Awesome List Updates on Jun 12 - Jun 18, 2017
44 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome WebExtensions
- Google Groups - Discussions.
2. Awesome Lockpicking
Contests, conferences, and events
- Chaos Communications Congress (CCC) - CCC hosts the German Lockpicking Championships.
How-to lockpicking guides
- Art of Lockpicking - Educational website with animations detailing the process of picking locks.
- Deviant Ollam's Lockpicking Video Presentations and Advisories - Collection of physec talks and locksport advice for all skill levels from a world-reknowned expert.
Locksport associations and organizations
- The Open Organization Of Lockpickers (TOOOL) - Worldwide association of lockpickers with national, regional, and local chapters.
- Locksport International - International association of lockpickers who offer help starting new locksport clubs and groups.
Online communities
- - One of the longest-running online communities "dedicated to the fun and ethical hobby of lock picking."
- Safe Ventures, Inc. - Retailer for safe-opening tools who also offer paid training courses.
- Southern Specialities - Retailer of numerous lockpicking sets, pick guns, and more.
3. Awesome Gbdev
Game Disassemblies / Syntax highlighting packages
4. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Network Reconnaissance Tools
- CloudFail (⭐2.2k) - Unmask server IP addresses hidden behind Cloudflare by searching old database records and detecting misconfigured DNS.
5. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Authentication
- Keats/jsonwebtoken (⭐1.8k) - JSON Web Token library
Libraries / Logging
- slog-rs/slog (⭐1.6k) - Structured, composable logging
Resources / Web programming
- Rust Design Patterns (⭐8.3k) - A catalogue of Rust design patterns, anti-patterns and idioms
6. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Linkage - Online tool to visualize and model networks with textual edges.
7. Awesome Android
- LGSnackbar (⭐49) - An easy to use and customisable wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities.
8. Awesome Laravel
Codebases for Reference / Videos
- Voten (⭐1.2k) - A real-time social bookmarking for the 21st century
9. Tools
10. Engineering Blogs
Companies / G companies
11. Awesome Transit
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- Google I/O Transport Tracker (⭐575) - Shows shuttle arrival times for Google I/O conference, based on the open-source transport-tracker project (⭐575). Note: To implement this yourself, you need a Google Maps APIs Premium Plan license.
12. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- EmbedIO (⭐1.4k) - A tiny, cross-platform, module based web server for .NET Framework and .NET Core.
13. Awesome Web Archiving
Community Resources / Blogs and Scholarship
Community Resources / Mailing Lists
14. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- Processing XML with Java (A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, and TrAX) (2002) - Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Welcome to the Java Workshop (2006) - Trevor Miller
15. Awesome Broadcasting
- FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Coding, used by some broadcasters for audio exchange, storage.
- Turing Codec - An H.265/HEVC open source software encoder designed for fast and efficient video compression.
Companion Screens
- dial-discovery-ios (⭐3) - A library for the discovery of devices via the DIAL protocol on the iOS platform.
- dvbcss-synctiming (⭐20) - A system for measuring how accurately a TV or companion are synchronised.
DVB & WiFi
- DVB Inspector - An open-source DVB analyzer.
- DVBlast - A simple and powerful MPEG-2/TS demux and streaming application.
- dvbshout (⭐10) - Tool to send DVB audio to a shoutcast server or a RTP stream.
- Opencaster - A free and open source MPEG2 transport stream data generator and packet manipulator.
Animation, Graphics & Video Playout
- Aurena (⭐128) - A network distributed media playback system.
- CasparCG - A professional graphics and video play-out software, proven in 24/7 broadcasts since 2006.
Hybrid Radio
- RadioVIS Html Player (⭐14) - RadioVIS Player using WebSocket.
- EBUCore (⭐22) - The Github for maintenance of the EBUCore schema.
- TV-Anytime (⭐16) - The TV-Anytime schema github maintenance page.
Multimedia content processing
- UPipe (⭐1) - Primarily designed to be the core of a multimedia player, transcoder or streamer.
16. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / Development
- Lumo (⭐1.9k) – Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript environment.
17. Vertx Awesome
Database Clients
- vertx-mysql-binlog-client (⭐16) - A Vert.x client for tapping into MySQL replication stream.
18. Awesome Polymer
Official Elements
- Polyup (⭐38) A helpful assistant for migrating from Polymer v0.5 to 1.0.
- Polymer CDN (⭐68). Unofficial CDN for polymer components.
- Polymer-Redux (⭐444) Polymer bindings for Redux.
19. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Caching and Locking
- APIx Cache (⭐117) - A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper to various caching backends emphasizing cache tagging and indexing.
20. Awesome Clojure
Science and Data Analysis
21. Awesome Neuroscience
Programming / C++
- Brayns (⭐289) - Minimalistic visualiser that can perform ray-traced rendering of neurons. Ray-tracing can help to highlight areas of neural circuits where cells touch each other and where synapses are being created leading to a better understanding of how individual cells and subsequently the brain functions.
