Awesome List Updates on Oct 16 - Oct 22, 2017
51 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
- YoutubeExplode (⭐3.1k) - Ultimate library for extracting metadata and downloading Youtube videos and playlists.
2. Awesome Hacking
Tools / Other
- Wifi Jammer - Free program to jam all wifi clients in range
- Firesheep - Free program for HTTP session hijacking attacks.
3. Awesome Symfony Education
4. Mind Expanding Books
Startups and Business
Name: The Compound Effect
Author: Darren Hardy
Goodreads Rating: 4.40
Year Published: 2010
Name: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be : The 25 Principles of Success
Author: Jack Canfield, Janet Switzer
Goodreads Rating: 4.26
Year Published: 2007
Name: Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur's Odyssey to Educate the World's Children
Author: John Wood
Goodreads Rating: 4.07
Year Published: 2006
Name: Where Good Ideas Come From
Author: Steven Johnson
Goodreads Rating: 4.03
Year Published: 2010
Name: The Innovator's Dilemma
Author: clayton m. christensen
Goodreads Rating: 4.00
Year Published: 1997
Name: Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change
Author: Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson
Goodreads Rating: 3.98
Year Published: 2007
Name: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Author: David Allen
Goodreads Rating: 3.98
Year Published: 2001
Name: Losing My Virginity: How I Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way
Author: Richard Branson
Goodreads Rating: 3.97
Year Published: 1998
Name: Rich Dad Poor Dad : What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That The Poor And Middle Class Don't
Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki
Goodreads Rating: 3.95
Year Published: 1997
5. Awesome Diversity
- Black Girls Code - Organization devoted to showing the world that black girls can code.
- Bridge Troll - Events organized by volunteers to empower people with technology.
- Diversity Charter - Charter to show that you care about diversity.
- Django Girls - Non-profit organization and a community that empowers and helps women to organize programming workshops.
- Girls Who Code - Organization which aims to close the gender gap in technology.
- Hidden Genius Project - Program to connect young black males with all they need to become high-performing entrepreneurs and technologists.
- Project Include - Non-profit organization that uses data and advocacy to accelerate diversity and inclusion solutions in the tech industry.
- PyLadies - International mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.
- Rails Girls - Organization which aims to give tools and a community for women to understand technology and to build their ideas.
- R-Ladies - A worl-wide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community.
- She++ - Non-profit organization that works to empower underrepresented groups in technology by dismantling negative stereotypes surrounding technical careers.
- Teens Exploring Technology - Encourages inner city teenage Black and Latino males to become catalysts of change in urban communities.
- TLA Women In Tech - Working group dedicated to increasing gender balance and equality in tech.
- Women Techmakers - Google's program that provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.
- YesWeTech - Feminist community working for an egalitarian and proud culture of women interested in technology.
Ally Resources
- Better Male Allies - By Code Like a Girl.
- Resources For Allies (⭐293) - By Lara Hogan.
Actionable Resources
- 10 Actionable Ways To Actually Increase Diversity In Tech - By Catherine Ashcraft.
- Building Inclusive Communities - By Karolina Szczur.
- What Does Sponsorship Look Like? - By Lara Hogan.
- A Brief History Of Women In Computing - By Faruk Ateş.
- True Diversity Is Intersectional - By Ellen Pao.
- Why Diverse Teams Matter - By Brad McLain, Catherine Ashcraft and Lucy Sanders.
- Why Men Don't Believe The Data On Gender Bias In Science - By Allison Coil.
- FolksWhoCode - Organization which aims for a more rich and diverse tech community.
6. Awesome Sre
7. Awesome Ionic
Video Tutorials
8. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Easy Photo Map (⭐41)
Description: Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in the photo.
9. Awesome Draft Js
Usage in Production
10. Awesome Slack
11. Awesome
Online Storage
- Box - Ability to sync more than 100,000 files and supporting both special characters in file names and file paths longer than 256 characters.
- Mega - Encrypted file storage.
12. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Rich text editor extensions
- WagtailDraftail (⭐24) – Draft.js editor for Wagtail, built upon Draftail (⭐619) and draftjs_exporter (⭐84).
Resources / Lists
- Django Packages - Wagtail projects and packages on Django Packages.
Open-source sites / Lists
- bakerydemo (⭐985) – Next generation Wagtail demo, born in Reykjavík.
- wagtaildemo (⭐285) – An example site implemented with Wagtail.
