Awesome List Updates on Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2017

40 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Machine Learning with Ruby

✨ Tutorials

Machine Learning Libraries / Frameworks

2. Awesome Cpp


Other Awesome Projects

3. Awesome Cli Apps

Version Control / Git

4. Awesome Mqtt



5. Citizen Science

Art and Science Spaces / Other

6. Awesome Python Scientific Audio

Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing

7. Awesome Theravada



Dhamma Talks / Audio

Suttas / Resources

Videos / Resources

8. Awesome Elm

Learning Guides / Outdated Tutorials and books (Elm 0.18 or earlier)

9. Awesome Machine Learning

C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning

JavaScript / General-Purpose Machine Learning

JavaScript / Misc

Matlab / General-Purpose Machine Learning

10. Awesome Network Analysis

Datasets / Topic-specific

Software / R

Varia / Tutorials

11. Vertx Awesome

Vert.x Event Bus Clients

12. Awesome Deep Learning

Table of Contents / Courses

Table of Contents / Papers

Table of Contents / Tutorials

Researchers / Frameworks

Researchers / Miscellaneous

13. Awesome Lockpicking

How-to lockpicking guides

14. Awesome Symfony


15. Awesome Interview Questions

Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / iOS

16. Awesome Bigdata

NewSQL Databases

17. Awesome Symfony Education


18. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

JavaScript / Node.js

19. Awesome Learn Datascience

Common Algorithms and Procedures

Data Science using Python / Learning Python

Data Science using Python / numpy

Data Science using Python / pandas

Data Science using Python / scikit-learn

Data Science using Python / Jupyter Notebook

Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources

More advanced resources and lists / Various other helpful tools and resources

20. Awesome Vulkan


21. Awesome Cryptography

Standalone / Hash functions

Clojure / Git

PHP / Git

22. Awesome Pentest

Network Tools / Protocol Analyzers and Sniffers

Network Tools / Proxies and Machine-in-the-Middle (MITM) Tools

Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools

23. Awesome Crystal



Science and Data analysis

Third-party APIs

Official Documentation Translations

24. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Data Pipeline

Open Source Repos / S3

25. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers

26. Awesome Atom


27. Awesome Artificial Intelligence

Free Content / Commerical Tools

28. Awesome Android Ui


29. Awesome Eta

Sample Applications / Miscellaneous

30. Awesome H2o


31. Awesome Elixir



32. Awesome Leading and Managing

Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents

33. Awesome Preact

Contents / Toolkits

Contents / Testing Utils

34. Awesome Swift


UI / Barcode

Button / Barcode

Validation / Barcode

35. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

36. Awesome Design Principles

Principles within bigger Design Systems

37. Awesome Ddd

Community Resources

38. Awesome Opensource Apps




39. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust

40. Guides

Other / API