Awesome List Updates on Jul 17 - Jul 23, 2017
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Tutorials
2. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Network
- DHCP (⭐301) - DHCP client and server.
3. Awesome Tap
Tools / JavaScript
- smokestack (⭐246) - Run TAP tests in a browser and write the output to
- chutney (⭐5) - Run TAP tests at Sauce Labs. Lightweight smokestack (⭐246) alternative.
4. Awesome Rails
External Resources / Books
External Resources / Other external resources
Community / Other external resources
5. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / File Sharing
- qBittorrent - Free and open source BitTorrent client.
Alternatives / Publications
- The Conversation - High quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism funded by universities.
Resources / Articles
- A Call for Revolt: Advertising is the Anti-Minimalism - Opt-out of the advertising game.
6. Inspire
Tools / Every painter needs a brush. Well... Most do.
- Hyper - Beautiful, extensible command-line interface
7. Awesome Fuse
- 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea - Interactive book (iOS).
- Countinental - An app for counting things (iOS) (Android).
- Criminal Mind - Interactive story book (iOS) (Android).
- Dark Forest - Interactive book (iOS) (Android).
- FuseCloud (⭐76) - A SoundCloud® player that uses the free SoundCloud API (iOS) (Android).
- GameCalculator - A custom game calculator for parties (iOS) (Android).
- Guias Doop - Celebrity lifestyle guide. (iOS) (Android)
- HowOld - Find out how old or young you look (Android).
- Opportunity - A lead generation tool built inside of a business network (iOS) (Android).
- Quotis - Streamlined inspirational quote app that let's you browse and copy/paste great quotes (Android).
- SpinDice3D - Select and spin a dice from collection of 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 sides (iOS) (Android).
- Tesla CTRL - This app will give you better control of your Tesla (iOS).
- The Monster and the Cat - Interactive book (iOS) (Android).
- Timecircle - Simple yet effective and good-looking stop watch (iOS) (Android).
- Timestealer - Track how much your meetings are costing you and your company (iOS) (Android).
8. Awesome Bigdata
PostgreSQL forks and evolutions
- PipelineDB - The Streaming SQL Database. An open-source relational database that runs SQL queries continuously on streams, incrementally storing results in tables
- TimescaleDB - An open-source time-series database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries
9. Awesome Selenium
Containers / Docker
- Ggr (⭐314) - A lightweight load balancer used to create big Selenium clusters.
- Selenoid (⭐2.6k) - A lightweight Selenium hub implementation launching browsers in Docker containers.
10. BEM Resources
11. Awesome Dtrace
Community / Ruby
- FreeBSD DTrace mailing list - FreeBSD DTrace community mailing list.
12. Magictools
Books / Voxel Editors
13. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Environmental Science and Geology
- AWEsome - An affordable airborne wind turbine prototype.
14. Awesome Ocaml
- onanomsg (⭐38) – nanomsg bindings for OCaml.
- Kafka (⭐64) – OCaml bindings for Apache Kafka.
- AMQP (⭐62) – AMQP client library for Async and Lwt.
- MPI (⭐26) – Message Passing Interface bindings for OCaml.
- MQTT (⭐19) – OCaml implementation of the MQTT pubsub protocol.
15. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Scott Johnson
16. Awesome Dotnet
Machine Learning and Data Science
- Spreads (⭐432) - Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams. Spreads library is optimized for performance and memory usage. It is several times faster than other open source projects.
- CAP (⭐6.8k) - An EventBus with local persistent message functionality for RabbitMQ or Kafka.
17. Awesome Flexbox
Featured Projects / Slides and Notes
- iron-flex-layout - Style mixins for cross-platform flex-box layouts
18. Awesome Polymer
- Polymer Webpack Loader (⭐192). Polymer webpack loader.
19. Awesome Security
Network / Security Information & Event Management
- Prelude - Prelude is a Universal "Security Information & Event Management" (SIEM) system. Prelude collects, normalizes, sorts, aggregates, correlates and reports all security-related events independently of the product brand or license giving rise to such events; Prelude is "agentless".
Threat Intelligence / Forensics
- Emerging Threats - Open Source - Emerging Threats began 10 years ago as an open source community for collecting Suricata and SNORT® rules, firewall rules, and other IDS rulesets. The open source community still plays an active role in Internet security, with more than 200,000 active users downloading the ruleset daily. The ETOpen Ruleset is open to any user or organization, as long as you follow some basic guidelines. Our ETOpen Ruleset is available for download any time.
- Tor Bulk Exit List - CollecTor, your friendly data-collecting service in the Tor network. CollecTor fetches data from various nodes and services in the public Tor network and makes it available to the world. If you're doing research on the Tor network, or if you're developing an application that uses Tor network data, this is your place to start. TOR Node List / DNS Blacklists / Tor Node List
Web / Web Application Firewall
- ironbee (⭐297) - IronBee is an open source project to build a universal web application security sensor. IronBee as a framework for developing a system for securing web applications - a framework for building a web application firewall (WAF).
