Awesome List Updates on May 22 - May 28, 2017
45 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Tools
Image compression
2. Awesome Mqtt
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- HelloIoT (⭐94) - HelloIoT is a MQTT client and dashboard application.
3. Awesome Sass
- Bootstrap-sass (⭐13k) - Official Sass port of Bootstrap 2 and 3.
- mini.css - Minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework.
4. Awesome Design
Styleguide and Branding
5. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Web Accesslog (⭐29) - Just a simple handler to be used in Vert.x Web to generate access logs.
6. Awesome Android Ui
Label / Form
Name: EmailAutoCompleteTextView (⭐424)
License: Apache License V2
7. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- I1820 - I1820 is a free open source platform that provides discovery, data collection and configuration services based on MQTT. I1820 implements a REST API for controlling the things and it stores all collected data in a Time-Series database named InfluxDB.
8. Awesome Ios
Utility / Collection View Layout
- InAppSettingsKit (⭐3.2k) - This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to or instead of being in the Settings app.
9. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Magdeleine - A selection of free photos curated by Magdeleine.
- Pickle Jar - High-resolution images of everyday india. One new image every day.
- Snappy Goat - Over 12 million public domain & CC0 licensed images.
Patterns / Unspecified License
- Low Poly Images - Collection of low poly image generators.
- Subtle Patterns - Image based background textures and patterns.
Icons / Icon Fonts
- Font Awesome - ©️ MIT licensed icon font.
Icons / Icons Packages and Collections
- Entypo - ©️ Carefully crafted iconset by Daniel Bruce.
- Iconmonstr - ©️ A huge selection of icons in SVG and PNG format.
HTML Templates / Icons Packages and Collections
Sounds & Music / Icons Packages and Collections
- Free Music Archive - ©️ An interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America.
10. Awesome Shell
Shell Package Management / Directory Navigation
- shundle (⭐81) - Plugin manager for shell scripts
11. Awesome Remote Job
Companies with "remote DNA"
- 10up - 10up makes the web better by finely crafting websites & tools for content creators.
- Bugfender - Bugfender is a remote logger for multiple platforms including iOS and Android. It stores logs created by your application and sends them to our server, creating a remote console where you can see logs in real time. Remote company based in Barcelona.
12. Awesome Free Software
Software / Audio
- mStream - Suite of software for syncing and streaming music across multiple devices. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐2k))
Software / Utilities
- Sandman - Lets you know when to turn off the computer and sleep based on calculated sleep cycles. (MIT (⭐505))
Software / Web Applications
- Neocities - GeoCities for the modern world. (BSD 2-clause (⭐1.1k))
13. Awesome Computer Vision
Low-level Vision / Video Object Segmentation
14. Awesome Nextjs
- Next Routes (⭐2.5k) - Universal named routes for Next.js.
15. Awesome Bigdata
Graph Data Model
- AgensGraph - a new generation multi-model graph database for the modern complex data environment.
Search engine and framework
- MG4J - MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) is a full-text search engine for large document collections written in Java. It is highly customisable, high-performance and provides state-of-the-art features and new research algorithms.
16. Engineering Blogs
Companies / Z companies
- Zendesk(old)
17. Awesome Fonts
- Fontjoy - Generate font combinations with deep learning
18. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Community
- Discord Server - PICO-8 Discord chat.
Contents / Resources
- Cheat Sheet (wallpaper) - An enhancement of the printable cheat sheet for use as a desktop wallpaper.
19. Awesome Python
Recommender Systems
- annoy (⭐13k) - Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.
- fastFM (⭐1.1k) - A library for Factorization Machines.
- implicit (⭐3.5k) - A fast Python implementation of collaborative filtering for implicit datasets.
20. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Time
- Qbserve - Time tracking automation: Real-time productivity feedback, project tracking, timesheets, and invoicing (Mac).
21. Awesome Web Design
Blog & News
- Marvel Blog: The latest news, resources and thoughts from the Marvel team.
- One Page Love: Design gallery showcasing the best Single Page websites.
- Pttrns: The finest collection of design patterns, resources and inspiration.
22. Nlp with Ruby
Community / Constituency Parsing
23. Awesome Gideros
Getting Started
- Download Gideros - Get Gideros here (it is free but donations are welcome!).
- Getting Started Manual - Check here first to get an overview of the framework.
- Online Editor - Try Gideros in your browser without installing anything.
- Online Examples - See some of the capabilites of Gideros in your browser.
- Developer Guide - Official list of guides and tutorials.
Resources / Tutorials and Tips
- Introductory Video Tutorial - By one of the maintainers of Gideros.
