Awesome List Updates on Sep 25 - Oct 01, 2017
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Cryptography
C / Git
- themis (⭐1.9k) - High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption). Ported on many languages and platforms, suitable for client-server infastructures.
Go / Git
- goThemis (⭐1.9k) - Go wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
Java / Git
- Java Themis (⭐1.9k) - Java/Android wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
PHP / Git
- PHP Themis (⭐1.9k) - PHP wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
Python / Git
- pythemis (⭐1.9k) - Python wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
Ruby / Git
- Ruby Themis (⭐1.9k) - Ruby wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
2. Awesome Microservices
- OpenWhisk - Serverless, open source cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale.
Frameworks / Runtimes
- Orbit (⭐1.7k) - Modern framework for JVM languages that makes it easier to build and maintain distributed and scalable online services.
Go / Erlang
- Iris (⭐25k) - Fast, simple and efficient micro web framework for Go.
Java VM / Scala
- Squbs - A suite of components enabling standardization and operationalization of Akka and Akka HTTP applications/services in a large scale, managed, cloud environment.
Perl / Scala
- Cro - Libraries for creating reactive distributed systems using Perl 6.
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Traffic Server (⭐1.8k) - High-performance building block for cloud services.
3. Awesome Mqtt
Monitoring / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- nag2mqtt (⭐6) - Nagios event broker to MQTT gateway.
4. Awesome Computer History
Videos / Old recordings
- A Computer Animated Hand (1972) - One of the earliest examples of computer animation
5. Awesome Free Software
Hardware / Companies
- Raptor Computing Systems - Desktops, motherboards, and other parts utilizing the IBM POWER9 processor and OpenBMC firmware.
6. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- amazon-ecs-agent 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2k) - Agent that runs on and starts containers.
Open Source Repos / OpsWorks
- opsworks-cookbooks 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.1k) - Chef Cookbooks.
7. Awesome Ios
Utility / Collection View Layout
- VTAcknowledgementsViewController (⭐855) - Ready to use “Acknowledgements”/“Licenses”/“Credits” view controller for CocoaPods.
8. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / StreamField
- wagtail-inventory (⭐61) - Search Wagtail pages by the StreamField blocks they contain.
9. Awesome Json
10. Awesome Vagrant
Official resources
- GitHub repo (⭐25k) - source code, issues discussion and collaboration.
- Vagrant Cloud - config share, boxes distribution and discovery (also premium features of private collaboration and sharing).
Notable plugins
- vagrant-registration (⭐52) - add "register" and "unregister" capabilities to Vagrant guests for updates on systems with a subscription model(like Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
- vagrant-service-manager (⭐18) - enable easier access to the features and services provided by the Atomic Developer Bundle (ADB) (⭐82).
- Vagrant: Up and Running by Mitchell Hashimoto.
11. Awesome Design Principles
Articles about Design Principles
- Design Principles - a Guide - Good introduction and best practices.
- Developing Asanas Design Principles - Inside article on how Asana developed their principles.
- The Core Principles of UI Design - Short excerpt from Fundamental UI Design, an InVision e-course by Jane Portman.
- Design Principles Guide to less shitty Feedback - Short introduction and practical guide on how to set design principles (with examples)
Other Resources
- Learn Design Principles - Learn how design principles can be applied from architecture to product design.
- Design Principles FTW - "The biggest collection of Design Principles on the Internet."
- - Huge list with various types of more traditional design principles.
- Principles of User Interface Design - Long list with well explained principles by Joshua Porter
- Principles of Product Design - Long list with well explained principles by Joshua Porter
12. Awesome Choo
Contents / Plugins and addons
- choo-detached (⭐19) - Use
as a mountable, simple stand-alone component (no routing).
Contents / CLI Templates
13. Awesome Sass
Libraries and Mixins / Grid
- Waffle Grid - Easy to use flexbox grid system.
14. Awesome Katas
15. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Other Tools
- ImageAlpha - Compress images with PNG format and remove transparency.
16. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP
17. Awesome Clojure
Code Analysis and Linter
18. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- grade (⭐42) - Track Go benchmark performance over time by storing results in InfluxDB
19. Awesome Geojson
- geo_assigner (⭐2): Copy a property to all intersecting features
20. Awesome Inspectit
Official Resources
- GitHub Repository (⭐528) - inspectIT's source code repository.
- Issue Tracking - inspectIT's issue tracking system.
- inspectIT in 7 Minutes - Short introduction of inspectIT at the 2015 Software Quality Days in Vienna.
Blog Posts
- How We Boosted Magnolia Response Times - Use case where a performance problem in an application has been found using inspectIT.
- Collaboration With inspectIT RESTful Services - Introduction of inspectIT's REST interface.
- Using Open Source APM Software: inspectIT - Overview of inspectIT and case story of a typical usage scenario.
