Awesome List Updates on Nov 06 - Nov 12, 2017
47 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Preact
Contents / Components
- Preact Country Picker (⭐3) - Country picker based on bootstrap 3 made for Preact.
Contents / Libraries
- FPreact (⭐47) - Provides an alternative api for creating preact components, heavily inspired by elm.
2. Awesome Serverless
- Kuhiro: Birth of the NearCloud - Video which explains the concepts of NearCloud.
3. Awesome Mqtt
- MQTT-Client-Framework (⭐1.8k) - iOS, OSX, tvOS native ObjectiveC MQTT Client Framework.
4. Awesome Pixel Art
Inspiration / Games
- Stardew Valley - Manage a farm from a top-down perspective and engage with a charming and cheerful world in 16-bit.
5. Awesome Math
Algebra / Linear Algebra
- 📝 Linear Algebra - Jim Hefferon
6. Awesome Jvm
- Shenandoah: The Garbage Collector That Could - Aleksey Shipilev - Devoxx 2017/11
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/16 - Programming and Performance Intro.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/16 - Bugs and Coding Styles.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/18 - Java vs C/C++.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/21 - Debugging Data Races.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/24 - Fast Bytecodes for Funny Languages.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/28 - Struct of Arrays vs Array of Structs.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/10/04 - The 3 Hardest Problems in Programming.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/11/05 - Modern Hardware Performance and Cache Lines.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/11/09 - Queuing In Practice.
7. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / String
- strip-ansi (⭐369) - Strip ANSI escape codes.
Modules / Function
- compose-function (⭐57) - Compose a new function from smaller functions
8. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- — Uncovers compromised systems in your network
9. Awesome Economics
Studying / Courses
- MIT OCW Economics - Over 100 courses covering all major fields of economics. Courses include prerequisites, recommended textbooks, lecture slides, and assignments. Undergraduate and graduate programs.
10. Awesome AutoIt
- 3270 (by Worlor) (⭐2) - Library for automate a 3270 terminal with AutoIT
Misc / OpenOffice
- Logger (by Worlor) (⭐1) - Logger is an all-in-one logging utility really easy to use ! It enable log rotate per day and zip it after x days
11. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Dataloader (⭐71) - Java port of Facebook Dataloader for Vert.x. Efficient batching and caching for your data layer.
12. Awesome Dash
13. Awesome Frc
- CSCore (⭐23) - The CScore camera vision library from WPI.
- 254 2016 Vision Talk - The most complete lesson about vision tracking out there.
- Robot Scouter (⭐100) - Gorgeous and powerful Android scouting app.
- VictiScout (⭐21) - Light Electron scouting app by Team 1418.
- QDriverStation (⭐168) - Popular open-source Driver Station clone for all Desktop platforms. Though not permitted in competition, essential for teams wishing to drive on another platform or up their open source cred.
- FRCDashboard (⭐132) - Powerful and flexible boilerplate for creating complex driving dashboards with web technologies.
- SmartDashboard.js (⭐16) - SmartDashboard port written in JavaScript with
- /r/FRC - The one and only FRC subreddit.
- Chief Delphi - The essential forum for all things FRC.
- Discord Server - Chat community for robotics advice and socialization with other FRC students, mentors, and alumni. The absolute best place to go for FRC discussion.
Repositories / Java/Kotlin
- WPILib (⭐838) - The official WPILib repository, containing code for the Java and C++ libraries.
- SmartDashboard (⭐22) - The official SmartDashboard repository containing code for the Java Driver Station dashboard.
Repositories / C++
- WPILib (Java/C++) (⭐838) - The official WPILib repository, containing code for the Java and C++ libraries.
Repositories / C#
- WPILib (C#) (⭐25) - Unofficial WPILib port for writing robot code in C#.
- NetworkTables (C#) (⭐3) - Unofficial NetworkTables port for C#.
- FRC-Extension (Visual Studio) (⭐5) - Visual Studio extension to make writing C# robots a breeze.