- Publishing to Android - Getting started with publishing to Android.
- Improving performance - Forum thread with hints about improving the performance of Gideros apps.
- Desktop API - Overview of the Desktop API to manipulate mouse cursor and window decorations.
Resources / Full game examples
- Simple square-dodge game - Introductory tutorial about creating a simple square-dodge game.
- Top-down roguelike Tutorial - Extensive tutorial series about making a turn-based roguelike in Gideros.
- Breakout Clone - Tutorial about creating a Breakout-like game using Gideros and Box2D.
- "Grab the treasure" course - Comprehensive getting-started guide to Gideros by developing a small game.
Resources / Publications
- Gideros Mobile Game Development - Comprehensive book about developing a game for mobile with Gideros.
- Learn Lua for iOS Game Development - Introducing a variety of Lua-based game development frameworks including Gideros.
Resources / IDEs and Editors
- Using ZeroBrane Studio with Gideros - Introductory tutorial for using ZBS with Gideros Remote Preview.
- Live Coding with Gideros and ZeroBrane Studio - Video showing the live coding capabilities of ZBS and Gideros.
- ZeroBrane Studio integration and debugging - Video tutorial by the creator of ZBS.
- Visual Studio Code plugin - With Gideros support (Windows only).
- Sublime Text 3 plugin - Adding Gideros support to ST3.
Resources / Graphics and Shaders
- Shaders in Gideros - Introductory text about shaders in Gideros.
- Shadertoy viewer - Check out shaders from Shadertoy using Gideros.
- Intro to clipping and the RenderTarget - Text-based tutorial on how to use the RenderTarget class to create a clipping effect.
Resources / Scene Management
- SceneManager - Easily switch between scenes with or without transitions.
- Passing variables using the SceneManager - Passing variables to the next scene when using the scene manager.
Resources / Input
- GidSwipe (⭐0) - Easy to use tap and swipe manager for mobile.
- Gestures - Define and detect complex gestures from points a list of points.
- Accelerometer - Quick example of how to use the device accelerometer as input.
- Shake detection - Small snippet to detect device shake.
Resources / Animation and Tweens
- GTween - Tween sprite variables with this library (comes with all the easing functions you need).
- Animation using MovieClip - Tutorial on how to animate sprites using the MovieClip class.
- Spriteheet animation class (⭐2) - Class that helps with creating and playing animations from spritesheets.
Resources / Tilemaps
- Collision with Tilemaps - Examples and suggestions on how to make stuff collide with the tiles in your tilemap.
Resources / Camera
- Smooth camera with Drag and Pinch-to-Zoom - Useful class implementation for a camera in a mobile game.
Resources / Audio
- Intro to using audio with Gideros - Tutorial about generating and using sounds with Gideros.
Resources / Saving and Loading
- Using JSON - Loading and saving manually via JSON.
- DataSaver module - User-friendly wrapper to make saving and loading data as easy as possible.
- Encrypting save files - Some ideas (with code) about securing the save files from unwanted manipulation.
Resources / Monetization
- Admob integration - Video tutorial about integrating Admob into your game.
- Google Service integration - Second part of the Admob tutorial showing Google Play Service integration.
Resources / GUI
- Button class - Simple class for creating clickable buttons.
- AceSlide class - Sliding UI-Element that can be used for example for level selection.
Resources / 3D
- Tutorial using 3D in Gideros - Introduction by one of the maintainers of Gideros.
Resources / Plugins
- SKStoreReview (⭐0) - Gideros Plugin for SKStoreReviewController iOS 10.3+.
- C++ plugin development - Getting started with Gideros plugin development in C++.
Useful Lua-Libraries / Plugins
- lume (⭐761) - Great collection of functions that are useful for game development.
- inspect (⭐1.1k) - Easily pretty-print your tables to the console in a readable way.
- jumper - Super-fast grid-based pathfinding for Lua.
- Bresenham (⭐13) - Bresenham's line algorithm, implemented in Lua.
24. Awesome Ssh
Resources / Tutorials
- Gist: SSH Recipes - Collection of recipes for writing awesome ssh config files.
25. Awesome Security
Endpoint / Mobile / Android / iOS
- OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (⭐11k) - A comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing and reverse engineering.