Big Data / Development
- Apache Metron (incubating) (⭐842) - Metron integrates a variety of open source big data technologies in order to offer a centralized tool for security monitoring and analysis.
- Apache Spot (incubating) (⭐346) - Apache Spot is open source software for leveraging insights from flow and packet analysis.
20. Awesome Javascript
QA Tools / Runner
- prettier (⭐50k) - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
21. Awesome D3
Server side / Third Party
- d3-node (⭐662) - Static chart and map generation
22. Awesome Vehicle Security
- Car Hacking 101 - Bugcrowd LevelUp 2017 by Alan Mond
Applications / Episodes
- Mazda AIO Tweaks - All-in-one installer/uninstaller for many available Mazda MZD Infotainment System tweaks.
- mazda_getInfo (⭐157) - A PoC that the USB port is an attack surface for a Mazda car's infotainment system and how Mazda hacks are made (known bug in the CMU).
23. Awesome Sass
Articles / Miscellaneous
24. Awesome Webgl
2D / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Phaser - Open source HTML5 2D game framework for Canvas and WebGL, supports mobile web browsers.
- PixiJS - powerful 2D Javascript renderer based on WebGL.
25. Awesome Lockpicking
Contests, conferences, and events
- LockCon - Annual, invitation-only international conference about locks for members of respected locksport organizations.
Hobby projects
- 3D Printed Lock Picks - Print lock picks made of plastic materials that, while weak, will survive at least several uses. (Find more digital models.)
Online resources
- Lockpicking Forensics - Website "dedicated to the science and study of forensic locksmithing."
26. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- dynamodb-transactions 🔥🔥 (⭐352) - Performs atomic writes and isolated reads across multiple items and tables.
Open Source Repos / SQS
- phstc/shoryuken 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2k) - A super efficient SQS thread based message processor for Ruby.
27. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
28. Awesome Theravada
Forums / Audio
- Dhamma Wheel - Discussion on a wide variety of topics pertaining to Theravada Buddhism.
Suttas / Individual Suttas
- Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion - The Buddha's first discourse.
- Samaññaphala Sutta: The Fruits of the Contemplative Life - Comprehensive portrait of the Buddhist path of training, illustrating each stage of the training with vivid similes.
- Kasi Bharadvaja Sutta: To the Plowing Bharadvaja - The Buddha explains how he plows, sows, and eats like a farmer.
- Nidhi Kanda: The Reserve Fund - Reminder that a fund of virtue and restraint will always be safe, while a material fund can be lost.
- Tuvataka Sutta: Quickly - How a monastic should act, with parts that are applicable to laypeople as well.
29. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- Event Sourcing and CQRS Sample (⭐463) - Sample event sourced application with Command Query Responsibility Segregation
30. Awesome Android Ui
Label / Form
Name: Shimmer for Android (⭐5.1k)
License: BSD 2 License
Name: Float Labeled EditText (⭐1.1k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: GraphView (⭐2.7k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Android PDFView (⭐2.8k)
License: GPL V3
Name: LolliPin (⭐1.6k)
License: Apache License V2
31. Awesome Python
Environment Management
- pyenv (⭐38k) - Simple Python version management.
GUI Development
- wxPython - A blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python.
HTML Manipulation
- xmldataset - Simple XML Parsing.
Job Scheduler
- APScheduler - A light but powerful in-process task scheduler that lets you schedule functions.
- TaskFlow - A Python library that helps to make task execution easy, consistent and reliable.
Package Repositories
- localshop (⭐397) - Local PyPI server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi).
- Pyramid
- cornice (⭐382) - A RESTful framework for Pyramid.
- ObsPy (⭐1.1k) - A Python toolbox for seismology.
- SciPy - A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
Specific Formats Processing
- PyYAML - YAML implementations for Python.
- Test Runners
- green (⭐785) - A clean, colorful test runner.
- mamba - The definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of BDD.
- tox - Auto builds and tests distributions in multiple Python versions
Third-party APIs
- django-wordpress (⭐351) - WordPress models and views for Django.
32. Awesome Computer History
Websites / Announcements and Memos
- First website ever made (1990) - CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research Organisation) website
- The Amazing FishCam (1994) - The Fishcam was the second live camera on the web and is the oldest camera site still in existence
33. Dive Into Machine Learning
Supplement: Learning Pandas well / Some communities to know about!
- Another helpful tutorial: Real World Data Cleanup with Python and Pandas
34. Awesome Design
Styleguide and Branding
Conference and Festival
35. Awesome Swift
- LoginKit (⭐660) - LoginKit is a quick and easy way to add a Login/Signup UX to your iOS app.
- MessageKit (⭐6.1k) - A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController.
- Inkwell (⭐154) - An inkwell to use custom fonts on the fly.
Images / Barcode
- gifu (⭐3.1k) - Highly performant animated GIF support for iOS.
UI / Barcode
- DeckTransition (⭐2.2k) - A library to recreate the iOS 10 Apple Music now playing transition.
- InstantSearch iOS (⭐599) - A library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search features on iOS.
