Awesome List Updates on Aug 28 - Sep 03, 2017
36 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Static Website Services
Social Media / Provided by the Host
- Kontaktify - A contact widget that provides an easy way for visitors to get in touch.
2. Awesome Preact
Contents / Example Apps
- Hueify (⭐90) - Simple controller for your Philips Hue lights.
3. Nlp with Ruby
Machine Learning Libraries / Constituency Parsing
- rblearn (⭐1) - Feature Extraction and Crossvalidation library.
4. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Hybrid App Example with Laravel and Vue.js in Portuguese by @vedovelli
5. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Server
- Postgres-XL - Scalable Open Source PostgreSQL-based Database Cluster.
6. Awesome Unity
- GitHub for Unity - The new GitHub for Unity extension brings the GitHub workflow and more to Unity, providing support for large files with Git LFS and file locking.
7. Awesome Dotnet
Authentication and Authorization
- ASP.NET Identity (⭐2k) - New membership system for ASP.NET applications
8. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Objective-C / PicoLisp
PowerShell / Zend
9. Jstips
Support the community / Let’s keep in touch
10. Awesome Cl
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- eazy-gnuplot (⭐63) - a lispy, structure-less Gnuplot library. With its cookbook. LLGPL
11. Awesome Ssh
Apps / SSH keys / Authentication
- Slack notifications (archived version) - Guide to setup Slack notifications (can be modified for other services).
12. Awesome Regression Testing
Browser automation
- Selenium (⭐31k) - Browser automation framework and ecosystem.
- SlimerJS (⭐3k) - Scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox.
- (⭐9.1k) - Node.js bindings implementation for the W3C WebDriver protocol.
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- gatling (⭐56) - Integrated visual RSpec matcher which makes real visual testing easy (Ruby).
- vrtest (⭐15) - JavaScript library for running visual regression tests on your components cross browser via selenium.
Online services (a-z↓)
- applitools - Cloud base visual tests.
- Browser Shots - Screenshots only.
- browserling - LIVE interactive cross-browser testing.
- BrowserStack - Free for Open Source. Supports Selenium Webdriver (⭐31k).
- CrossBrowserTesting - Manual & exploratory testing on 1500+ real browsers and mobile devices.
- - Continuous visual reviews for web apps.
- - For React, looks open source.
- - Cloud based automation testing platform for web and mobile UI.
Blog posts (a-z↓)
- Pavels Jelisejevs: Visual Regression Testing with PhantomCSS - Introduction to PhantomCSS.
- Phillip Gourley: Making visual regression useful - Why you should use BackstopJS.
13. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- has (⭐594) -
helps you check presence of various command line tools and their versions on path
14. Awesome Swift
- SpotifyLogin (⭐350) - Authenticate with the Spotify API.
Video / Barcode
- MMPlayerView (⭐730) - Custom AVPlayerLayer on view and transition player with good effect like YouTube and Facebook.
15. Awesome Draft Js
Standalone Editors Built on Draft.js
- React-Draft-Wyiswyg (⭐5.9k) - A WYISWYG editor, with various text editing options and corresponding HTML generation.
Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js
- Draft.js Plugins (⭐4k) - A Plugin architecture on top of Draft.js
- Alignment
- Block Breakout (⭐42) - Break out of block types as you type.
- Buttons (⭐95)
- Color Picker (⭐95)
- Counter - Character, word & line counting.
- Divider (⭐3)
- Drag and Drop
- Embed (⭐95)
- Emoji - Slack-like emoji support
- EmojiPicker (⭐95)
- Focus
- GifPicker (⭐95)
- Hashtags - Twitter-like hashtag support
- Image
- Inline Toolbar
- Katex (⭐33) - Insert and render LaTeX using Katex.
- Link (⭐95)
- Linkify - Automatically turn links into anchor-tags.
- List (⭐14) - Automatic list creation, nested lists
- Markdown Shortcuts (⭐275) - Markdown syntax shortcuts.
- Mathjax (⭐5) - Edit math using (La)TeX rendered by Mathjax.
- Mention - Twitter-like mention support
- Modal (⭐95)
- Prism (⭐49) - Syntax highlight code blocks with Prism.
- Resizeable
- RichButtons (⭐39) - Add and customize rich formatting buttons.
- Side Toolbar
- Sidebar (⭐95)
- Single Line (⭐42) - Restrict to a single line of input.
- Sticker - Facebook-like sticker support
- Toolbar (⭐95)
- Undo - Undo & Redo button.
- Video
- Draft.js Gutter (⭐15) - Compliments line number gutter.
- Draft.js Prism (⭐277)- Highlight code blocks using Prism.
Common Utilities
- Draft.js Multidecorators (⭐32) - Combine multiple decorators.
- DraftJS Utils (⭐280) - Set of utility functions for DraftJS.
- DraftJs to HTML (⭐299) - Library for generating HTML for DraftJS editor content.
Playgrounds for Examples from Official Repository (v.0.10.0)
Usage in Production
16. Awesome Polymer
17. Awesome Ddd
User Groups / Ruby
18. Vertx Awesome
- Resilience4j (⭐9.8k) - Resilience4j is a fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming. Resilience4j provides modules for Circuit Breaking, Rate Limiting, Bulkheading, Automatic retrying, Response caching and Metric measuring.
19. Awesome Pyramid
- pyramid_ldap3 (⭐11) - Provides LDAP authentication services for your Pyramid application based on the ldap3 package.
20. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line utilities
- gradient-string (⭐1.1k) - Beautiful color gradients in terminal output.
21. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Topic-specific
- The Chessboard and the Web. Strategies of Connection in a Networked World, by Anne-Marie Slaughter (2017); applies network science to world politics.
22. Awesome Webgl
References / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Browser Support - Shows support by browser, headset, and OS.
- UX of VR - Curated list of resources to help create good UX in WebVR.
WebVR / Particles
- Hologram - Desktop app that let you create and prototype WebVR in interactive way needing no previous coding knowledge.
23. Awesome Canvas
Libraries / To draw using canvas
- d3 (⭐107k) (or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards. D3 helps you bring data to life using SVG, Canvas and HTML.
- Konva (⭐10k) - Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
24. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
Example Projects
25. Awesome Tensorflow
- Attentive Object Tracking (⭐146) - Implementation of "Hierarchical Attentive Recurrent Tracking"
26. Awesome CoreML Models
Image - Metadata/Text
- Places CNN - Detects the scene of an image from 205 categories such as bedroom, forest, coast etc. Download (⭐701) | Demo (⭐32) | Reference
- Inception v3 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image. Download (⭐217) | Demo (⭐217) | Reference
- ResNet50 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image. Download (⭐41) | Demo (⭐41) | Reference
- VGG16 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image. Download | Demo (⭐34) | Reference
- Car Recognition - Predict the brand & model of a car. Download (⭐169) | Demo (⭐41) | Reference
- YOLO - Recognize what the objects are inside a given image and where they are in the image. Download (⭐905) | Demo (⭐905) | Reference
- AgeNet - Predict a person's age from one's portrait. Download | Demo (⭐304) | Reference
- GenderNet - Predict a person's gender from one's portrait. Download | Demo (⭐304) | Reference
- MNIST - Predict handwritten (drawn) digits from images. Download (⭐63) | Demo (⭐63) | Reference
- EmotionNet - Predict a person's emotion from one's portrait. Download | Demo (⭐304) | Reference
- SentimentVision - Predict positive or negative sentiments from images. Download | Demo (⭐35) | Reference
- Food101 - Predict the type of foods from images. Download | Demo (⭐135) | Reference
- FlickrStyle - Detect the artistic style of images. Download | Demo (⭐47) | Reference
Text - Metadata/Text
- Sentiment Polarity - Predict positive or negative sentiments from sentences. Download (⭐116) | Demo (⭐116) | Reference
- iMessage Spam Detection - Detect whether a message is spam. Download (⭐35) | Demo (⭐35) | Reference
27. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Music, Radio and Podcasts / Others
- ongaku - Online anime music radio, with desktop port (⭐22).
28. Awesome
Developer Tools
- Postman - REST client with intuitive user interface to send requests, save responses, add tests, and create workflows.
- Robo 3T - A lightweight GUI for MongoDB enthusiasts.
- HWMonitor - A hardware monitoring program that reads PC systems main health sensors : voltages, temperatures, fans speed.
- Link Shell Extension - Create symlinks from Explorer.
- Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way.
29. Awesome Security
Datastores / Online resources
- blackbox (⭐6.6k) - Safely store secrets in a VCS repo using GPG
- confidant (⭐1.8k) - Stores secrets in AWS DynamoDB, encrypted at rest and integrates with IAM
- dotgpg (⭐161) - A tool for backing up and versioning your production secrets or shared passwords securely and easily.
- redoctober (⭐1.4k) - Server for two-man rule style file encryption and decryption.
- aws-vault (⭐8.1k) - Store AWS credentials in the OSX Keychain or an encrypted file
- credstash (⭐2.1k) - Store secrets using AWS KMS and DynamoDB
- chamber (⭐2.4k) - Store secrets using AWS KMS and SSM Parameter Store
- passpie (⭐923) - Multiplatform command-line password manager
30. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- Startup Benchmarks -
31. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- Kotlin: chrome-reactive-kotlin (⭐77) - reactive (rxjava 2.x), low-level client library in Kotlin
Workflow / Ruby
- Metal.js Developer Tools - Inspect the Metal component hierarchies.
32. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Date and Time
- FluentDateTime (⭐689) - Allows you to write cleaner DateTime expressions and operation. Partially inspired by Ruby DateTime Extensions.
33. Awesome Coins
☤ Support Causes You Care About
- this repo (⭐3.6k) BTC:
☤ Coin Market Tools & Utilities
- — Human–friendly API for quickly getting coin data (exchange rates, predictions, &c.)
- List of All Known Coins
- BTC Current Value
- BTC Daily Historical Value
- BTC / ETH Exchange Rate
- 20.01 BTC Value
- 42 ETH Value in BTC
- Supports all crypto–currencies.
- List of All Known Coins
☤ Reading Material
- Overview of Cryptocurrencies (⭐399) — GitHub Repo.
- Map of Coins – Explore the visualized history of the cryptocurrencies, from their whitepapers up to present days.
☤ Hashing Power for Rent
- Pool — I've heard good things.
34. Awesome Smart Tv
Samsung Tizen / Official resources
- Samsung Smart TV Bug Bounty - If you find bug in Samsung TV, submit it here and get a reward $1000+.
LG webOS / Other
- Identification of LG TV models 2011-2017 - How to get screen size, matrix type, year of development, series and ohter parameters from LG TV model name.
35. Awesome Nextjs
36. Awesome Creative Coding
Interactive / Other
- Let's Make A Ray Marcher - Interactive Shader-Toy on writing a ray marcher.
Events / Other
- NextArt Night - Inspiring people through creative uses of tech.
- Prev: Sep 04 - Sep 10, 2017
- Next: Aug 21 - Aug 27, 2017