- Automated Performance Regression Testing Using Open Source Tools - Example scenario on how a automated performance regression chain can be setup using inspectIT.
- Dynamically Change Monitoring Points During JVM Run-Time With inspectIT - How inspectIT dynamically updates monitoring points during application runtime.
- Grafana Dashboards for inspectIT (⭐1) - GitHub repository containing Grafana dashboards for visualizing data from inspectIT.
21. Awesome Serverless
Literature / Education
- The Serverless Framework: Quick Start - Video course which provides a quick start for the Serverless Framework.
- Intro to the Serverless Framework - Introduction course for the Serverless Framework.
22. Awesome Css
Reset and Normalize / Editor's Draft ✒️
- MiniReset.css (⭐2.8k) - A tiny modern CSS reset.
23. Awesome R
2017 / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
24. Awesome Nextjs
- phox (⭐19) - Create a static photo blog.
- Server Authentication with JWT (⭐106) - Server authentication, prevent render before validation.
- Cookie handler with server render (⭐15) - Cookie handler with server render, access the cookie before render.
25. Engineering Blogs
Companies / B companies
- Benchling
Companies / H companies
- Haptik
Companies / I companies
Companies / J companies
- Jobandtalent
Companies / N companies
- Nordic APIs
Individuals/Group Contributors / D individuals
- Dragan Djuric
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- Joe Armstrong
Individuals/Group Contributors / M individuals
- Michael Crump
Individuals/Group Contributors / O individuals
- Ofer Zelig
Individuals/Group Contributors / R individuals
- Radim Řehůřek
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Srinivas Tamada
26. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Programming
- Wallaroo - The ultrafast and elastic data processing engine. Big or fast data - no fuss, no Java needed.
27. Awesome Webgl
Others / Particles
- Blend4Web - Tool for interactive 3D visualization on the Internet.
- PlayCanvas - Game engine platform to build interactive experiences.
28. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Visualization
- wavesurfer.js - A customizable audio waveform visualization, built on top of Web Audio API and HTML5 Canvas
29. Awesome Tensorflow
- Unsupervised Object Counting (⭐81) - Implementation of "Attend, Infer, Repeat"
30. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Plugin-QA (⭐25) - Comprehensive Plugin for composer to execute PHP Quality assurance Tools.
Packagist Mirrors / IRC
- South America
- Brazil -
31. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers
- progaudi.tarantool (⭐50) - .NET client for Tarantool NoSql database.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging
- log4net (⭐838) - log4net is a port of the excellent Apache log4j™ framework to the Microsoft® .NET runtime.
32. Awesome Dotnet
Git Tools
- RepoZ (⭐1k) - A Git repository information aggregator with Windows Explorer & CLI-enhancements
- Unity (⭐1.7k) - Lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection
- Utf8Json (⭐2.4k) - Fast and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity and Xamarin), this serializer write/read directly to UTF8 binary so boostup performance.
33. Awesome Magento2
- Fastly Extension (⭐151) - Magento 2 fastly integration.
List of trustworthy Extension Developers / Progressive Web Application
34. Awesome Phalcon
- PhalconTime (⭐6) - TimeKeeping tool / Dashboard skeleton
35. Awesome Cl
Others / Web project skeletons and generators
- find-port (⭐20) - Programmatically find open ports. MIT.
36. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- VueGL (⭐680) - Vue.js components rendering 3D graphics reactively via three.js
37. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / CLI
- png-to-ico (⭐141) - Convert png to windows ico format.
38. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Linters
- textlint - Pluggable linting tool for text and markdown.
Resources / Tutorials
- how-to-markdown (⭐202) - This workshopper will teach you how to use Markdown.
- Markdown Guide - A concise, barebones guide to Markdown.
39. Awesome Gnome
GNOME Communities / Skeumorphic Icons
GNOME on Social Networks / Skeumorphic Icons
40. Awesome Learn Datascience
What is Data Science?
- Explanation of important vocabulary - Differentiation of Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Science.
Common Algorithms and Procedures
- Supervised vs unsupervised learning - The two most common types of Machine Learning algorithms.
- Cross validation - Evaluate the performance of your algorithm/model.
- Feature engineering - Modifying the data to better model predictions.
- Model ensemble: Explanation - Combine multiple models into one for better performance.
Data Science using Python / Learning Python
Data Science using Python / pandas
- DataCamp pandas foundations - Paid course, but 30 free days upon account creation (enough to complete course).
- Pandas cheatsheet (⭐42k) - Quick overview over the most important functions.
Data Science using Python / Jupyter Notebook
- Seaborn data visualization tutorial - Plot library that works great with Jupyter.
Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources
- Anaconda Python distribution - Contains most of the important Python packages for Data Science.
- LightGBM gradient boosting framework (⭐16k) - Successfully used in many Kaggle challenges.