Programming / JavaScript
- Brainbrowser (⭐352) - Library exposing set of web-based 3D visualization tools primarily targetting neuroimaging.
22. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- rock (⭐11) - Elixir implementation of ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes.
- Startup Job (⭐100) - An umbrella project to search startup jobs scraped from websites written in Elixir/Phoenix and React/Redux.
Date and Time
- jalaali (⭐22) - Jalaali calendar implementation for Elixir.
- backports (⭐4) - Use new functions in Elixir 1.1 and 1.2.
Text and Numbers
- numero (⭐7) - A micro library for converting non-english utf-8 digits in elixir.
- veritaserum (⭐83) - Sentiment analysis based on afinn-165, emojis and some enhancements.
Third Party APIs
- ethereumex (⭐381) - Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain.
- Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix - Open doors to powerful new techniques that will get you thinking about web development in fundamentally new ways (2017).
- Elixir for Programmers - Functional, Parallel, Reliable (and fun!), taught by Dave Thomas.
- Elixir Flashcards - Flashcards are a powerful way to improve your knowledge. Elixircards are hand crafted, professionally printed flashcards for levelling up your Elixir.
23. Awesome Hacking Locations
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
Fábrica Coffee Roasters
One of the places in Lisbon where they actually understand coffee.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✘ | ✘ | Rua Portas De Santo Antão, 136, Lisbon, Portugal |
24. Nlp with Ruby
Related Resources / Constituency Parsing
25. Awesome Remote Job
- Remote Works - The Remote Works podcast publishes every two weeks with host Jonathan Sharp discussing the opportunities, experiences, culture and community surrounding remote work, remote teams, telecommuting and digital nomads.
26. Awesome Ocaml
Online Courses
- University of Illinois - Course that uses OCaml to teach functional programming and programming language design
27. Awesome Steam
PHP / Misc
- steam-auth (⭐17) - An alternative Steam authentication library with Composer support.
28. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- SpikerBox - A bioamplifier for DIY neuroscience.
Funding and Support / Other Types of Support
- Welcome to How To Grow (almost) Anything in GaudiLabs - Switzerland - A guide to setting up a basic microbiology lab.
29. Awesome Free Software
Software / Web Applications
- OpenStreetMap - Map of the world created by users and released under an open license. (GNU GPLv2)
Software / Communication
- Tox - Encrypted and distributed messaging platform with voice, video, and screen sharing. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐2k))
Resources / Articles
- Free Software - Wikipedia entry on the topic of free software.
30. Awesome Mqtt
Lighting / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- hue2mqtt.js (⭐26) - Interface between the Philips Hue bridge and MQTT.
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt2ble (⭐26) - A way to bridge MQTT topics to BLE Gatt characteristics.
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- Linear MQTT Dashboard (⭐52) - Easy, customizable control panel - MQTT-client.
31. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Finding Love - fully interactive, Virtual Reality story that transforms emotions into art.
32. Awesome Actionscript3
Frameworks / MVC Frameworks
- Hummingbird (⭐27) - Build and deploy robust MVC applications for AS3, Mobile and the Starling Framework.
Frameworks / UI Frameworks
- Flow (⭐29) - Layout, effects, data binding and remoting framework to be used instead of Flex.
- Swiz (⭐226) - Brutally simple micro-architecture for creating RIAs with AS3 and Adobe Flex.
Frameworks / Game Frameworks
- CitrusEngine - Professional-grade game engine built built on Starling & Away3D.
- FlashPunk (⭐380) - Framework to build 2D games. Provides graphics, events, inputs, animation, etc.
- Flixel (⭐1.1k) - Useful base classes that you can extend to make your own game objects.
- Tetragon (⭐30) - Cross-platform framework to build any kind of game. Provides resource management, debugging facilities, multi-locale support, layered extendability, a game-oriented data structure, and more.
- Pixelizer (⭐53) - Component based game engine to build 2D games. Provides rendering, animation, input, etc.
Frameworks / Animation
- GTween - Small but robust library for programmatic tweening, animation, and transitions.
- DragonBones - High-speed skeletal animation using Starling, and tools to export animations from Flash Pro.
Frameworks / Signals
- AS3-signals (⭐1.1k) - New approach for AS3 events inspired by C# events and signals/slots in Qt.
- react-as3 (⭐32) - Signals/slots and functional reactive programming library.
- Fa-as3 (⭐9) - Write less, do more framework, modeled like jQuery.
Frameworks / Functional
- AS3FP (⭐12) - Collection of functional idioms based on Haskell and Coffeescript.
- Raix (⭐90) - Reactive And Interactive eXtensions simplifies working with interactive data (arrays) or reactive data (events).
- Fxp-as3 (⭐4) - Functional library inspired by the "mostly adequate guide".
Frameworks / Unit Testing
- hamcrest-as3 (⭐178) - Matcher objects allowing 'match' rules to be defined declaratively.