Repositories / Python
- RobotPy-WPILib (⭐165) - Unofficial WPILib port allowing you to write robot code in Python.
- pyrobottraining (⭐7) - Fundamental tutorial for FRC robot coding in Python.
Repositories / CSS
- banners.css (⭐24) - Library for creating pure CSS FRC banners. Utilitarian and pretty decoration for team websites.
Repositories / Ruby
- tba.rb (⭐3) - Simple Ruby library for easy interaction with The Blue Alliance API.
Miscellaneous / JavaScript
- FIRST Map - Beautiful map of the world's FRC teams.
- FRC New Tab - Chrome extension to fill your New Tab page with a random FRC team, or show the team with a number corresponding to the current time.
14. Awesome Javascript Learning
JavaScript References
- Functional Programming Jargon - Explains terms used in functional programming in the JavaScript context.
15. Awesome Diversity
- Scala Bridge - Building an inclusive Scala community with introductory programming workshops for women.
- Creating Safe Places - By Laura Bell.
- Why More Tech Companies Should Hire People With Disabilities - By Zoë Henry.
16. Awesome Cl
URI and IP handling / Isomorphic web frameworks
- quri (⭐113) - Another URI library for Common Lisp. Supports userinfo, IPv6 hostname, encoding/decoding utilities,… BSD_3Clause.
17. Awesome Gbdev
Cartridges / Opcodes
- AntonioND's docs (⭐192) - Corrected schematics and infos on cartridge header data.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- papiGB (⭐16) - Game Boy Classic fully functional FPGA implementation from scratch.
18. Awesome Inspectit
Profiles And Sensor Configurations
- ColdFusion Markup Language Profile (⭐1) - Profile for tracking function calls in CFML.
19. Awesome Broadcasting
Media Players
- VLC - Simple, fast and powerful media player.
Multimedia content processing
- Kelvinadon (⭐18) - Node.JS pure Javascript module for streaming MXF files to and from JSON.
20. Awesome Web Design
Blog & News
- Morning Reader: Breaking tech news.
21. Awesome Asyncio
Web Frameworks
- websockets (⭐5.3k) - A library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity.
22. Vim Galore
Quickfix and location lists
- There is only one quickfix list. There can be multiple location lists; one per window.
- They use slightly different commands for navigation.
23. Awesome Dotnet
- RestLess (⭐111) - The automatic type-safe-reflectionless REST API client library for .Net Standard.
Code Analysis and Metrics
- App.Metrics (⭐2.2k) - App Metrics is an open-source and cross-platform .NET library used to record and report metrics within an application and reports it's health. See the docs for me details.
- NodaTime (⭐2.8k) - Noda Time is an alternative date and time API for .NET. It helps you to think about your data more clearly, and express operations on that data more precisely.
- JustDecompile Engine - The decompilation engine of JustDecompile
- DocX (⭐1.8k) - DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Word 2007/2010/2013 files, it does not require Microsoft Word or Office to be installed.
- Fiddler - The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform
24. Awesome Swift
Images / Barcode
- AXPhotoViewer (⭐651) - An iPhone/iPad photo gallery viewer, useful for viewing a large (or small!) number of photos.
UI / Barcode
- SkeletonView (⭐13k) - An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting.
25. Awesome Postgres
Contents / GUI
- Metabase - Simple dashboards, charts and query tool for PostgreSQL.
- Valentina Studio - Cross-platform database administration tool (Free/Commercial)
Contents / Monitoring
- - Open PostgreSQL Monitoring is a free software suite designed to help you manage your PostgreSQL servers. It can gather stats, display dashboards and send warnings when something goes wrong.
Contents / Utilities
- pREST (⭐4.2k) - Serve a RESTful API from any PostgreSQL database (Golang)
Contents / Language bindings
- Lua: luapgsql (⭐109)
Resources / Tutorials
- postgresDBSamples (⭐467) - A collection of sample postgres schemas
26. Awesome Slack
27. Awesome Decentralized
- Open Bazaar: Decentralized network for P2P commerce online - using Bitcoin - that has no fees and no restrictions.
