Awesome List Updates on Jul 03 - Jul 09, 2017
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome ad Free
Resources / Articles
- Conscious Success - Explores the idea of conscious success rather than accidental success, using ads as an example.
- Criticism of Advertising on Wikipedia - Overview of common criticisms of advertising.
- Saying Goodbye to $100K Per Year in Easy Income - Story of a blogger who chose a better way to make a living.
- Vote With Your Wallet, Not Your Ad Blocker - Paying for ad-free services casts a bigger vote.
Resources / Make Money Without Ads
- Flattr - Browser add-on that distributes a monthly budget to websites you engage with the most.
- Liberapay - Open source recurring donations platform.
- OpenCollective - Enables groups to set up a collective, raise funds, and manage them transparently.
- Patreon - Recurring funding for artists and creators on either a monthly basis or per creation.
2. Awesome Emails
Learning / Check Also
- Awesome JS Books (⭐63) - This is a curated list of all the best JavaScript books.
3. Awesome Sre
4. Awesome Hacking
Other Useful Repositories
Repository: API Security Checklist (⭐23k)
Description: Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Command Line
- GetOpt (⭐337) - A command line opt parser.
6. Awesome Theravada
- A Systematic Study of the Majjhima Nikaya - Lectures on the life of the Buddha, ethics, meditation, and wisdom.
7. Awesome Unity
- Tiled2Unity - Takes your Tiled files and creates Unity prefabs from them that are easily placed into your Unity scene. Complex collision is supported through Unity’s PolygonCollider2D class.
8. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Security
- AdRoll/hologram 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐783) - Easy, painless credentials on developer laptops.
9. Awesome Android Ui
Name: Konfetti (⭐2.6k)
License: ISC
10. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Hasan Bayat (⭐1) - Awesome developer. Loves open source.
11. Vertx Awesome
- Crabzilla (⭐73) - Yet another Event Sourcing experiment. A project exploring Vert.x to develop Event Sourcing / CQRS applications.
12. Awesome Jvm
- async-profiler (⭐5.5k) - Sampling CPU profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events.
13. Awesome Tensorflow
14. Awesome Neuroscience
Resources / Communities
- Quora - Neuroscience topic on Quora contains answers, often by experts, to questions ranging from basic to advanced.
- Reddit - List of neuroscience, psychology and cognitive science subreddits.
15. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Developer Tools
- Laravel Decomposer (⭐509) - List all installed packages, their dependencies, app & server details
16. Awesome Broadcasting
Monitoring & Quality Control
- Jack Meter (⭐46) - Text console based DPM (Digital Peak Meter) for JACK.
17. Awesome Readme
Creating GIFs
- Giphy Capture - FREE - Easy to upload to, with a slightly annoying UX.
18. Awesome Preact
Contents / Components
- Preact Head (⭐37) - Standalone, declarative <Head /> for Preact.
19. Awesome Bigdata
- MySQL The world's most popular open source database.
- PostgreSQL The world's most advanced open source database.
Distributed Programming
- Apache MapReduce - programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.
- Apache S4 - framework for stream processing, implementation of S4.
- Google Dataflow - create data pipelines to help themæingest, transform and analyze data.
- Google MapReduce - map reduce framework.
- Google MillWheel - fault tolerant stream processing framework.
- Onyx - Distributed computation for the cloud.
- Pinterest Pinlater - asynchronous job execution system.
- Twitter TSAR - TimeSeries AggregatoR by Twitter.
Distributed Filesystem
- BeeGFS - formerly FhGFS, parallel distributed file system.
- Google Megastore - scalable, highly available storage.
- GridGain - GGFS, Hadoop compliant in-memory file system.
- Red Hat GlusterFS - scale-out network-attached storage file system.
Document Data Model
- Actian Versant - commercial object-oriented database management systems .
- LinkedIn Espresso - horizontally scalable document-oriented NoSQL data store.
- Microsoft Azure DocumentDB - NoSQL cloud database service with protocol support for MongoDB
- MongoDB - Document-oriented database system.
- RethinkDB - document database that supports queries like table joins and group by.
Key Map Data Model
- Google BigTable - column-oriented distributed datastore.
- Twitter Manhattan - real-time, multi-tenant distributed database for Twitter scale.
