Awesome List Updates on Aug 14 - Aug 20, 2017
43 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Ruby
- Mongoid (⭐3.9k) - An ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for MongoDB in Ruby.
2. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Antvel (⭐652)
Description: Laravel eCommerce
3. Awesome Tensorflow
- Neural machine translation between the writings of Shakespeare and modern English using TensorFlow (⭐249) - This performs a monolingual translation, going from modern English to Shakespeare and vice-versa.
4. Awesome D
Scientific / XML
- mir (⭐210) - Sandbox for some mir packages: sparse tensors, Hoffman and others.
- mir-algorithm (⭐210) - N-dimensional arrays (matrixes, tensors), algorithms, general purpose library.
- mir-random (⭐32) - Advanced Random Number Generators.
5. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
6. Awesome Python
Recommender Systems
- libffm (⭐1.6k) - A library for Field-aware Factorization Machine (FFM).
7. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- ML-From-Scratch (⭐24k) - Implementations of Machine Learning models from scratch in Python with a focus on transparency. Aims to showcase the nuts and bolts of ML in an accessible way.
8. Awesome Open Source Supporters
Code Coverage
- Codecov - Test coverage monitoring & alerting.
- Coveralls - Test coverage history & statistics.
Code Quality
- Better Code Hub - Source code maintainability analysis.
- Codacy - Automated code reviews & analytics.
- Code Climate - Automated code review & health analysis.
- codebeat - Automated code review for mobile and web.
- CodeFactor - Automated static analysis for C#, Java, CSS, JS, Ruby, Go and Python source code.
- Hound - Source code style review.
- PullApprove - Approve GitHub pull request through code review.
- Reviewable - Automated GitHub code reviews.
- Scrutinizer - Continuous code quality analysis.
- StyleCI - PHP code style review.
Continuous Integration
- AppVeyor - CI/CD for Windows developers.
- CircleCI - Docker-based building with support of customized workflows.
- Codefresh - Docker-native CI/CD.
- Codeship - Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.
- DeployHQ
- Deployment automation.
- Sauce Labs - Cross-browser testing, Selenium testing, and mobile testing.
- Semaphore - Fast automated CI/CD.
- Travis-CI - Automated CI/CD for Open Source.
Dependency Management
- - Python dependency management.
- Snyk - Continuous dependency vulnerability assessment.
- - Dependency update as a service.
Package Management
- MyGet
- NuGet, npm, Bower, Maven, and Vsix package hosting.
- packagecloud
- Maven, RPM, DEB, PyPi, and RubyGem hosting.
Project Management
- - Project management for agile developers.
- ZenHub - Agile GitHub project management.
- Zube - Project management for GitHub issues.
- Crowdin
- Localization management platform.
- LingoHub
- Translation management.
- POEditor
- Localization management platform.
- Transifex
- Localization platform for translating digital content.
Version Control
- BitBucket - Git and Mercurial repository hosting.
- GitHub - Git project hosting.
- GitLab - Git project hosting.
- Plastic SCM
- Distributed Git project hosting.
- Apiary
- API design, development, and documentation platform.
- Auth0
- SSO & token-based authentication.
- BackHub - Automated GitHub repository backups.
- BrowserStack
- Cross-browser testing tool.
- Cloud9 - Cloud-based development environments.
- Codota - AI pair programming assistant.
- GlobalSign
- SSL certificates for open source projects.
- Helpmonks
- Collaborative team email inboxes.
- - Open source discovery service.
- Mailtrap
- Fake SMTP testing server.
- Sourcegraph - Smart source code transparency.
- Siteleaf - CMS for static sites.
9. Awesome Microservices
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Istio - An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices.
Testing / Scala
- Goreplay (⭐19k) - A tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment.
10. Awesome Eta
Introduction / Official Resources
- Docker Hub - Docker repo for Eta.
11. Awesome D3
- d3-beeswarm (⭐50) - Plugin which computes a beeswarm arrangement
- neo4jd3 (⭐1.1k) - Neo4j graph visualization
- venn.js (⭐960) - Area proportional Venn and Euler diagrams
- visavail (⭐280) - Time data availability visualization
12. Awesome WebExtensions
- Mozilla Discourse - Discussions.
13. Awesome Selenium
Tools / C#
- Atata (⭐494) - Automated web testing full featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver.
14. Awesome Hbase
Books / Transactions
- HBase: The Definitive Guide - Comprehensive guide to HBase.
15. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / Scala SDK
16. Engineering Blogs
Companies / A companies
- Appnexus
Companies / D companies
- Deliveroo
Companies / G companies
Companies / J companies
- Just Eat
Companies / L companies
Companies / N companies
Companies / O companies
- OCTO Technology
Companies / S companies
Companies / T companies
- Teamwork
Individuals/Group Contributors / B individuals
- Blake Erickson
Individuals/Group Contributors / C individuals
- Code with style!