UITableView / Barcode
- SwipeCellKit (⭐6.2k) - Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock
36. Awesome Json
- Lawnchair (⭐2.1k) - A lightweight clientside document store. (Javascript)
- RxDB (⭐21k) - Event-driven JSON-Database with JSON-Schema, mango-Query and CouchDB-sync. (Javascript)
Format Extensions
- JSON-LD - A lightweight Linked Data format.
- JSON6 (⭐231) - JSON for Humans (ES6).
- scala-jsonapi (⭐107) - Support library for integrating the JSON:API spec with Play, Spray and/or Circe backends.
Online tools
- JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
- JSONCompare - The Advanced Version of the JSON Linter.
- JSONProxy (⭐302) - Simple HTTP proxy that enables cross-domain requests to any JSON API.
- JSON-populate (⭐153) - Tool for populating JSON data with infinitely recursive circular references. Sort of like Falcor, but for plain JSON.
- CircularJSON (⭐602) - JSON does not handle circular references. Now it does.
37. Awesome Sre
38. Awesome Laravel
Codebases for Reference / Videos
- Antvel (⭐645) - Ecommerce platform
39. Awesome Robotics
40. Awesome Keycloak
Example Projects
41. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers
- SPARTA - Graphical interface offering scriptable, configurable access to existing network infrastructure scanning and enumeration tools.
Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools
- PyREBox (⭐1.7k) - Python scriptable Reverse Engineering sandbox by Cisco-Talos.
42. Awesome Nextjs
- Next Simple Starter (⭐948) - Simple PWA boilerplate with Next.js and Redux.
- NextJS Starter (⭐1.4k) - Starter project for Next.js with and email and oAuth authentication.
- RAN! (⭐2.2k) - Production-ready boilerplate with support for GraphQL, SSR, Hot-reload, CSS-in-JS, caching, and more.
- Next Simple Blog (⭐557) - Simple Markdown based blog built with Next.js with static exports.
- NextJS GOT (⭐33) - Simple Next.js application that showcases Game of Thrones Characters.
- Relate (⭐333) - Mindfulness community - React, GraphQL, Next.js.
- Password (⭐120) - One password, right way.
- Next Todos (⭐129) - Todo list written in Next.js.
- Hacker News (⭐47) - Another Hacker News written in Next.js.
- Jet Chat (⭐10) - Jet and Next.js powered Chat demo.
- Nextgram (⭐51) - Sample Next.js v2 app for showing off its capabilities.
- Rauchg Blog (⭐1.3k) - Blog built by a Next.js core maintainer.
- Next JPH (⭐35) - JsonPlaceholder sample app made with Next.js.
- Mailto (⭐210) - HTML mailto's made easy.
- Plate (⭐49) - The task management app to rule them all.
- Dashboard (⭐1.3k) - Create your own team dashboard with custom widgets.
- Trello Resume (⭐16) - Converts trello data into fast read information.
43. Awesome Cpp
- libdill (⭐1.9k) - Introduces structured concurrency in C. [MIT]
- libmill (⭐3k) - Introduces Go-style concurrency in C. [MIT]
44. Awesome Ruby
CLI Utilities
- colorls (⭐5k) - Beautifies the
command, with color and font-awesome icons.
- Chamber (⭐201) - Surprisingly customizable convention-based approach to managing your app's configuration.
Third-party APIs
- Restforce (⭐822) - A Ruby client for the Salesforce REST api.
45. Awesome Electron
Videos / Other
46. Awesome Actionscript3
Development Tools / Code Editors
- FlashDevelop - Premiere free & open-source IDE for AS3 & AIR, with code completion, debugging, and more.
- Powerflasher FDT - Commercial IDE built on the Eclipse platform for development of Adobe Flash/AIR content.
- Adobe Flash Builder - Commercial IDE for building applications on the Flex framework (with advanced debugging tools).
Development Tools / Live Debuggers
- Adobe Scout - Advanced visual profiling and debugging tool for AIR apps & games (supports Stage3D).
- De-Monster Debugger (⭐6) - Advanced tool to debug graphics and data from a live AIR application.
- De-Monster Debugger (Starling) (⭐50) - Fork of De-Monster Debugger with support for Starling Framework.
Development Tools / Asset Creators
- FlashMovieClipConverter (⭐24) - Converts a Flash MovieClip to a Starling IAnimatable Sprite.
Development Tools / SWF Obfuscators
- secureSWF - Commercial AS3/AIR obfuscator with renaming, asset encryption and automatic code optimization.
- irrFuscator - Commercial AS3 obfuscator for Flash and Flex SWF files.
File Formats / SWF
- SWFWire (⭐244) - SWF Decompiler and Inspector Tools.
- AS3abc (⭐2) - Low level library to parse, create, modify and publish ABC (Actionscript Block Code) files.
- Abc-abstraction - Allows ABC to be analyzed, manipulated, packaged back into an SWF, and run.
Development Tools / SWF Inspectors
- Velocity9 (⭐24) - Basic SWF Inspector.