Key-value Data Model
- Amazon DynamoDB - distributed key/value store, implementation of Dynamo paper.
- Redis - in memory key value datastore.
Graph Data Model
- GCHQ Gaffer (⭐1.8k) - Gaffer by GCHQ is a framework that makes it easy to store large-scale graphs in which the nodes and edges have statistics.
- Google Cayley (⭐15k) - open-source graph database.
- Twitter FlockDB (⭐3.3k) - distributed graph database.
Columnar Databases
- Pivotal Greenplum - purpose-built, dedicated analytic data warehouse that offers a columnar engine as well as a traditional row-based one.
- SQream DB - A GPU powered big data database, designed for analytics and data warehousing, with ANSI-92 compliant SQL, suitable for data sets from 10TB to 1PB.
NewSQL Databases
- Google F1 - distributed SQL database built on Spanner.
- Google Spanner - globally distributed semi-relational database.
- SAP HANA - is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system.
Time-Series Databases
- Prometheus - a time series database and service monitoring system.
SQL-like processing
- Actian SQL for Hadoop - high performance interactive SQL access to all Hadoop data.
- Cloudera Impala - framework for interactive analysis, Inspired by Dremel.
- Google BigQuery - framework for interactive analysis, implementation of Dremel.
- Splice Machine - a full-featured SQL-on-Hadoop RDBMS with ACID transactions.
- Stinger - interactive query for Hive.
Data Ingestion
- Amazon Kinesis - real-time processing of streaming data at massive scale.
- Embulk - open-source bulk data loader that helps data transfer between various databases, storages, file formats, and cloud services.
- Google Photon - geographically distributed system for joining multiple continuously flowing streams of data in real-time with high scalability and low latency.
- LinkedIn Databus - stream of change capture events for a database.
Service Programming
- Google Chubby - a lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems.
- Linkedin Norbert - cluster manager.
- OpenMPI - message passing framework.
- Serf - decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration.
Machine Learning
- MonkeyLearn - Text mining made easy. Extract and classify data from text.
- PredictionIO - machine learning server built on Hadoop, Mahout and Cascading.
- Apache Eagle - real time monitoring solution
System Deployment
- Apache YARN - Cluster manager.
- Google Borg - job scheduling and monitoring system.
- Hortonworks HOYA - application that can deploy HBase cluster on YARN.
- Apache Metron - a platform that integrates a variety of open source big data technologies in order to offer a centralized tool for security monitoring and analysis.
- Argus (⭐506) - Time series monitoring and alerting platform.
- Hunk - Splunk analytics for Hadoop.
- MADlib - data-processing library of an RDBMS to analyze data.
- Splunk - analyzer for machine-generated data.
- Sumo Logic - cloud based analyzer for machine-generated data.
- Talend - unified open source environment for YARN, Hadoop, HBASE, Hive, HCatalog & Pig.
Search engine and framework
- Elassandra (⭐1.7k) - is a fork of Elasticsearch modified to run on top of Apache Cassandra in a scalable and resilient peer-to-peer architecture.
- – Freemium robust web application for exploring, filtering, analyzing, searching and exporting massive datasets scraped from across the Web.
- Google Percolator - continuous indexing system.
- LinkedIn Galene - search architecture at LinkedIn.
MySQL forks and evolutions
- Amazon RDS - MySQL databases in Amazon's cloud.
- Google Cloud SQL - MySQL databases in Google's cloud.
- MySQL Cluster - MySQL implementation using NDB Cluster storage engine.
PostgreSQL forks and evolutions
- Yahoo Everest - multi-peta-byte database / MPP derived by PostgreSQL.
Embedded Databases
- BerkeleyDB - a software library that provides a high-performance embedded database for key/value data.
- LMDB - ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store developed by Symas.
Business Intelligence
- BIME Analytics - business intelligence platform in the cloud.
- datapine - self-service business intelligence tool in the cloud.
- GoodData - platform for data products and embedded analytics.
- Jedox Palo - customisable Business Intelligence platform.
- Jethrodata - Interactive Big Data Analytics.
- Microstrategy - software platforms for business intelligence, mobile intelligence, and network applications.
- Qlik - business intelligence and analytics platform.
- Redash - Open source business intelligence platform, supporting multiple data sources and planned queries.
- Zoomdata - Big Data Analytics.