13. Awesome Swift
- SwiftyBluetooth (⭐213) - Simple and reliable closure based wrapper around CoreBluetooth.
Math / Barcode
- BigInt (⭐771) - Arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
14. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Igloo — Internal portal for sharing documents, blogs, calendars, etc. Free for up to 10 users.
15. Awesome Cpp
- Seasocks (⭐744) - Simple, small, C++ embeddable webserver with WebSockets support. [BSD]
16. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: YARA (⭐3.7k)
Description: List of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people
17. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Project Management
- Harvest - Time tracking
18. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- IRL: Because Online Life Is Real Life - Host Veronica Belmont shares real stories of life online and real talk about the future of the Web. IRL is an original podcast from Mozilla.
- Sysadministrivia - Linux, Lagers, and Late Nights.
- The Ship Show - Build engineering, DevOps, release management & everything in between!
19. Awesome Polymer
20. Awesome Fuse
- Conrad Wise - The all-knowing Conrad Wise (iOS) (Android).
- Sanntidsappen - Great-looking overview of bus routes in Trondheim (iOS).
Open Source
- Fuse Review (⭐1) - Get reviews from your users without making them leave the app.
- Fuse Taptic-Feedback (⭐1) - Get access to the iPhone 7's taptic engine.
21. Awesome Mqtt
- mqtt-forget (⭐10) - Command line tool to remove retained MQTT topics by wildcard.
- Hulaaki (⭐114) - An Elixir library for clients communicating with MQTT brokers.
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- MMM-mqtt (⭐14) - This is an extension for the MagicMirror². It provides the ability to subscribe to MQTT topics and display them.
22. Awesome Speaking
Blog Posts
- 8 Classic Storytelling Techniques for Engaging Presentations - by Ffion Lindsay
- Nine Secrets to Powerful Public Speaking - by Julian Treasure
- Public Speaking (⭐1.4k) - A collection of resources on presenting at technical conferences by VM Brasseur
23. Awesome Ocaml
24. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Sales Analytics: How to use machine learning to predict and optimize product backorders Oct 16, 2017
25. Awesome Tensorflow
- Lattice (⭐518) - Implementation of Monotonic Calibrated Interpolated Look-Up Tables in TensorFlow
- TensorForce (⭐3.3k) - TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning
26. Awesome Vehicle Security
- Python Security - A website for browsing and buying python-integrated cars having certain vehicular security features.
Libraries and Tools / C++
- High Level ViWi Service (⭐14) - High level Volkswagen CAN signaling protocol implementation.
27. Awesome Choo
Contents / Demos
28. Awesome Devenv
- Completor (⭐1.2k) - async autocomplete with support for omni and semantic completion.
Workflow / Extensions
- ergo (⭐540) - The management of multiple local services running over different ports made easy.
29. Awesome Crystal
Third-party APIs
- GDAX (⭐7) - GDAX REST and WebSocket API Wrapper with request signing
- mixpanel-crystal (⭐0) - A library for sending events to Mixpanel
- ansible-crystal (⭐9) - Ansible playbook for installing crystal
30. Engineering Blogs
Companies / U companies
31. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- Pulsedive - Free, community-driven threat intelligence platform collecting IOCs from open-source feeds.
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- Hopper - The macOS and Linux Disassembler.
- ILSpy - ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.
- WinDbg - multipurpose debugger for the Microsoft Windows computer operating system, used to debug user mode applications, device drivers, and the kernel-mode memory dumps.
32. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome YARA (⭐3.3k) - A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
33. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Stream
- is-stream (⭐107) - Check if something is a Node.js stream.
Modules / CLI
- help-version (⭐5) - Easily handle --help and --version arguments in your CLI application
34. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Courses
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition - Stanford by Fei-Fei Li, Andrej Karpathy (2017)
Researchers / Frameworks
35. Awesome4girls
General / UX
RodAda Hacker - Loc:
- Lang: PT-BR only
The RodAda Hacker is a Brazilian network that provides collaborative workshops of programming specially designed for girls and women. It is a space for those who want to dream, build awesome projects and rethink about existing technology.
Initiatives/Programs / Academy/Camp
App Camp For Girls is a place where girls can put their creative powers to work by designing and building apps, while learning more about the business of software and being inspired by women mentors in the field.
Minas Program - Loc:
The Minas Program offers a two-week introductory programming course in Avenida Paulista, São Paulo each summer. It includes 51 hours of training in 13 days, and is free. This course is open to all but specifically geared toward women who with less access to technical training.