26. Awesome Math
Foundations of Mathematics / Logic
- 📝 An Introduction to Formal Logic - P.D. Magnus (University at Albany)
- 📝 Language, Proof, and Logic - Jon Barwise, John Etchemendy
Algebra / Group Theory
- 📝 Notes on Group Theory - Mark Reeder
Algebra / Linear Algebra
- 📝 Linear Algebra and Matrices - Martin Fluch
Analysis / Real Analysis
- 📝 Real Analysis for Graduate Students - Richard F. Bass
- 📝 Modern Real Analysis - William P. Ziemer (Indiana University)
Analysis / Complex Analysis
- 📝 Complex Analysis - Donald E. Marshall
27. Awesome Crystal
Framework Components
- multi-auth (⭐111) - Standardized multi-provider OAuth2 authentication (inspired by omniauth)
- (⭐74) - Run periodic tasks
28. Awesome Microservices
Ruby / Scala
- Sinatra - Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
Messaging / Scala
- RocketMQ (⭐21k) - A low latency, reliable, scalable, easy to use message oriented middleware born from alibaba massive messaging business.
Storage / Scala
- Apache Cassandra - Column-oriented and providing high availability with no single point of failure.
- Infinispan - Highly concurrent key/value datastore used for caching.
- InfluxDB (⭐29k) - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.
- OpenTSDB - Scalable and distributed time series database written on top of Apache HBase.
29. Awesome Pyramid
- Pylons - official cookiecutter templates
30. Awesome Dotnet Core
- .NET Core SDK - .NET Core SDK is a general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub (⭐21k).
- Introducing .NET Standard 2.0 - The description of what will be going on for .NET Standard 2.0 and the roadmap for some missing parts of the current .NET Standard.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging
- Foundatio (⭐1.9k) - A fluent logging api that can be used to log messages throughout your application.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- NReco.LambdaParser (⭐307) - Parses string expressions (formulas, methods calls, conditions) to LINQ expression tree that can be compiled to lambda and evaluated.
- readline (⭐803) - Pure C# GNU-Readline like library for .NET/.NET Core.
- ReverseMarkdown (⭐260) - Html to Markdown converter library.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Scheduler and Job
- Chroniton.NetCore (⭐181) - Lightweight robust library for running tasks(jobs) on schedules.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security
- roslyn-security-guard (⭐208) - Roslyn analyzers that aim to help security audit on .NET applications.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- YamlDotNet (⭐2.5k) - .NET
31. Awesome Hacking
General / Other
- Hack+ - An Intelligent network of bots that fetch the latest InfoSec content.
32. Awesome Cpp
- Breep (⭐144) - Event based, high-level C++14 peer-to-peer library. [EUPL-1.1 (OSI approved)]
- Kangaru (⭐511) - A dependency injection container for C++11 and C++14. [MIT]
33. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
34. Awesome Uncopyright
- Kopimi - Symbol showing that you want a work to be copied.
35. Awesome Indie
Podcasts / Other
Ben Orenstein (former growth/product lead at Thoughtbot) and Derrick Reimer (co-founder of Drip) talk weekly about growing their SaaS businesses.
36. Awesome Mastodon
- - Preview the local or federated timeline of any instance.
37. Awesome Serverless
- Serverless working group (⭐1.4k) - CNCF serverless working group.
38. Awesome Talks
- Moving Past the Scaling Myth by Michael Feathers (Philly ETE 2017) [52:02]
39. Awesome Machine Learning
Go / Natural Language Processing
- word-embedding (⭐476) - Word Embeddings: the full implementation of word2vec, GloVe in Go.
Java / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- AMIDST Toolbox - A Java Toolbox for Scalable Probabilistic Machine Learning.
40. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Insomnia (⭐34k) - Create and manage HTTP requests.
41. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
42. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Rich text editor extensions
- Wagtail Medium Editor (⭐18) - A customizable Medium Editor for Wagtail, with link anchors support.
43. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Audio and Video
- bfxr - Make sound effects for your games.
- MP3 Cut - Online audio cutter.
- TwistedWeb Online - Powerful audio editor. Files not saved online.
- Until AM - Online music mixer, DJ software.
- VideoToolbox
- Video editor with all the common editing features. Size limited to 600mb.
Business and Finance
- - Instant cryptocurrency conversion.
- - Cryptocurrency price charts and indicators. Saving your settings requires an account.
- - Real-time information and market insights from various exchanges. Requires an account for saving settings.
- InvoiceToMe - Generate professional invoices from various templates with your company details.
- - Create a room with any URL (eg
) you wish and chat in groups.
- Gruveo - Video conference online. Just like, easy to remember custom URLs.
Document Editors / Latex
- Papeeria - Latex preview with an option for downloading as a PDF available without registration.
- Overleaf
- Unlimited collaborators and projects, git access in the free account.
- Sharelatex
- Latex editor with unlimited private projects. 1 collaborator in free account.