Data Visualization
- D3 - javaScript library for manipulating documents.
- FnordMetric - write SQL queries that return SVG charts rather than tables
- Grafana - graphite dashboard frontend, editor and graph composer.
- Graphite - scalable Realtime Graphing.
- Highcharts - simple and flexible charting API.
- Metricsgraphic.js - a library built on top of D3 that is optimized for time-series data
- Superset (⭐64k) - a data exploration platform designed to be visual, intuitive and interactive, making it easy to slice, dice and visualize data and perform analytics at the speed of thought.
- Zeppelin (⭐411) - a notebook-style collaborative data analysis.
- Zing Charts - JavaScript charting library for big data.
Internet of things and sensor data
- ThingWorx - Rapid development and connection of intelligent systems
Interesting Readings
- NoSQL Comparison - Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs Neo4j vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison.
2013 - 2014
- 2013 - Google - HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm.
- 2013 - Google - F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales.
2011 - 2012
- 2012 - AMPLab - BlinkDB: Queries with Bounded Errors and Bounded Response Times on Very Large Data.
- 2012 - Google - Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database.
- 2011 - Google - Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services.
2001 - 2010
- 2010 - Google - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and notifications base of Percolator and Caffeine.
- 2010 - Google - Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets.
- 2006 - Google - The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems.
- 2004 - Google - MapReduce: Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters.
- 2003 - Google - The Google File System.
Books / Streaming
- Unified Log Processing - Unified Log Processing is a practical guide to implementing a unified log of event streams (Kafka or Kinesis) in your business
20. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- C#/dotnet: chrome-dev-tools (⭐79) - Protocol wrapper generator that can be customized by editing handlebars templates. Includes .Net Core template.
21. Awesome Smart Tv
Google Chromecast / Official resources
- Google Cast SDK - Official Google Cast SDK documentation and tutorials.
- TVs with Chromecast built-in - List of vendors supporting built-in Chromecast and advantages over traditional TV remote controller.
Cross-platform frameworks / Official resources
- Smartbox (⭐241) - Smart TV universal library for Samsung, LG, Philips, SmartTV Aliance, STB Mag app development.
Remote control protocols / Official resources
- DLNA - Industry-wide standard for sharing data over a home network. Depending on the DLNA-compatible devices you own, you might be able to stream films from your laptop to your TV, play an MP3 stored on your phone over your hi-fi system, or print a photo from your tablet on your home printer.
- DIAL - Developed by Netflix and Google, this protocol alows client devices (like smartphone, tablet, or computer) to discover apps on server devices (like a smart TV or streaming box) and launch content on them.
- Wi-Fi Direct - Standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point.
- Miracast - Standard for wireless connections from devices (such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones) to displays (such as TVs, monitors or projectors). Works over Wi-Fi Direct.
Community / Official resources
22. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Altphotos - Handpicked free high-resolution photos added daily.
23. Awesome Dotnet
- ReadLine (⭐812) - A GNU-Readline like library for .NET/.NET Core.
Cloud Storage
- Foundatio (⭐2k) - Cloud Storage library with AWS, Azure and many other providers supported.
- dotPeek - Free-of-charge standalone tool based on ReSharper's bundled decompiler. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into equivalent C# or IL code. It can create Visual Studio solutions based on the original binary files in a straight-forward way. [Proprietary] [Free]
- Modern UI for WPF - MUI (⭐2.6k) - Set of controls and styles to convert WPF applications into a great looking Modern UI apps.
- Gemini (⭐1.1k) - IDE framework similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. Built on WPF, AvalonDock, and Caliburn Micro.
Windows Services
- TopShelf (⭐3.6k) - An easy service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET
24. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers
- Intercepter-NG - Multifunctional network toolkit.
Network Tools / Network Reconnaissance Tools
- dnsenum (⭐614) - Perl script that enumerates DNS information from a domain, attempts zone transfers, performs a brute force dictionary style attack, and then performs reverse look-ups on the results.
- dnsmap (⭐112) - Passive DNS network mapper.
- dnsrecon (⭐2.7k) - DNS enumeration script.
- dnstracer - Determines where a given DNS server gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers.
- passivedns-client (⭐199) - Library and query tool for querying several passive DNS providers.
- passivedns (⭐1.7k) - Network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup.