Initiatives/Programs / Conferences/Talks
AlterConf is a traveling conference series that provides safe opportunities for marginalized people and those who support them in the tech and gaming industries.
Ela Conf Loc:
A safe, inclusive tech leadership conference and community for adult (18+) women (cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people to connect with and empower one another.
Write/Speak/Code is on a mission to empower women software developers to become thought leaders, conference speakers, and open source contributors. They run conferences and events across the US.
Initiatives/Programs / Mentorship
It is a social enterprise that empowers women to make their mark on the technology industry. We believe that when women are equally represented in technology development, we accelerate innovation for those who need it most.
36. Awesome Nextjs
- Gank (⭐130) - A Next.js App use gank-api, mobx and antd
37. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- Puppeteer (⭐89k) - Headless Google Chrome Node API.
38. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / IOC
- Castle.Windsor (⭐1.5k) Castle Windsor is a best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET.
39. Awesome It Quotes
Quote: “It’s not enough that we build products that function, that are understandable and usable, we also need to build products that bring joy and excitement, pleasure and fun, and yes, beauty to people’s lives.”
“A brilliant solution to the wrong problem can be worse than no solution at all: solve the correct problem.”Author:
Don Norman (Co-founder of Nielsen Norman Group, former VP of Research at Apple Computer and author of The Design of Everyday Things.)
Quote: “First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII — and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we’ve realized it’s a brochure.”
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”Author:
Douglas Adams (Author, scriptwriter, essayist, humorist, satirist and dramatist.)
40. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Tutorials / iOS
- Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Plex Media Server - Beginners guide to setting up a Plex media server to stream all of your media content.
41. Awesome Android
GUI / Field Validation
- Convalida (⭐203) - A simple and annotation-based way to validate your input fields.
Other / Custom Dialog
- Agile Boiler Plate (⭐45) - The boiler plate is based on MVP architecture and it is fully based on Dependency Injection design pattern using Dagger2.
42. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Basic / Non-X86
- A beginner's guide to Gambas - John W. Rittinghouse (PDF)
Clojure / Non-X86
- Clojure by Example - Hirokuni Kim
- ClojureScript Unraveled (HTML)
Elixir / Ecto
- Ecto Getting Started Guide (HTML)
Self / Play Scala
43. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Slides
- Cycle.js - building apps with streams only - by Luca Matteis
Learn / Example Applications
- cyclejs/cycle-examples - Official collection of small Cycle.js examples
- Widdershin/tricycle ★23 (⭐23) - Scratchpad for trying out Cycle.js, relies on Ace Editor with Cycle
- cgeorg/todomvp ★21 (⭐23) - Minimum Viable Pizza, an example webapp written in Cycle.js
- erykpiast/cyclejs-examples ★9 (⭐9) - Example web applications built with Cycle.js.
- ivan-kleshnin/cyclejs-examples ★120 (⭐122) - Collection of CycleJS examples, ES6.
- ivan-kleshnin/tetris-cyclejs ★12 (⭐16) - Tetris game implemented in CycleJS, ES6
- staltz/ ★548 - A interactive matrix multiplication webapp
- staltz/rxmarbles ★2,577 - Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
- foxdonut/cycle-todolist ★11 - demonstrates a simple Cycle.js TODO list app with CRUD.
- Mercateo/component-check ★468 - Common patterns for building Cycle.js components
- edge/electron-cycle-media ★27 (⭐28) - Media player written with Cycle.js and Electron.
- SkaterDad/cycle-snabbdom-examples ★12 (⭐13) - Examples of nested components, using snabbdom-specific animations.
- bahmutov/draw-cycle ★112 (⭐143) - Interactive visualization of counter application showing the data flow inside a MVI component
- andreloureiro/pomocycle ★21 (⭐25) - A simple Pomodoro timer.
- laszlokorte/tams-tools ★24 (⭐30) - A set of tools for teaching and learning computer science built with cycle.js.
- lucamezzalira/jsday-cycle-js ★16 (⭐17) - Reactive Live London Tube trains status example built with Cycle.js.
- cyclejs-community/built-with-cycle ★9 (⭐9) - A website to showcase the cool projects built with Cycle.js
- class-ideas/cyclejs-hangman ★10 (⭐9) - A hangman game built with Cycle.js
- wmaurer/cyclejs-fractals ★15 (⭐20) - Dancing pythagorean tree fractal - Animating 2048 SVG nodes.
