Awesome List Updates on Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2017
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Machine Learning with Ruby
✨ Tutorials
Machine Learning Libraries / Frameworks
- aws-sdk-machinelearning (⭐3.6k) - Machine Learning API of the Amazon Web Services.
- azure_mgmt_machine_learning (⭐275) - Machine Learning API of the Microsoft Azure.
2. Awesome Cpp
- stb (⭐28k) ⚡ - A range of single-file libraries for C/C++. [PublicDomain]
Other Awesome Projects
- awesome (⭐350k) ⚡ - A curated list of awesome lists.
- nothings/single_file_libs (⭐9.2k) ⚡ - List of single-file C/C++ libraries.
3. Awesome Cli Apps
Version Control / Git
- git-secret (⭐3.7k) - Store your private data inside a git repository.
4. Awesome Mqtt
- esp_uMQTT_broker (⭐257) - A basic MQTT Broker on the ESP8266.
5. Citizen Science
Art and Science Spaces / Other
- The Waag Society - An institute for collaborative art, science and technology based in the Netherlands.
6. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing
- PyWorldVocoder (⭐639) 🐙 (⭐639) - Wrapper for Morise's World Vocoder.
7. Awesome Theravada
- An Introduction to Buddhism - Bhikkhu Pesala provides an overview of the Noble Eightfold Path and several meditation techniques in plain language.
- How to Meditate - Guide on how to meditate, available in various formats and languages.
- Lessons in Practical Buddhism - Practical teachings to help people live in peace and happiness.
- The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah - Single volume containing many of Ajahn Chah's talks that convey the teachings in a direct, simple, yet profound manner.
- The Four Noble Truths - Booklet by Ajahn Sumedho that serves as an introduction to the Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.
Dhamma Talks / Audio
- - English translations of suttas, audio talks, and books by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Suttas / Resources
- Access to Insight - Translations of over one thousand suttas from the Pali Canon.
- Dhammapada - Short verses that summarize the essential principles of the Buddha's teachings.
- SuttaCentral - Early Buddhist texts, translations, and parallels in many languages.
Videos / Resources
- Buddhist Society of Western Australia - Dhamma talks by various monastics, including Ajahn Brahm.
- SI Video Wiki - Categorized selection of videos by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.
8. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides / Outdated Tutorials and books (Elm 0.18 or earlier)
- Elm Tutorial by Auth0 - A tutorial on building an app in Elm from authentication to calling an API.
9. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Distributed Machine learning Tool Kit (DMTK) - A distributed machine learning (parameter server) framework by Microsoft. Enables training models on large data sets across multiple machines. Current tools bundled with it include: LightLDA and Distributed (Multisense) Word Embedding.
JavaScript / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- LDA.js (⭐293) - LDA topic modelling for Node.js
- Node-SVM (⭐297) - Support Vector Machine for Node.js
JavaScript / Misc
- simple-statistics (⭐3.4k) - A JavaScript implementation of descriptive, regression, and inference statistics. Implemented in literate JavaScript with no dependencies, designed to work in all modern browsers (including IE) as well as in Node.js.
Matlab / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Module (⭐468) - Class on machine w/ PDF, lectures, code
10. Awesome Network Analysis
Datasets / Topic-specific
- igraphdata - R data-centric package.
Software / R
- amen - Additive and multiplicative effects models for relational data.
- Bergm - Tools to analyse Bayesian exponential random graph models (BERGM). Related Twitter: @BayesianSNA.
- blockmodeling - Implementats generalized blockmodeling for valued networks.
- bnlearn - Tools for Bayesian network learning and inference (related Shiny app).
- btergm - Tools to fit temporal ERGMs by bootstrapped pseudolikelihood. Also provides MCMC maximum likelihood estimation, goodness of fit for ERGMs, TERGMs, and stochastic actor-oriented models (SAOMs), and tools for the micro-level interpretation of ERGMs and TERGMs.
- GERGM - Estimation and diagnosis of the convergence of Generalized Exponential Random Graph Models (GERGM).
- geomnet - Single-geometry approach to network visualization with
- ggnetwork - Multiple-geometries approach to plot network objects with
- hergm - Estimate and simulate hierarchical exponential-family random graph models (HERGM) with local dependence.
- hierformR – Determine paths and states that social networks develop over time to form social hierarchies.
- influenceR - Compute various node centrality network measures by Burt, Borgatti and others.
- keyplayer - Implements several network centrality measures.
- latentnet - Latent position and cluster models for network objects.
- ndtv - Tools to construct animated visualizations of dynamic network data in various formats.
- netdiffuseR - Tools to analyze the network diffusion of innovations.
- network - Basic tools to manipulate relational data in R.
- networkDynamic - Support for dynamic, (inter)temporal networks.
- networksis - Tools to simulate bipartite networksgraphs with the degrees of the nodes fixed and specified.
- PAFit - Nonparametric estimation of preferential attachment and node fitness in temporal complex networks.
- PCIT - Implements Partial Correlation with Information Theory in order to identify meaningful correlations in weighted networks, such as gene co-expression networks.
- rem - Estimate endogenous network effects in event sequences and fit relational event models (REM), which measure how networks form and evolve over time.
- rgexf - Export network objects from R to GEXF for manipulation with software like Gephi or Sigma.
- sna - Basic network constructors, measures and visualization tools.
- SocialMediaLab - Tools for collecting social media data and generating networks from it (companion website, github repo).
- spnet - Methods for visualizing spatial networks on maps in the
- tergm - Fit, simulate and diagnose models for temporal exponential-family random graph models (TERGM).
- tnam - Tools to fit temporal and cross-sectional network autocorrelation models (TNAM).