- smbmap (⭐1.8k) - Handy SMB enumeration tool.
Vulnerability Databases / Social Engineering Tools
- Bugtraq (BID) - Software security bug identification database compiled from submissions to the SecurityFocus mailing list and other sources, operated by Symantec, Inc.
- Exploit-DB - Non-profit project hosting exploits for software vulnerabilities, provided as a public service by Offensive Security.
- Mozilla Foundation Security Advisories - Archive of security advisories impacting Mozilla software, including the Firefox Web Browser.
- Packet Storm - Compendium of exploits, advisories, tools, and other security-related resources aggregated from across the industry.
- SecuriTeam - Independent source of software vulnerability information.
- Vulnerability Lab - Open forum for security advisories organized by category of exploit target.
- Vulners - Security database of software vulnerabilities.
25. Awesome Lockpicking
Contests, conferences, and events
- DEF CON - Annual infosec industry conference which is popular with many lockpickers featuring a locksport contest.
- Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) - Annual conference often featuring a locksport competition and presentations on physical security.
How-to lockpicking guides
- Easy Pickings - Mini Lockpicking Manual - Widely-distributed beginner's manual with diagrams showcasing how to pick various entry-level locks.
- MIT Lock Picking Guide - Famous introductory text by Ted the Tool.
Online communities
- - Bustling online forum for the discussion of lockpicking and locksport.
- LockWiki - Community-driven reference for both beginners and professionals in the security industry.
- /r/lockpicking Subreddit - Subreddit dedicated to the sport of lockpicking.
- Southern Ordinance / Exit 10, Inc. - SouthOrd® is a manufacturer of lock picks and professional locksmith tools; individual replacement picks as low as $1.50 USD.
- Sparrows Lock Picks - Manufacturer of specialty and quality lock pick tools; their King Pin pinning tweezer is particularly useful.
26. Awesome Leading and Managing
Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents
27. Awesome Fonts
Free fonts / Collections
- The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack - A collection of text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era PCs
Emojis / Fonts
- emojify.js (⭐1.8k) - A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images
- emojione (⭐4.4k) - EmojiOne™ is the open emoji standard
- node-emoji (⭐1.3k) - Simple emoji support for Node.js
Iconic fonts / Fonts
- PaymentFont - A sleek webfont containing 94 icons of all main payment operators and methods
Programming fonts / Fonts
28. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / iOS
29. Awesome Swift
- YapAnimator (⭐1.9k) - Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- Zip Foundation (⭐2.4k) - A library to create, read and modify ZIP archive files.
- Bluejay (⭐1.1k) - A simple framework for building reliable Bluetooth LE apps.
Images / Barcode
- MapleBacon (⭐341) - Image download and caching library.
Maps / Barcode
- GEOSwift (⭐1.5k) - Make it easier to work with geographic models and calculate intersections, overlapping, projections etc.
Text / Barcode
- MarkyMark (⭐304) - Converts Markdown into native views or attributed strings.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- CenteredCollectionView (⭐1.4k) - A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that pages and centers it's cells.
30. Awesome Hacking Locations
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
O pão nosso
Although small, it is a great bakery. Staff is super friendly.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | R. Marquês Sá da Bandeira 46, 1050-149 Lisboa, Portugal |
Wifi pw: fermento
31. Awesome Elixir
- alice (⭐113) - A Slack bot framework for Elixir.
Encoding and Compression
- ex_rlp (⭐31) - Elixir implementation of Ethereum's RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) encoding.
- neuron (⭐330) - A GraphQL client for Elixir.
- expat (⭐176) - Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Petrovich (⭐39) - Elixir library to inflect Russian first, last, and middle names.
- que (⭐675) - Simple Background Job Processing with Mnesia.
Static Page Generation
- blogit (⭐41) - An OTP application for generating blogs from git repositories containing markdown files.
32. Awesome Remote Job
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Crossover - Project-based Java, .Net and DevOps positions.
33. Awesome Webgl
WebVR / Particles
- A-Frame - Web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
34. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Learning / Commerical Tools
- Awesome Deep Learning Resources (⭐1.7k) - Rough list of learning resources for Deep Learning
35. Awesome Indie
Case Studies / Others
AJ writes about the making of and the different steps that he took on the way to a successful product.