Development Tools / SWF Decompilers
- AS3Sorcerer - Premiere AS3 decompiler with 99% decompilation accuracy (supports SWF/SWC, Alchemy opcodes).
- Sothink Decompiler - Advanced decompiler for AS2/AS3 (supports asset extraction and conversion of SWF to FLA/Flex).
Development Tools / ANE Dev Tools
- FreSharp (⭐46) - Build ANEs using C# with this C# wrapper for FlashRuntimeExtensions .
- Swift-IOS-ANE (⭐59) - ANE starter kit written in Swift 3 for iOS 10 .
Frameworks / MVC Frameworks
- PureMVC (⭐122) - Industry-standard MVC framework for Flash (multicore (⭐57)).
- Robotlegs (⭐968) - Dependency injection, module/view/command management framework for Flash.
- Apollo (⭐1) - Dependency injection and messaging framework, which can be used as the basis for MVC projects.
- Somacore (⭐21) - Lightweight event-based AS3 MVC framework.
- Kote (⭐3) - Fast and lightweight MVC framework that brings together the best of PureMVC and as3-signals.
- StarlingMVC (⭐126) - IOC Framework for Starling based games.
Frameworks / UI Frameworks
- Starling - High-performance 2D graphics engine built on Stage3D. API identical to Flash API. (github (⭐2.6k), help).
- Feathers UI - User interface components for Starling Framework (github (⭐920), help).
Frameworks / Game Frameworks
- StarlingPunk (⭐140) - Framework built on Starling to add structure and organization to your game projects.
- IsoHill (⭐104) - GPU-based Isometric engine built on Starling, with TILED map parser, layers, etc (website).
- ND2D (⭐320) - GPU-accelerated 2D game engine using Stage3D (ND2Dx (⭐34)).
- Nexus (⭐12) - GPU-accelerated 2D game engine using Stage3D.
Frameworks / 3D Frameworks
- AwayBuilder - Visual workflow tool to import, optimise and bake 3D assets from a variety of sources.
- Away3D (⭐638) - Open-source GPU-accelerated 3D engine for Flash Player 11+ (examples (⭐99)).
- Away3D OpenFL (⭐165) - Away3D for Neko, HTML5 and native CPP. (examples (⭐37)).
- AwayPhysics FP11 (⭐113) - Away Physics - 3D physics library for the Away3D FP 11 (examples (⭐58)).
- Alternativa3D (⭐366) - Alternativa3D GPU accelerated 3D engine (examples (⭐35)).
- Flare3D - Commercial 3D platform with high-performance engine and Level-editor IDE.
- Zen3D (⭐5) - High-performance 3D engine for Adobe Flash & AIR (GPU based).
Frameworks / Animation
- GreenSock GSAP - The industry-standard animation library for Flash (TweenLite, TweenMax) (github (⭐407)).
- StarlingGAFPlayer (⭐1) - Play back GAF animations using Starling (animations authored in Flash Pro).
Frameworks / Signals
- Signaller (⭐2) - Signals implementation with restricted rights for dispatching.
Frameworks / Unit Testing
- AS3unit (⭐4) - Unit testing framework for ActionScript 3.
- (⭐10) - BDD-style assertion library for ActionScript 3.
- AS3spec (⭐20) - Tiny BDD framework for AS3, inspired by Bacon and RSpec.
- ASunit (⭐49) - The only unit test framework that supports Flash Players 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
User Interface / UI Components
- MinimalComps (⭐621) - Minimal ActionScript 3.0 UI Components for Flash.
- MadComponents (⭐45) - Popular Mobile UI Framework for AS3 / AIR.
- AsWing (⭐13) - Open Source Flash ActionScript GUI framework.
- GPUI (⭐67) - Tiny GUI Library based on Stage3D (GPU).
- Falcon (⭐21) - responsive/flexible mobile ui controls for Feathers.
- Flex-maps (⭐13) - Definitive solution for maps in Apache Flex.
User Interface / Starling Components
- TabbedApplication (⭐11) - View-based navigation model with swipe to navigate tabs.
- DataGrid (⭐7) - Displays a datagrid with column headings and smooth scrolling.
- DataTree (⭐8) - Displays hierarchical data arranged as an expandable tree.
- Canvas (⭐8) - Supports basic vector drawing functionality.
- CircleProgress (⭐6) - Displays progress using a radial progressbar.
- ZoomableControl (⭐4) - Allows a pinch to zoom using the multitouch inputs.
- Toaster (⭐3) - Simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. .
- Google Maps (⭐62) - Google Maps for Starling, optimized for mobile devices.
User Interface / Layout
- Adobe TLF (⭐26) - Adobe/Apache Flex Text Layout Framework (TLF).
- TinyTLF (⭐10) - Versatile text layout framework built on top of the Flash Text Engine for Flash/Flex.
- Argilla-Mosaic (⭐5) - Dynamic layout library.
- xrope (⭐34) - Simple layout library for native AS3 display objects.
- miglayout-as (⭐15) - Port of MigLayout, a superbly versatile Flash/Flex/FlashCocoa (SWT/Swing/JavaFX) layout manager.
