Awesome List Updates on Sep 18 - Sep 24, 2017

32 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Leading and Managing

Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents

2. Awesome Draft Js

Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js

Common Utilities

3. Awesome Bigdata


4. Awesome Mqtt

Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

5. Awesome Katas


6. Awesome Transit

GTFS Libraries / Python

7. Awesome Ciandcd

Build And Release System

8. Awesome Jvm

Memory and concurrency


9. Awesome Recursion Schemes

Implementations / Hylomorphisms in the Wild

10. Awesome Swift

Images / Barcode

Cryptography / Barcode

Mock / Barcode

11. Awesome Crystal

Markdown/Text Processors

12. Awesome Coins

☤ Coin Market Tools & Utilities

☤ Reading Material

☤ Coin Mining Pools

☤ Hashing Power for Rent

☤ Coin Exchanges / Physical Coin Wallets

☤ Windows GUI Apps / Physical Coin Wallets

☤ MacOS GUI Apps / Physical Coin Wallets

☤ MacOS CLI Apps / Physical Coin Wallets

☤ Recommended Hardware / Physical Coin Wallets

☤ Cool Coin/Blockchain Stuff / Physical Coin Wallets

13. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Testing

14. Awesome Dotnet



15. Awesome Deep Learning Papers

Contents / HW / SW / Dataset

16. Awesome Electron

Open Source / Other

Articles / Other

17. Awesome Preact

Contents / Components

18. Awesome Angular

Free / Google Developer Experts

19. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Static Analysis Tools

Tools / App Vulnerability Scanners

Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools

Tools / Reverse Engineering

Tools / Fuzz Testing

Tools / Market Crawlers

Tools / Misc Tools

Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Research Papers

Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / List

Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware

20. Awesome Android


Dependency Injection

21. Awesome Postgres

Contents / Extensions

Contents / Optimization

22. Awesome D3 Profiles / Third Party

23. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / UI Utilities

24. BEM Resources

Repos, CodePens and Things / Repos

25. Awesome Python


26. Awesome Cryptography

Python / Git

27. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Query Builders

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security

Books / Workflow

28. Awesome Crypto Papers

Specific topics / Hashing

Specific topics / Secret key cryptography

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: Elliptic-curve crypto

Lectures and educational courses / Post-quantum cryptography

29. Awesome Ocaml

Application Libraries

User Interface

Security and Cryptography

30. Awesome Remote Job

Job boards

31. Awesome Dev Fun

Browser extensions

32. Awesome Swift Playgrounds

Apple's Playgrounds / Functional Reactive Programming