- WebTorrent Desktop: WebTorrent Desktop is for streaming torrents. It connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers.
28. Awesome Smart Tv
Cross-platform frameworks / Official resources
- react-tv (⭐2k) - React development for TV: renderer for low memory applications and Packager for WebOS, Tizen, Orsay.
29. Awesome Electron
Articles / Other
- Introducing BrowserView for Electron - New Electron API to embed web apps with fewer bugs and improved performance.
Videos / Other
- Electron Meetup SF, November 2017 - Includes some good talks on improving app startup time, debugging crashes, etc.
30. Awesome Cryptography
Objective-C / Git
- ObjectivePGP (⭐667) - ObjectivePGP is an implementation of OpenPGP protocol for iOS and macOS. OpenPGP is the most widely used email encryption standard.
31. Awesome Creative Coding
- WebGL Lightning - Introduction to WebGL lightning with Greg Tatum.
- How We Do This Shit - Talk on how tech-based artists do this financially.
- Making WebGL Dance - How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Linear Algebra.
- The Pixel Factory - Talk about WebGL, GPUs and Math by Steven Wittens.
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- Exploring bump mapping with WebGL - Introduction to different bump mapping techniques.
Math / Other
- Matrices for Creative Coding - Introduction to matrices by Greg Tatum.
- Making Things With Maths - Talk by Steven Wittens about bezier curves, procedural generation, physics engines and fractals.
32. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- xRBM (⭐55) - A library for Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and its conditional variants in Tensorflow.
33. Awesome Ocaml
34. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Practical Machine Learning with H2O: Powerful, Scalable Techniques for Deep Learning and AI Darren Cook. (2016)
- R Deep Learning Essentials Joshua F. Wiley. (2016)
- Handbook of Big Data Peter Bühlmann, Petros Drineas, Michael Kane, Mark J. van der Laan (2015)
- Are categorical variables getting lost in your random forests? - Benchmark of categorical encoding schemes and the effect on tree based models (Scikit-learn vs H2O). Oct 28, 2016
- Deep learning in R - Benchmark of open source deep learning packages in R. Mar 7, 2016
- Szilard's machine learning benchmark (⭐1.9k) - Benchmarks of Random Forest, GBM, Deep Learning and GLM implementations in common open source ML frameworks. Jul 3, 2015
- Pipelines for model deployment Apr 25, 2017
- Machine learning with Jan 23, 2017
35. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- amazon-kinesis-scaling-utils 🔥🔥 (⭐333) - Provides the ability to scale streams.
36. Awesome Hacking Locations
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
Choupana Café
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ? | Avenida da República, 25 A – Saldanha | Sun-Sat 7:00 - 20:00 |
37. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Front-end build tools
38. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Example Applications
- staltz/dat-installer ★77 (⭐281) - Download, install, and update Android apps through Dat
- usm4n/cycle-hn ★25 (⭐44) - Hackernews Clone Using CycleJS
Libraries / Utilities
- maiermic/cycle-storageify ★5 (⭐6) - Augments your Cycle.js component (main function) by storing its onion-shaped state in local storage
Libraries / Testing
- jeysal/pretty-format-snabbdom ★0 (⭐5) - A pretty-format (⭐41k) (Jest snapshot) plugin for rendering snapshots of snabbdom VNodes as nicely as those of React elements
39. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Bjorn Johansson
Digital art in the form of screensavers by designer Bjorn Johansson.
Free (pay what you want)
To the extent possible under law, Adam Garrett-Harris has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
40. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Getting Started with VueJS 2 by Sachin Bhatnagar @sachinbee on Udemy
41. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Communication
- Signal - Encrypted, secure chat and video calls.
42. Awesome Elixir
- basic_auth (⭐164) - Elixir Plug to easily add HTTP basic authentication to an app.