Individuals/Group Contributors / G individuals
- Graham King
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- Jan Lelis
- Jerry Gamblin
- John Resig
- Jonathan Dekhtiar
- Justin Weiss
Individuals/Group Contributors / K individuals
- K. Harrison
Individuals/Group Contributors / L individuals
- Luciano Mammino
Individuals/Group Contributors / P individuals
- Philipp Oppermann
17. Awesome Vehicle Security
Research Papers
18. Awesome Pentest
Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools
- Voltron (⭐6.2k) - Extensible debugger UI toolkit written in Python.
19. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Mordechai Zuber - Developer, Maintainer, Open Sourcer. Passionate about development.
20. Awesome Cpp
- libui (⭐11k) - Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports. [MIT]
21. Awesome Appium
- Appium (⭐16k) - Appium is an open source, cross-platform test automation tool for native, hybrid and mobile web and desktop apps, tested on simulators (iOS), emulators (Android), and real devices (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac).
- Appium Architecture & Appium Desktop - Appium Architecture, settings, etc (Updated)
Cloud and Docker Solutions
- Official Appium Docker Images (⭐452) - DockerFile for Appium Android Real Devices.
- Appium Docker Images (⭐5k) - DockerFile for Appium Android.
22. Awesome Dart
23. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
24. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Parsing
- pest-parser/pest (⭐4.8k) - The Elegant Parser
25. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- The Changelog - (⭐267)
26. Awesome Research
Code Editors / HTML+CSS+JS
- Atom(
): electron based editor with numerous plugins and easy modifications. Cross-platform with settings and plugins synchronized through the sync-settings plugin.
- Sublime Text(
Free Evaluation
): cross-platform, fast, and with plugins. Not free but can be freely used forever.
- JetBrains(
Free for Students
): beautiful IDE's with many debugging and editing modes integrated.
- vim (⭐31k)(
): no words can describe the almighty vim.- Vundle (⭐24k): the vim plugin manager
- vimrc from amix (⭐29k): "The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc"
27. Awesome Inspectit
- How to Write Your Own Sensor - Walkthrough on how to implement a custom sensor for inspectIT.
- Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) - Walkthrough on how to monitor JMX attributes.
Blog Posts
- Can the Opentracing Scene Benefit From New Tracer Implementations? - Comparision between the tracing systems inspectIT and Zipkin.
- Cross-JVM Tracing - Introduction into inspectIT's cross-JVM tracing.
28. Awesome Gnome
Icons / Material Icons
- Paper - Material icon theme.
- Papirus (⭐6.7k) - Material icon theme, initially based on Paper.
Icons / Flat Icons
- La Capitaine (⭐1.9k) - Icon inspired by macOS and Material Design guidelines.
Icons / Skeumorphic Icons
- Elementary XFCE (⭐274) - Desktop-agnostic version of the icons of elementary OS.
29. Awesome Clojure
Exceptions and Error Handling
Editor Plugins
Archives and Compression
30. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- (⭐41) - Quickly search files with fewer typings and do many more (grepping, copying path to clipboard, etc)
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- doclt (⭐44) - A command line interface to Digital Ocean
Applications / Directory Navigation
- (⭐23k) - ⛅ The right way to check the weather (curl
31. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Tools
- ssh-ping (⭐847)
- check if host is reachable using ssh_config
32. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Read-Write
- (Py)Soundfile 🐙 (⭐11) 📦 - Library based on libsndfile, CFFI, and NumPy.
Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP
Audio Related Packages / Music Information Retrieval
Audio Related Packages / Audio Dataset and Dataloaders
- Youtube-Downloader 🐙 (⭐121k) 📦 - Download youtube videos (and the audio).
Tutorials / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- Whirlwind Tour Of Python 🐙 (⭐3.4k) - fast-paced introduction to Python essentials, aimed at researchers and developers.
- Introduction to Numpy and Scipy 🐙 (⭐3k) - Highly recommended tutorial, covers large parts of the scientific Python ecosystem.
33. Awesome Math
- 3blue1brown - Animated Maths
34. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Vue.js 预览 on
35. Awesome Uncopyright
- #NEWPALMYRA - Reconstruction of the ancient Palmyra city in virtual space.
- Using CC0 for Public Domain Software - Drawbacks of using CC0 to license computer programs.
- Eclipsophile - All about solar eclipses.
- FibroHaven - Creating a community of compassion, understanding, and healing for those with chronic illness.
- Steve Pavlina - How we can deliberately invite, process, and integrate new experiences.
- Cost of Freedom - On the dream for a free culture.
- LibreStock - Search all public domain stock photo websites at once.
- CC0 1.0 Universal - Full text and explanation of CC0 at Choose a License.
- IndieWeb - People-focused alternative to the "corporate web", movement that provides advocacy and education to domain owners.
- Creative Commons - Organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.