User Interface / Multi Touch
- TUIO Client (⭐6) - Common framework for multi-touch hardware, supporting TUIO/FLC and TUIO/TCP (web).
- Gestouch (⭐354) - Multitouch gesture recognition library for building better Natural User Interfaces.
- Gestures.IO (⭐1) - Simplifies the way you create gesture-based Natural Interactions.
- TouchScript (⭐19) - Multitouch framework that makes handling complex gesture interactions on large touch surfaces easier.
Multimedia / Augmented Reality
- FLARToolKit (⭐14) - AS3 port of the industry standard ARToolkit library, for Flash Player 11. (website).
- FLARManager - Lightweight framework for building augmented reality apps, using FLARToolkit/flare.tracker/flare.NFT.
- EZFLAR (⭐41) - A little wrapper to ease the way AR works.
- IN2AR (⭐33) - SDK for IN2AR cross-platform Augmented Reality Engine.
Multimedia / Data Visualization
- clearmaps (⭐63) - Mapping framework for data visualization.
- Flextreemap (⭐22) - TreeMap data visualization component for Adobe Flex.
- GraphVisualizer (⭐4) - A Flex 3 + ActionScript 3 web software to draw dynamic graphcs.
- Weave (⭐369) - Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment.
- Social-grid (⭐22) - Abstract Grid Visualization for Social Media.
Multimedia / Camera
- CameraDetection (⭐35) - Camera detection.
- Fluocam (⭐12) - Virtual camera for Starling applications.
- WebcamRecorder (⭐25) - Chromeless video/audio/still image recording from webcams.
Multimedia / Image
- Scale9Image (⭐13) - Optimized scale9Grid image for starling.
- ASImageLib (⭐10) - BMP/PNG decoder for actionscript.
- Async-Image-Encoders (⭐20) - Asynchronously encode BitmapData objects into image file format.
- Flip-Planes-AS3 (⭐14) - Photo slideshow effects.
- AS3-transitions-lib (⭐12) - Image Transitions Library.
- Inspirit Image (⭐1) - FFT, SURF, edge detection, fluid solver, etc.
- Inspirit GPUImage (⭐170) - Framework for GPU-based image processing.
- AS3potrace (⭐61) - POTrace implementation, to trace bitmap images to vector.
- ATF-Encoder (⭐79) - Encode/decode ATF (Adobe Texture Format) files in pure AS3.
- AS3-klt (⭐11) - Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker implementation.
Multimedia / Font
- Firetype (⭐103) - Parse OpenType fonts and render them using Stage3D.
- HanFont (⭐14) - AIR app for Chinese Font Embeding in ActionScript.
- (⭐4) - Library to easily include icon fonts.
Multimedia / Particle
- Flint (⭐259) - Particle Engine for Flash and Flex.
- Desuade Partigen - Desuade Partigen particle generation system (github (⭐19)).
- Angulex (⭐10) - Particle Designer for the Starling framework (ActionScript 3).
- SAP (⭐45) - Particle System for Starling.
- Starling-Particles (⭐321) - Particle system for the Starling framework, compatible with the "Particle Designer" from
Multimedia / Panorama Viewer
- Pantaloons - Panoramic viewing in Flash Player.
- SaladoPlayer (⭐88) - Panorama viewer.
- PanoramicViewer (⭐1) - 3D Panoramic Viewer.
- CuTy (⭐10) - QTVR Panorama viewer based on Flash 10.
Multimedia / QR Code
- Zxing AS3 (⭐30k) - QR code detection and generation (docs).
- AS3-qrcode-encoder (⭐92) - QR code encoder in as3.
- qrcode-as (⭐29) - QR Code reader which supports webcam on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Multimedia / Sound
- SoundAS (⭐138) - Modern & lightweight sound manager for AS3.
- Standingwave3 (⭐162) - Dynamic audio library.
- Standingwave3-addons (⭐1) - Addons for SW3.
- Soundtouch-as3 (⭐60) - AS3 Port of the SoundTouch Sound Processing Library.
- SeiON (⭐8) - Sound Management Library.
- AS3-Sound-Manager (⭐17)- Upgraded version of the Sound Manager Class from Matt Przybylski.
- AS3sfxr (⭐84) - Port of sfxr from C++ to AS3, using the new sound and file capabilities of Flash Player 10.
- AS3-audio (⭐6) - Audio Management in Actionscript.
- SiON (⭐104) - Flash Software Synthesizer.
- FlashWavRecorder (⭐240) - Recording audio and saving as a WAV.
- Jukebox (⭐2) - Music manager for Actionscript 3 projects.
- Flod (⭐45) - Amiga SoundTracker (MOD) and FastTracker (XM) Replay Library.
Multimedia / Video Player
- Flowplayer (⭐279) - Flowplayer Flash, the video player for the Web.
- Goplayer (⭐18) - Modern open-source video player written in ActionScript 3.
- OSFlashVideoPlayer (⭐103) - Open source flash video player.
- F4player (⭐116) - Open Source AS3 Flash Video Player.