- oauth2_facebook (⭐4) - A Facebook OAuth2 Provider for Elixir.
- oauth2_github (⭐2) - A GitHub OAuth2 Provider for Elixir.
- phauxth (⭐407) - Authentication library for Phoenix 1.3 and other Plug-based apps.
- samly (⭐130) - SAML SP SSO made easy (Doc).
Command Line Applications
- phoenix-cli - Command-line interface for Phoenix Framework like Rails commands.
- elixir-on-docker (⭐173) - A project template to get started developing clustered Elixir applications for cloud environments.
- exreleasy (⭐13) - Dead simple and Mix friendly tool for releasing Elixir applications.
- phoenix_routes_js (⭐21) - Phoenix routes helpers in JavaScript code and browser console.
Framework Components
- better_params (⭐97) - Elixir Plug for cleaner request params in web apps.
- plug_password (⭐10) - Plug for adding simple cookie-based authentication.
- turn_the_page - Fast, simple and lightweight pagination system for your Elixir application.
- Ace (⭐307) - HTTP web server and client, supports http1 and http2.
- Crawler (⭐949) - A high performance web crawler in Elixir.
- raxx (⭐404) - Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients.
- ex_phone_number (⭐257) - Format, normalize, and validate phone numbers.
ORM and Datamapping
- triplex (⭐483) - Database multitenancy with postgres schemas for Elixir applications.
- opq (⭐267) - A simple, in-memory queue with worker pooling and rate limiting in Elixir.
- chaperon (⭐136) - An HTTP service performance & load testing framework written in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- explay (⭐16) - Unofficial Google Play API in Elixir.
- random_user_api - Another simple API client.
- async_with (⭐156) - A modifier for Elixir's "with" to execute all its clauses in parallel.
- Elixir do zero à concorrência - (Portuguese) The book provides introduction to functional and concurrent programming with Elixir by Tiago Davi (2014).
- Phoenix Inside Out - The goal of this series is to enable you as a Confident Phoenix developer. There are 3 different editions to address varied needs of devs jumping into Phoenix.
43. Awesome Chatops
- Automation and Monitoring with Hubot - An e-book that walks you through building a Hubot driven ChatOps implementation.
44. Awesome4girls
General / UX
Anitas - Loc:
Anitas is a group of women engaged with female empowerment in the fields of technology and entrepreneurship, based on the exchange of ideias, knowledge and experience. In order to do so, Anitas organize courses, workshops, talks, and also participate of initiatives which aim at including women in technology and entrepreneurship.
45. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Mobile Development
- deviceframe (⭐581) - Put device frames around your mobile/web/progressive app screenshots.
46. Awesome Cpp
- Bcrypt - A cross platform file encryption utility. Encrypted files are portable across all supported operating systems and processors. [BSD]
- Crypto++ (⭐5k) - A free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes. [Boost] website
- Libgcrypt - A general purpose cryptographic library originally based on code from GnuPG. [LGPLv2.1+]
Machine Learning
- RNNLIB (⭐902) - RNNLIB is a recurrent neural network library for sequence learning problems. [GPLv3]
- CGAL (⭐5.2k) - Collection of efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. [LGPL&GPL] website
- linmath.h (⭐942) - A lean linear math library, aimed at graphics programming. [WTFPL]
- Poppler - Open-source multi-backend PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. [GPLv2/GPLv3]