- Amazon AWS - Rent cloud servers for more timeconsuming calculations (r4.xlarge server is a good place to start).
Data Science Challenges for Beginners / Various other helpful tools and resources
- Walkthrough: House prices challenge - Walkthrough through a simple challenge on house prices.
- Blood Donation Challenge - Predict if a donor will donate again.
- Titanic Challenge - Predict survival on the Titanic.
- Water Pump Challenge - Predict the operating condition of water pumps in Africa.
41. Awesome Hbase
Community / Transactions
42. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C# / Non-X86
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# - Bruno Preiss (🗃️ archived)
Go / Phoenix
- Let's learn Go! (CC BY-NC-SA)
TrueOS / PicoLisp
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- The Coder's Apprentice: Learning Programming with Python 3 - Pieter Spronck (PDF) (3.x)
43. Awesome Ruby
- Petergate (⭐195) - Easy to use and read action and content based authorizations.
CLI Utilities
- TablePrint (⭐904) - Slice your data from multiple DB tables into a single CLI view.
44. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Graphics, Image and Design / Others
- Flaming Text - An online logo or name generator/creator, modify your logo according to your wish and get in many formats including PNG and JPEG.
45. Awesome Speaking
- Bringing Your Full Voice to Life - by Barbara McAfee [19:07]
46. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- Massive Octo Spice (⭐228) - Previously known as CIF (Collective Intelligence Framework). Aggregates IOCs from various lists. Curated by the CSIRT Gadgets Foundation.
- RiskIQ - Research, connect, tag and share IPs and domains. (Was PassiveTotal.)
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Other Resources
- ThreatMiner - Data mining portal for threat intelligence, with search.
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- BinaryAlert (⭐1.4k) - An open source, serverless AWS pipeline that scans and alerts on uploaded files based on a set of YARA rules.
- ssdeep - Compute fuzzy hashes.
- - Python script for easy searching of the database.
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- - Online sandbox.
- cuckoo-modified-api (⭐19) - A Python API used to control a cuckoo-modified sandbox.
- detux (⭐257) - A sandbox developed to do traffic analysis of Linux malwares and capturing IOCs.
- - Unpacks, scans and analyzes almost any firmware package.
- HaboMalHunter (⭐725) - An Automated Malware Analysis Tool for Linux ELF Files.
- Limon (⭐384) - Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malware.
- malsub (⭐363) - A Python RESTful API framework for online malware and URL analysis services.
- Visualize_Logs (⭐136) - Open source visualization library and command line tools for logs. (Cuckoo, Procmon, more to come...)
Domain Analysis / Other Resources
- - Community based IP blacklist service.
- boomerang (⭐34) - A tool designed for consistent and safe capture of off network web resources.
- Cymon - Threat intelligence tracker, with IP/domain/hash search.
- Talos Intelligence - Search for IP, domain or network owner. (Previously SenderBase.)
- ZScalar Zulu - Zulu URL Risk Analyzer.
Browser Malware / Other Resources
- Firebug - Firefox extension for web development.
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- Binary ninja - A reversing engineering platform that is an alternative to IDA.
- PANDA (⭐102) - Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis.
- plasma (⭐3k) - Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS.
- Process Hacker - Tool that monitors system resources.
- PyREBox (⭐1.6k) - Python scriptable reverse engineering sandbox by the Talos team at Cisco.
- QKD (⭐50) - QEMU with embedded WinDbg server for stealth debugging.
- RegShot - Registry compare utility that compares snapshots.
Network / Other Resources
- PcapViz (⭐328) - Network topology and traffic visualizer.
- Python ICAP Yara (⭐56) - An ICAP Server with yara scanner for URL or content.
- Squidmagic (⭐75) - squidmagic is a tool designed to analyze a web-based network traffic to detect central command and control (C&C) servers and malicious sites, using Squid proxy server and Spamhaus.
Memory Forensics / Other Resources
- BlackLight - Windows/MacOS forensics client supporting hiberfil, pagefile, raw memory analysis.
- DAMM (⭐209) - Differential Analysis of Malware in Memory, built on Volatility.
- (⭐276) - High speed memory analysis framework developed in .NET supports all Windows x64, includes code integrity and write support.
Storage and Workflow / Other Resources
- FAME - A malware analysis framework featuring a pipeline that can be extended with custom modules, which can be chained and interact with each other to perform end-to-end analysis.
Books / Other Resources
- Practical Malware Analysis - The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software.
- Practical Reverse Engineering - Intermediate Reverse Engineering.
- Real Digital Forensics - Computer Security and Incident Response.
Other / Other Resources
- Kernel Mode - An active community devoted to malware analysis and kernel development.
- Prev: Oct 02 - Oct 08, 2017
- Next: Sep 18 - Sep 24, 2017