- dashas (⭐104) - MPEG-DASH player written in ActionScript.
- hlsplayer (⭐60) - HLS player for OSMF flash framework.
- vgaplayer (⭐28) - Open source player for Adobe Flash Media Server streams (RTMP).
Database / SQLite
- AS3Query (⭐2) - Another SQLite ORM and query DSL for ActionScript.
- AIRdb (⭐34) - AIR ORM for using client-side SQLite within AIR and Flex apps. Supports ActiveRecord style models, migrations and associations.
- Flexine (⭐4) - SQLite ORM for AIR.
- AIR-sqlite (⭐75) - Utilities for working with SQLite databases in AIR.
File Formats / BSON
- MongoAS3 (⭐74) - MongoDB Driver which includes BSON I/O.
- ActionBSON (⭐11) - BSON data encoder/decoder.
Database / MongoDB
- ActionMongo (⭐1) - MongoDB driver.
Database / CouchDB
- AS3couchdb (⭐40) - Client-side API for interacting with a CouchDB instance.
Database / MySQL
- AS3mysql (⭐12) - Driver for the MySQL open source database.
Database / PostgreSQL
- Pegasus (⭐16) - Driver for the PostgreSQL open source database.
Database / DynamoDB
- AWS-dynamodb (⭐1) - Driver for accessing Amazon's AWS DynamoDB.
Database / Redis
- AS3redis (⭐4) - Driver for Redis.
File Formats / Archives
- Untar-Worker (⭐9) - TAR extraction using AS3 Workers (background threads).
File Formats / 3D Formats
- AsCollada (⭐8) - Parse COLLADA 3D model files (fork (⭐1)).
- AsBlender (⭐38) - Parse Blender .BLEND files.
- AS3-bvh-parser (⭐5) - Parse BVH files.
File Formats / CSV
- CSV4AS3 (⭐4) - CSV library ported from Apache Commons CSV.
- Csvlib (⭐7) - CSV parser.
File Formats / CSS
- Fcss (⭐84) - Flash Cascading StyleSheet Library.
- Sass4as (⭐4) - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets for ActionScript 3.
File Formats / EXIF
- AS3-exif-lib (⭐6) - Parse JPEG EXIF data.
- Exif-as3 (⭐19) - Parse JPEG EXIF data.
File Formats / FXG
- Fxg-as3-lib (⭐8) - Pure AS3 FXG rendering library (both runtime rendering and mxml supported).
- Fxg2as3 (⭐2) - Converting FXG markup into executable Actionscript 3 code.
File Formats / GIF
- AS3gif (⭐24) - Play and encode Animated GIFs.
- GIF Player (⭐57) - Play Animated GIFs in Flash.
- Async-gif-decoder (⭐12) - Asynchronous GIF decoder & player.
File Formats / ICAL
- AS3iCAL (⭐5) - iCal parser based on the RFC2445 specification.
File Formats / JSON
- Actionjson (⭐125) - Faster, more advanced ActionScript 3 JSON library.
- Jameson (⭐14) - JSON Document Object Mapper.
- Serialkiller (⭐4) - JSON & XML serialization library.
- JsonMapper (⭐3) - Typed JSON parser.
- JSONTools (⭐16) - JSON errors, the speed of the JSWoof JSON library, and E4X style queries dubbed E4J.
File Formats / Markdown
- - Port of showdown.js.
- Actiondown (⭐2) - Port of Javascript Showdown.
- Markdownlib (⭐5) - Implementation of Markdown.
File Formats / MP3
- AS3id3lib (⭐1) - Parse MP3 ID3 data.
File Formats / PDF
- PurePDF (⭐139) - Complete PDF library, port of Java iText.
- HalcyonPDF (⭐3) - OpenStreetMap PDF renderer.
- PDFCase (⭐3) - PDF Library.
- PDFView (⭐7) - PDF viewer built from scratch.
File Formats / PSD
- AS3-psd-parser (⭐35) - Parse Photoshop PSD files and render as BitmapData objects.
File Formats / SVG
- AS3SVGRenderer (⭐106) - SVG Renderer for Flash Player.
- SVGParser (⭐16) - SVG parser and renderer to FIVe3D and HTML5 canvas.
File Formats / XML
- XMLSerializer (⭐3) - Library which allows data serialisation from ActionScript to XML and from XML to ActionScript.
- Nudge (⭐1) - Framework to serialize/deserialize objects as XML.
File Formats / XLSX
- AS3-xlsx-reader (⭐41) - Parse Open XML Excel (.XLSX) or Open Office spreadsheets.
Networking / Data Loader
- GreenSock LoaderMax (⭐407) - Provides an easy and powerful way to load assets at runtime.
- BulkLoader (⭐271) - Bulk asset loading library for Actionscript.
- AssetLoader (⭐119) - Multi-file/asset loader for AS3 built on AS3Signals.
Networking / Hardware
- AS3midilib (⭐7) - Work with MIDI files and MIDI input/output devices.
- AS3glue - Communication for Arduino boards.
- AS3-arduino (⭐45) - Connecting Arduino Prototyping board to Adobe AIR.