47. Awesome Speakers
Asia / India 🇮🇳
Jayesh Katta Ramalingaiah
Topics: Rust, Android, Angular, React, Web VR, Project Things, Common Voice, Web Compatibility
Manjula Dube
Topics: JavaScript, React, Progressive Web Apps, Node, Testing
Neehar Venugopal
Topics: Code Splitting, Standards
Sidhartha Chatterjee
Topics: React, Progressive Web Apps, Web Performance
Asia / Pakistan 🇵🇰
Sara Soueidan
Topics: Animations, CSS, SVG
Australia / Australia 🇦🇺
Aysha Anggraini
Topics: CSS, Animations
Chen Hui Jing
Topics: CSS
Zell Liew
Topics: CSS, JavaScript
Glen Maddern
Topics: CSS, Styled Components, React, JavaScript
Karolina Szczur
Topics: CSS, HTML, Web, Inclusivity, Diversity
Mark Dalgleish
Topics: Design Systems, Web Design
Phil Nash
Topics: JavaScript, Web Development, Progressive Web Apps
Europe / Austria 🇦🇹
Stefan Baumgartner
Topics: Web Ops, JavaScript, CSS, Tooling
Lisi Linhart
Topics: CSS, Web Animations
Europe / Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Sam Bellen
Topics: Web Audio, Browser APIs
Europe / Czech Republic 🇨🇿
Radoslav Stankov
Topics: React, Redux, Ruby, Testing, GraphQL
Europe / Finland 🇫🇮
Eemeli Aro
Topics: Open Source, React, YAML
Juha Lindstedt
Topics: JavaScript, RE:DOM, Progressive Web Apps, Performance, Standards, CSS, Node.js
Juha Linnanen
Topics: React Native, TypeScript, GraphQL
Juha-Matti Santala
Topics: Community building, Documentation, JavaScript, Programming
Maaret Pyhäjärvi
Topics: Testing
Varya Stepanova
Topics: CSS in JS, Style Guides, Visual Regression Testing
Europe / Germany 🇩🇪
Wassim Chegham
Topics: Angular, JavaScript, Progressive Web Apps, Chatbots, Firebase, Cloud, Internet of Things
Vitaly Friedman
Topics: Web Design, Web Development, Responsive Web Design
Franziska Hinkelmann
Topics: Node, V8
Mathias Bynens
Topics: JavaScript (TC39), V8, Chrome
Europe / Netherlands 🇳🇱
Maurizio Mangione
Topics: Web Components, Polymer, Progressive Web Apps
Matteo Ronchi
Topics: React, JavaScript, Flow, Web Architectures, Frontend Ops
Europe / Norway 🇳🇴
Norbert de Langen
Topics: Component Libraries, React, Storybook, Open Source, Communities
Europe / Poland 🇵🇱
Tomasz Łakomy
Topics: React, Virtual Reality, jQuery
Europe / Portugal 🇵🇹
Daniela Matos de Carvalho
Topics: Web protocols, Web security, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Offline First
David Dias
Topics: IPFS, Peer to Peer, JavaScript, Node.js
Europe / Spain 🇪🇸
Javi Velasco
Topics: React, CSS in JS, React Toolbox
Europe / Ukraine 🇺🇦
Martin Splitt
Topics: Virtual Reality, Web Performance
Europe / United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Jeremy Keith
Topics: Standards, Web Development, Web Design, CSS, Accessibility
Paul Robert Lloyd
Topics: Design, Web Design, Architecture, Design Systems, Trains
Leighton Buzzard
Caroline Jarrett
Topics: Forms Usability, User Research
North America / Canada 🇨🇦
Tanya Janca
Topics: InfoSec, Web App Security
North America / United States of America 🇺🇸
Michael Jackson
Topics: React, JavaScript, React Router
Aimee Knight
Topics: JavaScript, CSS, Angular, Growing Junior Developers
New Orleans
Gant Laborde
Topics: JavaScript, React Native, Leadership, Redux, Open Source, Tooling, Public Speaking
Sia Karamalegos
Topics: React, JavaScript, React Native, Front-End Performance
South America / Brazil 🇧🇷
Buenos Aires
Evangelina Ferreira
Topics: CSS, Animations
Belo Horizonte
Beto Muniz
Topics: React, JavaScript, Progressive Web Apps, Polymer, Community
Fernando Daciuk
Topics: React, JavaScript
- Prev: Nov 13 - Nov 19, 2017
- Next: Oct 30 - Nov 05, 2017