulek. A lot of basic stuff covered really well. No ECC.
- A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra - By Victor Shoup, excellent starters book on math universally used in cryptography.
28. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Other Resources
- OpenIOC - Framework for sharing threat intelligence.
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- SEKOIA Dropper Analysis - Online dropper analysis (Js, VBScript, Microsoft Office, PDF).
File Carving / Other Resources
- hachoir3 (⭐593) - Hachoir is a Python library to view and edit a binary stream field by field.
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- Malware Organiser (⭐0) - A simple tool to organise large malicious/benign files into a organised Structure.
29. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Programming
- Baidu Bigflow - an interface that allows for writing distributed computing programs providing lots of simple, flexible, powerful APIs to easily handle data of any scale.
30. Awesome Indie
Communities / Other
- r/IndieBiz - A subreddit for small and independent businesses.
31. Awesome Vehicle Security
Miscellaneous / Episodes
- Arduino - Arduino boards have a number of shields you can attach to connect to CAN-enabled devices.
- CANdiy-Shield (⭐24)
- DFRobot CAN-BUS Shield For Arduino
- SparkFun CAN-BUS Shield
- arduino-canbus-monitor (⭐309) - No matter which shield is selected you will need your own sniffer. This is implementation of standard Lawicel/SLCAN protocol for Arduino + any MCP CAN Shield to use with many standard CAN bus analysis software packages or SocketCAN
32. Awesome Influxdb
Reference material
- InfluxDB in IoT world. Part 1: Introduction | Part 2: Hosting and scaling on AWS | Part 3: Plotting graphs using Grafana
33. Awesome Cpp
Serial Port
- Asio (⭐5.1k) - Asio includes classes for creating and manipulating serial ports in a portable manner. [Boost] website
Asynchronous Event Loop
- C++ Actor Framework (⭐3.2k) - An Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++. [BSD-3-Clause] website
- Catch2 (⭐19k) - A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD. [Boost]
- CppUTest (⭐1.4k) - Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++. [BSD-3-clause]
- DirectXTK (⭐2.6k) - A collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++. [MIT]
- nghttp2 (⭐4.7k) - HTTP/2 C Library. [MIT] website
- uWebSockets (⭐18k) - µWS is one of the most lightweight, efficient & scalable WebSocket & HTTP server implementations available. [Zlib]
- cppimport (⭐1.2k) - Import C++ files directly from Python! [MIT]
- CppSharp (⭐3.2k) - Tools and libraries to glue C/C++ APIs to high-level languages. [MIT]
- Cython (⭐9.8k) - Cython is an optimising static compiler for both the Python programming language and the extended Cython programming language (based on Pyrex). It makes writing C extensions for Python as easy as Python itself. [Apache] website
- JavaCpp (⭐4.5k) - The missing bridge between Java and native C++. [Apache2]
- libffi (⭐3.3k) - A portable foreign-function interface library. [MIT] website
- nbind (⭐2k) - Magical headers that make your C++ library accessible from JavaScript. [MIT]
- pybind11 (⭐16k) - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python. [BSD]
- SWIG (⭐5.9k) - A wrapper/interface Generator that let you link your c++ code to JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby. [GPL/Output not licensed] website
Build Systems
- Bear (⭐5.3k) - A tool to generate compilation database for clang tooling. [GPLv3]
Static Code Analysis
- include-what-you-use (⭐4.2k) - A tool for use with clang to analyze includes in C and C++ source files. website
34. Awesome Algorithms
- The Sound of Sorting - The Sound of Sorting - "Audibilization" and Visualization of Sorting Algorithms
35. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Resources / Books
- Front-end com Vue.js by Leonardo Vilarinho, Casa do Código. (November 2017)
36. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- dynamodb-geo 🔥🔥 (⭐272) - Library to create and query geospatial data.
Open Source Repos / Accompanying Repos
- aws-big-data-blog 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐894) - Samples from the AWS Big Data Blog.
37. Awesome Beacon
iBeacon for Developers
38. Awesome Ruby
- ComfortableMexicanSofa (⭐2.7k) - Powerful Rails 5.2+ CMS Engine.
- rib - A lightweight and extensible IRB replacement.
39. Awesome Dotnet
- StrongGrid (⭐188) - Client for SendGrid's v3 API. Not only allows you to send emails, but also allows you to bulk import contacts, manage lists and segments, create custom fields for your lists, etc. Also includes a parser for SendGrid Webhooks.
- posh-dotnet (⭐46) -
tab completion for the dotnet CLI (⭐3.5k)
40. Awesome Chatops
Frameworks and libraries / Zulip
- Errbot + adapter (⭐4) (Python)
41. Awesome Speakers
Europe / Portugal 🇵🇹
Ferran Negre
Topics: React Native, React, Testing, JavaScript, Android
Mike Grabowski
Topics: React Native, JavaScript, Tooling
Michał Pierzchała
Topics: React Native, Jest, Testing, CSS
Michał Chudziak
Topics: React, React Native, iOS, Android
Satyajit Sahoo
Topics: React, React Native, CSS in JS, Tooling
North America / United States of America 🇺🇸
Cedar Rapids
Levi Bostian
Topics: Android, RxJava, Kotlin, Freelancing, Swift, iOS, Productivity, Startups, Bootstrapping
- Prev: Dec 04 - Dec 10, 2017
- Next: Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2017