- fabiothiroki/cyclejs-starwars ★2 (⭐4) - A Star Wars character search app using Cycle.js, RxJS and Virtual DOM tests.
- staltz/mmmmm-mobile ★124 (⭐875) - A React Native + Cycle.js app to implement a social network on Secure Scuttlebutt networks
- cyclejs/todomvc-cycle ★214 (⭐240) - TodoMVC example implemented in Cycle.js
Tools / CLI
- cyclejs-community/create-cycle-app ★160 (⭐240) - Create Cycle.js apps with no build configuration.
Libraries / Drivers
- @cycle/http (⭐10k) - A Cycle.js Driver for making HTTP requests, based on superagent.
- @cycle/dom - A Cycle.js driver to enable interaction with the DOM. The driver is based on snabbdom as the Virtual DOM library.
- @cycle/storage (⭐52) - A Cycle.js Driver for using localStorage and sessionStorage.
- @cycle/history (⭐10k) - This is the standard Cycle.js driver for dealing with the History API
- @cycle/isolate (⭐10k) - A utility function to make scoped dataflow components in Cycle.js.
- @cycle/time (⭐10k) - Fast and beautiful tests and time management for Cycle.js
- cyclejs/cycle-notification-driver ★20 (⭐21) - A Cycle.js Driver for showing and responding to HTML5 Notifications.
- axefrog/cycle-router5 ★30 (⭐29) - A router driver using Router5
- cgeorg/ ★27 (⭐29) - A Cycle driver for Socket.IO clients
- r7kamura/cycle-fetcher-driver ★14 (⭐14) - A Cycle.js Driver for making HTTP requests using stackable-fetcher (⭐19).
- benji6/cycle-audio-graph ★12 (⭐19) - A Cycle.js Driver for manipulating the Web Audio API using virtual-audio-graph (⭐336)
- CyclicMaterials/cycle-hammer-driver ★11 (⭐11) - A Cycle.js driver to wrap Hammer.js and detect touch gestures
- jessaustin/cycle-sse-driver ★6 (⭐7) - Source driver for Server-Sent Events/EventSource.
- tylors/cycle-snabbdom ★41 (⭐41) - DOM driver using Snabbdom
- cyclejs-community/cyclic-router ★90 (⭐110) - Router Driver built for Cycle.js
- Widdershin/cycle-animation-driver ★33 (⭐35) - Cycle driver for requestAnimationFrame
- dralletje/cycle-firebase ★21 (⭐21) - A Cycle.js Driver for Firebase
- edge/cycle-blessed ★46 (⭐49) - A Cycle.js Driver for terminal applications
- 10clouds/cyclejs-cookie ★2 (⭐2) - Cookies Driver for Cycle.js
- whitecolor/cycle-async-driver ★25 (⭐23) - Factory for creating async request/response cycle.js drivers
- raquelxmoss/cycle-keys ★35 (⭐33) - Driver for keyboard events
- goodmind/cycle-telegram ★15 (⭐19) - A Cycle.js Driver for Telegram Bot API
- apoco/cycle-electron-driver ★22 (⭐23) - Driver to interact with Electron interface from Cycle.js application
- rkrupinski/cyclejs-animated-localstorage ★12 (⭐14) - A Cycle.js driver for animating (srsly) localStorage.
- cyclejs-community/cycle-keyboard ★9 (⭐9) - A keyboard driver for cycle.js
- garrydzeng/cycle-page ★3 (⭐3) - A tiny client-side router for Cycle.js
- jbowden1982/cycle-socketcluster ★5 (⭐4) - A socketcluster driver for Cycle.js
- cyclejs-community/redux-cycles ★599 (⭐756) - A Redux middleware that allows you to handle actions lifecycle with Cycle.js
- JuniperChicago/cycle-gun ★18 (⭐26) - A basic Cycle.js driver wrapping a gun.js instance allowing graph storage and p2p sync
- EnigmaCurry/cycle-deepstream ★8 (⭐10) - A Cycle.js driver for
- Alex0007/cycle-express-driver ★1 (⭐1) - A Cycle.js driver for Express.js server
- mrpierrot/cycle-node-http-server ★4 (⭐6) - A Cycle.js driver for Node.js HTTP(S) server
- Avalander/cycle-idb ★4 (⭐12) - A Cycle.js driver wrapping IndexedDB
Libraries / Utilities
- staltz/chai-virtual-dom ★24 (⭐24) - Chai assertion helpers to test virtual-dom VTrees
- erykpiast/cyclejs-group ★20 (⭐18) - Utility for CycleJS framework for reducing boilerplate when creating groups of streams.