- Open Knowledge International - Organization whose mission is for everyone to have access to key information and the ability to use it freely.
- Creative Commons CC0 - About the CC0 public domain dedication.
- CanvasPaint - Clone of Microsoft Paint in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
36. Awesome Theravada
- Bosque Theravada - Web budista dedicada al Canon Pali, el budismo temprano, y la Tradición de Ajahn Chah.
- Dhamma Musings - Shravasti Dhammika's musings and travels.
- Sujato’s Blog - Opinions on Buddhism and related issues in a contemporary context.
- Reflections: Ajahn Sucitto - Personal blog of an experienced Buddhist monk.
Places / Monasteries
- Abhayagiri - Redwood Valley, California - Environment in which individuals and families are given the opportunity to be in contact with the principles of the Buddha's teachings.
- Amaravati - Hertfordshire, England - Place of practice for monks and nuns in the Forest Tradition.
- Aruna Ratanagiri - Northumberland, England - Forest Tradition monastery headed by abbot Ajahn Munindo.
- Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery - Woodinville, Washington - Theravada monastery that offers free services, books, and meditation sessions.
- Temple Forest Monastery - Temple, New Hampshire - Balance of wilderness, seclusion, and accessibility.
- Wat Nong Pah Pong - Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand - Forest monastery established by the venerable Ajahn Chah.
- Wat Pah Nanachat - Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand - Where English-speakers can practice the simple lifestyle as taught by the Buddha.
Suttas / Resources
- dhammadāna - Learn about the Buddha's original teachings in French, English, Italian, Burmese, and Japanese.
- Sādhu! - World directory of physical locations and websites.
Videos / YouTube Channels
- Short Dhamma Talks by Thanissaro Bhikkhu - Daily talks given by Thanissaro Bhikkhu at Metta Forest Monastery.
- The Noble Path - Several documentaries on Buddhism in the late 1900s.
- Wat Marp Jan (วัดมาบจันทร์) - Events at a Thai Forest monastery established by Ajahn Anan Akiñcano.
37. Awesome Creative Coding
Online Books
- On Generative Algorithms - Notes about generating various organic patterns, with examples and Python code, by Anders Hoff.
38. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- ecto_materialized_path (⭐63) - Tree structure, hierarchy and ancestry for the ecto models.
- ex_debug_toolbar (⭐408) - A toolbar for Phoenix projects to interactively debug code and display useful information about requests: logs, timelines, database queries etc.
- bootleg (⭐397) - Simple deployment and server automation for Elixir.
- Gigalixir - A fully-featured PaaS designed for Elixir. Supports clustering, hot upgrades, and remote console/observer. Free to try without a credit card.
- event_bus (⭐702) - Simple event bus implementation with topic filtering and built-in event store and event watcher.
- shorter_maps (⭐234) - ~M sigil for map shorthand.
~M{id name} ~> %{id: id, name: name}
- download (⭐33) - Download files from the internet easily.
Third Party APIs
- vultr (⭐4) - Simple wrapper for the Vultr API.
- ex_gtin - A validation library for GTIN codes under GS1 specification.
- Adopting Elixir - Bring Elixir into your company, with real-life strategies from the people who built Elixir and use it successfully at scale. This book has all the information you need to take your application from concept to production (2017).
39. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization
- Auth0 (⭐325) - Hosted, enterprise-grade platform for modern identity.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Machine Learning and Data Science
- Spreads (⭐424) - Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams.
40. Awesome Webgl
- WebGl Playground - The editor lets you work on the JavaScript code and the GLSL vertex/fragment shaders (if you have any) at the same time in a convenient way. Everything is organized, formatted and highlighted properly, just as you would like.
Blog Series / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Mozilla VR Blog - WebVR focused blog from makers of Firefox.
Platforms / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- JanusVR - Webpages as collaborative 3D webspaces interconnected by portals.
Community / Particles
41. Awesome Serverless
- FaaS performance comparison - Comparing serverless function performance.
Literature / Education
- AWS Lambda, Kinesis & Serverless Framework - Udemy Course on the Serverless Framework.
42. Awesome Swift
- ChromaColorPicker (⭐568) - An intuitive and fun iOS color picker.
- AnyDate (⭐190) - Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
Auto Layout / Barcode
- Cassowary (⭐111) - A linear constraint solving library using the same algorithm as AutoLayout.
Menu / Barcode
- SwipeMenuViewController (⭐1.3k) - Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.
Utility / Barcode
- Highlighter (⭐934) - Highlight whatever you want! Highlighter will magically find UI objects such as UILabel, UITextView, UITexTfield, UIButton in your UITableViewCell or other Class.
43. Awesome Zsh Plugins
dotzsh / superconsole - Windows-only
- Open a new ZSH terminal window or tab
- Prev: Aug 21 - Aug 27, 2017
- Next: Aug 07 - Aug 13, 2017