- AIRkinect (⭐113) - ANE for integrating with Microsoft Kinect. (examples (⭐46)).
- KinectGate (⭐13) - KinectSDK to AS3 socket gate.
- Kinect-Gestures (⭐51) - AIR Kinect Gesture Library.
AIR Native Extensions / Hardware ANE
- LeapMotionAS3 (⭐307) - ANE for LeapMotion sensor (provides Gestures, Image, Skeleton/Bone @ 210 FPS).
- GPS (⭐15) - Get current device GPS location as fast as possible by automatically checking the best available provider.
- GoogleVR (⭐16) - Google Virtual Reality SDK available to AIR developers.
- Joystick-ANE (⭐18) - ANE Joystick Library.
- AIROUYAController (⭐21) - ANE for the OUYA Controller.
- AIRKinectv2 (⭐51) - ANE for Microsoft Kinect v2 for Windows SDK.
- Serial/MIDI/DMX (⭐45) - AIRBonjour, NativeSerial, NativeDMXController, NativeMIDI, VirtualMIDI, ExtendedMouse.
Networking / Servers
- AIR-Server (⭐45) - Socket Server library for Adobe AIR.
Networking / OAuth
- Actionscript-oauth2 (⭐109) - Interfacing with OAuth 2.0 services.
- oauth-flex (⭐7) - plugin for Apache Flex/ActionScript.
- oauth-as3 - Mavenized, RSL version of oauth-as3 library - OAuth for ActionScript 3.
Networking / HTTP
- Hendrix-HTTP (⭐12) - Lightweight HTTP library for ActionScript 3 (as3) inspired by Square's OkHttp.
- Amazon Web Services (⭐24) - AS3 API for AWS.
Networking / P2P
- P2Plocal (⭐25) - Local RTMFP connections.
- Android-Flash-P2P (⭐16) - P2P Communication between a Client.swf and an Android Device with AIR.
- NetGrouper (⭐25) - Wrapper for NetGroup and RTMFP Multicasting abilities to create quick P2P multiplayer games over local networks or Adobe Cirrus.
- HydraP2P (⭐94) - Simplifies the peer-to-peer API introduced in Flash Player 10.1.
- GroupP2P (⭐2) - P2P-based netgroup.
- HLS-P2P (⭐86) - Flash OSMF based hybrid cdn&p2p hls solution.
- P2Pmessaging (⭐1) - Simple messaging framework for doing P2P in Flash.
- ArcusNode (⭐173) - RTMFP Rendevouz Service For Peer Assisted Networking With Adobe Flash on Node JS.
Networking / Sockets
- AS3WebSocket (⭐245) - WebSocket client implementation for the final WebSocket Draft RFC6455.
- FlashSocket.IO (⭐210) - Clients connect to Socket.IO servers from AS3/AIR clients.
- (⭐35) - Socket.IO Actionscript 3 client.
- AMFsocket (⭐11) - Bi-directional RPC library for high performance network communication.
- Sockpuppet (⭐2) - Complete Ruby/ActionScript socket client/server with AMF.
- (⭐45) - Communication to Socket.IO v.0.8+ servers.
- ws-flash-client - Reliable minimalistic WebSocket client (uses Adobe Flash where native WebSocket is not available).
Networking / Protocols
- GIT (⭐6) - Client-side implementation of Git.
- AIRplay (⭐22) - Client-side implementation of Apple's Airplay.
- TeaTime (⭐14) - AS3/Erlang implementation of the Croquet project's TeaTime protocol.
- XMPP (⭐9) - Client-side implementation of XMPP library.
- XMPP (⭐2) - Lightweight implementation of XMPP library.
- AMQP (⭐42) - Client-side implementation of the 0-8 version of AMQP.
- NTP (⭐6) - Client-side implementation of NTP Client (Network Time Protocol).
- FUDI (⭐1) - Client-side implementation of the Puredata FUDI protocol.
- BDD Cucumber (⭐26) - A BDD Cucumber wire protocol implementation for Flash ActionScript.
Networking / Email
- AIRXMail (⭐5) - Complete client-side email library supporting SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4.
- AS3Mailer (⭐8) - Sends email using server script or invokes a mailto.
Utilities / Artificial Intelligence
- FiniteStateMachine (⭐3) - Finite State Machine for AI bot/agent.
- N-GramPredictor (⭐3) - n-Gram predictor for AI bot/agent.
- Naive-BayesPredictor (⭐2) - Naive-Bayes predictor for AI bot/agent.
- HierarchicalStateMachine (⭐2) - Hierarchical State Machine for AI bot/agent.
- Godmode-as3 (⭐27) - Behavior tree implementation (artificial intelligence).
- DecisionTree (⭐3) - Binary decision tree for AI bot/agent.
- FuzzyStateMachine (⭐2) - Fuzzy State Machine (FuSM) for AI bot/agent.
- SmartKid - Powerful AI engine for 2D & 3D games.
Utilities / Async
- EasyAS-Worker (⭐45) - Simplified wrapper for AIR Workers.