36. Awesome Free Software
Software / Audio
- - Stream, download, remix, and share music for free. (GNU AGPLv3)
Software / Communication
- Matrix - Open standard for decentralised, persistent, and interoperable communications. (Apache License 2.0 (⭐11k))
Software / Web Applications
- Weblate - Translation management system with version control integration. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐3.7k))
37. Machine Learning with Ruby
✨ Tutorials
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search
- 2017
- Scientific Computing on JRuby by Prasun Anand [slides | video | slides | slides]
- Is it Food? An Introduction to Machine Learning by Matthew Mongeau [video | slides]
- Bayes is BAE by Richard Schneeman [video | slides]
- Ruby Roundtable: Machine Learning in Ruby by RubyThursday [video]
- 2016
- Practical Machine Learning with Ruby by Jordan Hudgens [tutorial]
- Deep Learning: An Introduction for Ruby Developers by Geoffrey Litt [slides]
- How I made a pure-Ruby word2vec program more than 3x faster by Kei Sawada [slides]
- Dōmo arigatō, Mr. Roboto: Machine Learning with Ruby by Eric Weinstein [slides | video]
- Building a Recommendation Engine with Machine Learning Techniques by Brian Sam-Bodden [video]
- ✨ SciRuby Machine Learning: Current Status and Future by Kenta Murata [slides | video: jp]
- Ruby Roundtable: Intro to Tensorflow by RubyThursday [video]
- 2011
- Clustering in Ruby by Colin Drake [post]
- Text Classification using Support Vector Machines in Ruby by Rimas Silkaitis [post]
Books, Blogs, Channels / Vector search
- Practical Artificial Intelligence - Blog about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with tutorials and code samples in Ruby.
Community / Vector search
38. Awesome Cl
Running scripts / Third-party APIs
- 👍 Roswell (⭐1.8k) - a script installer and launcher, that makes it easy to distribute Lisp scripts and programs. MIT.
- compiles a binary under the hood
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- vgplot (⭐52) - an interface to the gnuplot plotting utility with the intention to resemble some of the plot commands of octave or matlab. GPL3.
39. Awesome Linux Containers
- Oracle microcontainer manifesto
This is not a new container format, but simply a specific method for constructing a container that allows for better security and stability.
Cloud Integrated Advanced Orchestrator for Intel Clear Linux OS.
- railcar (⭐1.1k)
Railcar is a rust implementation of the opencontainers initiative's runtime spec. It is similar to the reference implementation runc, but it is implemented completely in rust for memory safety without needing the overhead of a garbage collector or multiple threads.
40. Awesome Postgres
Contents / GUI
- Holistics - Online cross platform database management tool and SQL query reporting GUI with strong PostgreSQL support (Commercial Software).
Contents / Distributions
- PostgreSql.Binaries.Lite - Minimum set of Windows binaries of the PostgreSQL database. Also made available through NuGet.
41. Awesome Keycloak
Example Projects
42. Inspire
Concept / These sites are good to get a general idea of possible layouts and style paths to take.
- CodeMyUI - List of code snippets for fancy CSS/JS that make an awesome UI.
43. Awesome Pyramid
Pyramid Runner (⭐5) - A minimal Pyramid scaffold that aims to provide a starter template to build small to large web services.
- Traversal based application
- JSON only response
- JWT authentication policy
- Alembic for database revisions
- Some simple modifications to base tests, views and models base to reduce typing
44. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Cortex - Content creators CGP Grey and Myke Hurley discuss their processes, productivity hacks, workflows, and general working lives.
45. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
46. Awesome Job Boards
- NinjaJobs - A community-run job platform developed by InfoSec professionals
Programming / PHP
47. Awesome Android
Game Development
- Unity - Cross-platform game creation system.
GUI / Animations
- Spotlight (⭐3.4k) - Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
48. Awesome Cpp
- x64dbg - An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
49. Awesome Framer
Video Courses
- Framer Crash Course - Crash course learning the basics of design and code on Framer.
- GradientHelper (⭐21) - Module that simplifies the process of applying gradients to Framer layers and even enables animated gradients.
- FocusEngine (⭐23) - Module for simulating the grid focus behavior found on Apple TV and Roku.
- MapboxLayer (⭐20) - Module for creating powerful Mapbox maps in your prototypes.
- Prev: Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2017
- Next: Jun 26 - Jul 02, 2017