- tnet - Network measures for weighted, two-mode and longitudinal networks.
- tsna - Tools for temporal social network analysis.
- xergm - Extensions of exponential random graph models (ERGM, GERGM, TERGM, TNAM and REM).
Varia / Tutorials
11. Vertx Awesome
Vert.x Event Bus Clients
- Smalltalk (⭐9)- Event bus client for Pharo Smalltalk using the TCP-based protocol (⭐50).
12. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Courses
- Graduate Summer School: Deep Learning, Feature Learning by Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, Andrew Ng, Nando de Freitas and several others @ IPAM, UCLA (2012)
Table of Contents / Papers
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Frameworks
Researchers / Miscellaneous
13. Awesome Lockpicking
How-to lockpicking guides
- CIA Lock Picking Field Operative Training Manual - Guidebook covering terminology, tool use, and techniques for picking the vast majority of pin and wafer tumbler locks.
14. Awesome Symfony
15. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / iOS
16. Awesome Bigdata
NewSQL Databases
- Comdb2 (⭐1.4k) - a clustered RDBMS built on optimistic concurrency control techniques.
17. Awesome Symfony Education
- Avoiding Entities in Forms [2016]
18. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Node.js
- Node Documentation (PDF)
19. Awesome Learn Datascience
Common Algorithms and Procedures
Data Science using Python / Learning Python
Data Science using Python / numpy
Data Science using Python / pandas
Data Science using Python / scikit-learn
Data Science using Python / Jupyter Notebook
Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources
More advanced resources and lists / Various other helpful tools and resources
20. Awesome Vulkan
- GL_vs_VK (⭐82) - Comparison of OpenGL and Vulkan API in terms of performance. [MIT]
21. Awesome Cryptography
Standalone / Hash functions
- Nipe (⭐1.9k) - Nipe is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway.
Clojure / Git
- clj-crypto (⭐29) - Wrapper for Bouncy Castle.
PHP / Git
- libsodium-laravel (⭐22) - Laravel Package Abstraction using
22. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Protocol Analyzers and Sniffers
- Debookee - Simple and powerful network traffic analyzer for macOS.
Network Tools / Proxies and Machine-in-the-Middle (MITM) Tools
- evilgrade (⭐1.3k) - Modular framework to take advantage of poor upgrade implementations by injecting fake updates.
Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools
- Medusa (⭐1k) - Open source, cross-platform interactive disassembler.
23. Awesome Crystal
- (⭐35) - Compile SASS/SCSS to CSS (libsass (⭐4.3k) binding)
- crystal-email (⭐111) - Simple e-mail sending library
Science and Data analysis
- linalg (⭐50) - Linear algebra library inspired by MATLAB and SciPy.linalg
Third-party APIs
- awscr-s3 (⭐81) - AWS S3 interface
Official Documentation Translations
- Crystal [ANN] - Announce new project, blog post, version update or any other Crystal work
24. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Data Pipeline
- data-pipeline-samples 🔥🔥 (⭐461) - Sample pipelines.
Open Source Repos / S3
- jubos/fake-s3 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2.9k) - Lightweight S3 clone that simulates most commands.
25. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers
- confluent-kafka-dotnet (⭐27) - Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client.
26. Awesome Atom
27. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Free Content / Commerical Tools
- Stanford CS229 - Machine Learning - This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition.
28. Awesome Android Ui
Name: RichPath (⭐2.3k)
License: Apache License V2
29. Awesome Eta
Sample Applications / Miscellaneous
- eta-2048 (⭐28) - The 2048 game written in Eta.
30. Awesome H2o
31. Awesome Elixir
- Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe - Upgrade your web API to GraphQL, leveraging its flexible queries to empower your users, and its declarative structure to simplify your code (2017).
- Learn Functional Programming with Elixir - Don’t board the Elixir train with an imperative mindset! To get the most out of functional languages, you need to think functionally (2017).
- - Learn how to build fast, dependable web apps with Phoenix.
32. Awesome Leading and Managing
Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents
33. Awesome Preact
Contents / Toolkits
- Preact CLI PostCSS (⭐16) - It removes the default postcss config on Preact CLI, so you can use postcss.config.js.
Contents / Testing Utils
- Preact Render Spy (⭐178) - Render Preact components with access to the produced virtual dom for testing.
34. Awesome Swift
- ScrollableGraphView (⭐5.3k) - Adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets.
UI / Barcode
- StepProgressView (⭐379) - Step-by-step progress view with labels and shapes. A good replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView.
Button / Barcode
- MultiToggleButton (⭐84) - A UIButton subclass that implements tap-to-toggle button text (like the camera flash and timer buttons).
Validation / Barcode
- SwiftValidator (⭐1.4k) - A rule-based validation library.
35. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Web development with Vue.js 2 (Video) by Olga Filipova, Packt. (June 2017)
36. Awesome Design Principles
Principles within bigger Design Systems
37. Awesome Ddd
Community Resources
- Advanced Topics in Event Sourcing / CQRS / DDD (⭐107) - Advanced Topics in Event Sourcing / CQRS / DDD list compiled and maintaned by @sebastianharko.
38. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Voten (⭐1.3k)
Description: is a real-time social bookmarking platform for the 21st century
Name: How to GraphQL (⭐8.5k)
Description: The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
Name: Fun Retro (⭐911)
Description: Fun Retro is a distributed retrospective app that is easy and simple to use.
39. Awesome Transit
GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust
- GTFS.html - An entirely browser-based tool to view GTFS feeds. Use it to view routes, stops, timetables, etc.
40. Guides
Other / API
- Prev: Jul 17 - Jul 23, 2017
- Next: Jul 03 - Jul 09, 2017