- erykpiast/cyclejs-wc ★2 (⭐4) - Utility for creating Web Components based on Cycle.js
- ohanhi/hyperscript-helpers ★390 - elm-html inspired helpers for writing hyperscript or virtual-hyperscript.
- pH200/cycle-react ★342 - use React instead of virtual-dom with a Cycle-like API
- WorldMaker/cycle-gear ★4 (⭐5) - A main function factory for Cycle based upon a formalization of Cycle's MVI pattern
- SuperManitu/cyclejs-sortable ★15 (⭐16) - Make everything sortable via drag and drop in only one line of code!
- atomrc/cyclejs-auth0 ★22 (⭐23) - Everything you need to start playing with Auth0 on your Cyclejs app (Driver + component)
- staltz/cycle-onionify ★244 - Fractal state management for Cycle.js apps
Libraries / Boilerplates
- andreloureiro/cyclejs-starter ★50 (⭐52) - Cycle.js starter template with ES6 and Livereload.
- Frikki/generator-cyclejs ★2 (⭐2) - Scaffold out a Cycle.js Nested Dialogue module using Yeoman.
- edge/cyc ★194 - Scaffold an isomorphic Cycle.js app in seconds.
- cmdv/cycle-webpack-boilerplate ★101 (⭐96) - Cycle app with routing, state handling and tests.
- Widdershin/cycle-hot-reloading-example ★27 (⭐27) - A Cycle.js starter project with hot reloading using browserify-hmr
- cycle-community/typescript-starter-cycle ★22 (⭐34) - A simple project for getting started with TypeScript in cycle.js, using Webpack. Has settings for Visual Studio Code as candy.
- wyqydsyq/unicycle ★6 (⭐10) - A boilerplate universal Cycle app running on a Koa.js server with HMR and ServiceWorkers via Webpack
- syarul/cycle-iso ★4 (⭐4) - A barebone boilerplate Cycle app with data stream base on promises and fetched with Falcor.js
Libraries / Testing
- erykpiast/cyclejs-mock ★22 (⭐22) - Utility for testing applications based on CycleJS framework.
Libraries / Components
- erykpiast/autocompleted-select ★10 (⭐11) - Select Web Component with autocompletion. Based on RxJS and VirtualDOM.
- enten/cyclejs-calendar ★11 (⭐10) - Calendar component for Cycle.js. Try it online here.
- raquelxmoss/cycle-color-picker ★44 (⭐58) - A Color Picker component for Cycle.js. Check out the example.
- cyclejs-community/cycle-svg-pan-and-zoom ★4 (⭐4) - A Google Maps style SVG pan and zoom component for Cycle.js
44. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 ionic (⭐51k) - An open-source mobile app development framework build in TypeScript
- 🐙 Stencil (⭐13k) - a tool for building modern Web Components
- 🐙 redux-zero (⭐2k) - A lightweight state container based on Redux
- 🐙 wretch (⭐4.9k) - A tiny (< 2.2Kb g-zipped) wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
45. Awesome Dataviz
Python tools / Misc
- veusz - Python multiplatform GUI plotting tool and graphing library
- vtk - 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization that includes a Python interface.
46. Awesome Beacon
Stackoverflow Q&A
- Universal Bluetooth Beacon Library (⭐198) - open source library and links to apps to talk to Eddystone and iBeacon beacons
47. Awesome Open Source Supporters
Code Quality
- lgtm - Automated code reviews for developers.
Exception Reporting
- Honeybadger
- Exception and uptime monitoring for Ruby.
48. Awesome Framer
- Fiber - A free interactive UI kit with 15 screens.
- Voyage - A free travel-themed UI kit that’s fully interactive and made for Framer.
49. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- facebook-cli (⭐394) - Facebook command line tool
50. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- peregrine-cms (⭐52) - A Vue.js and Apache Sling based head-optional CMS
51. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- CNTK (⭐18k) - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit. Documentation can be found here.
JavaScript / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- JSMLT (⭐25) - Machine learning toolkit with classification and clustering for Node.js; supports visualization (see
JavaScript / Misc
- stdlib (⭐4.9k) - A standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numeric computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, streams, utilities, and more.
- Prev: Oct 23 - Oct 29, 2017
- Next: Oct 09 - Oct 15, 2017