- RobotEyes (⭐49) - End-to-end testing for TDD. Hybrid of WindowLicker and Drew Bourne's Mockolate.
User Interface / UI Components
- FlexBook (⭐10) - Awesome Page Flip component for Flex.
User Interface / Game Controllers
- AS3dpad (⭐18) - A virtual touchscreen gamepad designed for Adobe AIR Mobile (Android/iOS).
- Gamepad (⭐55) - Simulates an analog joystick input using the keyboard.
- Advanced_Joystick (⭐19) - Joystick for the Starling Framework, designed for Adobe AIR Mobile.
- AS3-Controller-Input (⭐28) - Interact with Ouya and Xbox360 game controllers from Adobe AIR.
Multimedia / Particle
- MotionParticleSprite (⭐0) - Design motion paths in Flash Pro and use it to guide Starling particles.
File Formats / Archives
- FZip (⭐180) - Mature library to load, modify and create standard ZIP archives.
File Formats / 3D Formats
- EasyAGAL (⭐117) - Simplifies development of AGAL shaders with code completion, code hinting, macros, etc.
Utilities / Crypto
- BlooddyCrypto (⭐87) - High-performance library for processing binary data. This library contains MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, Base64, CRC32, JSON, PNG/JPEG encoders.
- AS3corelib (⭐1.5k) - MD5 and SHA1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization.
- ASCrypt (⭐46) - Crypto library with a similar API for multiple languages.
- Nexuslib (⭐9) - Reflection, serialization, seeded random number generation, cryptography, networking, and more.
- Hashlib (⭐1) - Over 30 different hashing functions.
- XXTEA-AS3 (⭐6) - XXTEA encryption algorithm library for ActionScript 3.
- Gibberish-AES (⭐1) - A fully OpenSSL compliant ActionScript 3 library for AES encryption.
Utilities / Geometry
- AS3geometry (⭐75) - Primitives, Polygons, Intersections, etc.
- AS3GeomAlgo (⭐42) - Collection of geometry algorithms. Port of hxGeomAlgo.
- PathUtils - Working with quadratic, bezier and line sequences.
- Hilbert (⭐1) - Port of Hilbert curve from cortesi/scurve.
- AS3AStar (⭐21) - Fast A-Star pathfinding algorithm.
- A-star_pathfinder (⭐3) - A-Star pathfinding interface for tile based maps.
- As3Pathfinder (⭐16) - Grid Path finding Library written using Dijkstra's algorithm.
Utilities / Math
- AS3Units (⭐1) - Port of NGUnits. Parsing, formatting, and converting between units of measure.
- Zexpression (⭐10) - Parse and evalate math expressions with functions and variables.
- FlashFormulaEditor (⭐17) - Formula editor made in Adobe Flex.
Utilities / Text
- Linkify-as3 (⭐9) - Convert URLs, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, into clickable links.
- AS3hyphenation (⭐1) - Port of the Javascript text hyphenation library Hyphenator.js.
AIR Native Extensions / System ANE
- WinDebug - Windows ANE to control applications, windows, memory, breakpoints, metadata, registry, etc.
33. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
Resources / Books
- Vue.js in Action by Erik Hanchett and Benjamin Listwon (Spring 2018)
34. Awesome Emails
Tools / Misc
- Topol - Create stunning responsive HTML e-mails in a minute.
35. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- CashNotify - Monitor your Stripe accounts from your menu bar.
For Electron / Other
- electron-store (⭐4.5k) - Save and load data like user preferences, app state, cache, etc.
- got (⭐14k) - Simplified HTTP requests.
36. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Matt Seemon (⭐0) - Voice-over artist, karaoke jockey, amateur actor, IT enthusiast.
Ask these organizations anything!
- IIIT Vadodara (⭐18) - Open-source organization maintained by college students.
37. Awesome Javascript Learning
Node.js / Single Topics
- Learn Node - A premium training course to learn to build apps with Node.js, Express, MongoDB.
38. Awesome Ruby
Mobile Development
- Ruboto (⭐2k) - A platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Android using the Ruby language and libraries.
Web Servers
- Iodine (⭐929) - An non-blocking HTTP and Websocket web server optimized for Linux/BDS/macOS and Ruby MRI.
39. Awesome Computer History
Audio / Podcasts
40. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
41. Awesome Couchdb
Patterns & Best Practices
42. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Miscellaneous
- Pokemon-Terminal (⭐4.2k) - Pokémon terminal themes for iTerm2.
43. Awesome Dotnet
- DockPanelSuite - The Visual Studio inspired docking library for .NET WinForms
Style Guide
- C# Style Guide - StackOverflow Q & A on style guides
- C# Coding Conventions - Official MSDN C# code conventions
44. Awesome Ctf
- one_gadget (⭐1.7k) - A tool to find the one gadget
execve('/bin/sh', NULL, NULL)
call.gem install one_gadget
- Prev: Jun 19 - Jun 25, 2017
- Next: Jun 05 - Jun 11, 2017