- Worker-from-class (⭐77) - Create Workers from Class definitions.
Utilities / Crypto
- AS3Crypto (⭐88) - Fork of Henri Torgemane's excellent cryptography library (patched (⭐15)).
Utilities / Geometry
- Coral (⭐44) - High-performance classes for 3D mathematics (Point, Vector, Matrix, Quaternion).
- (⭐8) - Constructive Solid Geometry on 3D meshes.
Utilities / Math
- AS3LinAlg (⭐13) - Linear Algebra library (Jacobi SVD, Eigen Vectors/Values, Cholesky LU, etc).
- Performance Primitives - High-performance math modeled on the Intel Performance Primitives.
- FlexibleMatrix (⭐3) - A multi purpose Matrix class.
- AS3eval - Packages the Tamarin ESC compiler to work within Flash Player. (alternate (⭐12)).
Runtimes / Emulators
- NES Emulator (⭐532) - Emulator of NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, GameBoy video consoles.
- Commodore 64 Emulator (⭐65) - A low level Commodore 64 emulator written in Actionscript 3.
- 8080 Emulator (⭐6) - An actionscript 3 space invaders emulator based on the intel 8080 processor.
- 8-bit VM (⭐5) - An eight bit virtual machine written in actionscript.
Runtimes / Interpreters
- JS (⭐8) - RhinoJS, Port of Mozilla's Rhino JavaScript interpreter.
- Simple JS (⭐18) - AS3-based Javascript interpreter.
- MIL (⭐2) - A MIL language VM and interpreter written in ActionScript.
- TALES (⭐2) - TALES interpreter for ActionScript.
- Scheme (⭐1) - Scheme interpreter in ActionScript.
- CannonML (⭐3) - keim's CannonML (shmup scripting language) interpreter.
AIR Native Extensions / Audio ANE
- VolumePro (⭐4) - Control native music stream volume and you can listen to the volume changes.
AIR Native Extensions / Multimedia ANE
- AVANE (⭐60) - For building video encoding applications using FFmpeg.
- PDF (⭐6) - Lets you open PDF files from your AIR mobile apps. Supported on Android and iOS.
- SurfaceVideoPlayer (⭐11) - SurfacePlayer ANE helps you play video files inside your air mobile projects.
- Speech (⭐13) - Convert strings to voice files and vice versa fully in the background.
- QR-zbar (⭐85) - ANE for QR Code Reader.
- Barcode (⭐13) - Scan almost any barcode type with this super fast barcode scanner ANE.
- Bullet (⭐40) - Bullet physics simulation library.
AIR Native Extensions / File System ANE
- FileChooser (⭐15) - Enable users to select a file from the device filesystem.
- ZipManager (⭐11) - Zip or unzip large zip archives super fast using native process on Android and iOS.
- Spotlight (⭐2) - Integrate with iOS 9 Spotlight Search, to index search items and user generated content.
AIR Native Extensions / Networking ANE
- BitTorrent (⭐22) - For building BitTorrent enabled applications.
AIR Native Extensions / System ANE
- TaskbarProgress (⭐12) - Display taskbar progress on OSX & Windows 7/8/10 .
- DesktopToast (⭐28) - Display interactive toast notifications in Windows 8/10 and OSX.
- AlarmManager (⭐5) - Run a scheduled task even if your AIR app is closed.
- InAppPayments (⭐21) - Identical in-app-billing and in-app-purchase ANE for Android and iOS.
- PermissionCheck (⭐12) - Check and request for permissions in your Adobe Air app.
- RateMe (⭐3) - Ask your users to rate your app in the most efficient way.
- Statusbar (⭐4) - Control the Statusbar in your AIR apps in runtime.
- Badge (⭐0) - Control the iOS badge value.
AIR Native Extensions / Social ANE
- Facebook (⭐30) - Integrate Facebook SDK into your AIR apps.
- GCM (⭐2) - Use Google Cloud messaging on Android and iOS. .
- Baidu - Baidu ANE for for iOS and Android.
AIR Native Extensions / Analytics ANE
- Admob (⭐12) - Admob ANE.
- GameServices (⭐4) - Google Game Services for Android+iOS.
- MoPub - ANE for MoPub advertising.
- UMAnalytics (⭐11) - ANE for UMAnalytics SDK (iOS and Android).
- Localytics (⭐10) - Localytics analytics for mobile Adobe AIR applications (iOS & Android).
- Testflight (⭐26) - Apple TestFlight ANE.
47. Awesome Composer
Tutorials / IRC
48. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Templates
- QuickApp (⭐1.3k) - ASP.NET Core / Angular4 startup project template with complete login, user and role management.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization
- AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server (⭐560) - OpenID Connect/OAuth2 server framework for OWIN/Katana and ASP.NET Core.
49. Awesome Tensorflow
- Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures in TensorFlow (⭐1.9k) - TensorFlow Implementation of "Cross Audio-Visual Recognition in the Wild Using Deep Learning" by Torfi et al.
- Prev: Jul 24 - Jul 30, 2017
- Next: Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2017