Document Editors / Markdown
- Dillinger - Powerful Markdown WYSIWYG with export to HTML and PDF. User account to save documents.
- - Simple GitHub-style Markdown (GFM) preview with print feature.
- Markdown Live Preview - Instant Markdown preview.
- Markdownify - Minimal Markdown editor.
Document Editors / Others
- EtherCalc - Online spreadsheet editor, exports to Excel.
- PdfEscape - Edit or create PDFs in browser itself.
File Converters / Others
- OnlineOCR - Convert a scanned PDF into DOC, XLS or TXT.
- GifDeck - Convert slides from slideshare to GIF.
- favicon-generator - Generate favicons for your web-apps or icons for your Android or iOS apps by uploading your desired image.
Games / Others
- Typeracer - Evaluate your typing speed while racing against others.
Graphics, Image and Design / Others
- Pixlr Editor - Image editor by Pixlr. Lots of features.
- Photo Editor | Befunky - Image editor with lots of filters and effects.
- Logo Makr - Logo maker with nice collection of SVGs. Requires payment to export logo as SVG (PNG is free).
- Coolors - Color palettes generator.
- Tiny PNG - Smart PNG and JPEG compression.
- Realtime Board
- Collaborative blackboard with huge area, screen sharing, video & voice communication.
- Adobe Color CC - Color scheme designer.
- Burner Bonanza
- Tool to remove the background of an image and instantly share on Facebook or Twitter, login to download the edited image as PNG or JPEG.
Music, Radio and Podcasts / Others
- Podbay - Listen to any podcast online, individual episodes can be downloaded.
- Internet Radio - Listen to over 40k radio stations.
- Stitcher - Listen to podcast online.
- AnyAudio - Stream and download music.
- Muki - WebAudio-based chiptune & MIDI player, with a nice collection of video game music.
- MusixHub - Play artists and albums video songs online, powered by YouTube.
- - Listen to thousands of DJs, powered by YouTube, sign-in required to become a DJ.
- NoteFlight
- Print music sheets, write your own music online (review).
Notepads and Notebooks / Others
- aNotepad - Saves your notes without a user account using cookies.
- shrib - Save note to a custom URL and edit it later.
- ProtectedText - Encrypted notes without ads, sessions, or cookies.
Programming Editors and IDEs / Others
- Ideone - Online IDE supporting most popular languages.
- codepad - Online compiler which also allows you to create project (you get alloted a subdomain for your project). Note that there's no support for reading from stdin.
- - Online terminals for all popular programming languages.
- Codechef IDE - Simple single file code compiler supporting major languages.
- Cloud9
- Very powerful online dev environment, just like your local PC.
- Codenvy
- Cloud workspace for developers, supports most popular stacks including Android, Hadoop, Selenium, NodeJS and lots more.
- SQLFiddle - Tool for easy online testing and sharing of database problems and their solutions.
- Brainfuck Visualizer - Javascript Brainfuck Interpreter + Visualizer. Helps you understanding how code is working.
Programming Tools / Others
- UglifyJS JavaScript minifier - Minifies and obfuscates JavaScript.
- HTML minifier by @kangax - HTML minifier. Minifies inline CSS and JavaScript too.
- JavaScript compressor - JavaScript compressor and obfuscater.
- Android Asset Studio - Android launcher icon, notification icon etc generator from existing images.
- GTmetrix - Analyze your site’s speed and make it faster.
- BuildWith - Find the technology stack to know everything about a website.
- WooRank - SEO Audit tool, provides website review with global and local rank in terms of traffic generated.
Study and Education / Others
- Calculatoria Calculator - Scientific calculator online with progress stored on your system.
- Desmos Graphing Calculator - Plot multiple 2D plots on same sheet, see graph intersections.
- Geometry sheet by MathIsFun - Simple geometry sheet online if you want to play with figures.
- Directed Graph Editor - Play with directed graphs.
- Calcul - Collection of different calculators including matrix, unit converters, mathematical distributions and more.
- Word Safety - Check if words are abusive in any languages.
- OEIS® - The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences®, helps in cryptography as well as formulating odd looking sequences.
Text based tools / Others
- Diff Checker - Compare two text passages and view differences.
- tYp3r - dA aNn0Y1Ng t3Xt g3NeRa7or (The annoying text generator :-P).
Utilities (uncategorized) / Others
- Web-Capture - Webapp for converting webpages to popular formats (PDF, JPEG, ZIP) just by submitting link.
- Image Metadata Viewer - View hidden data (metadata) of any image.
- Krutidev <--> Unicode - Convert Krutidev to Unicode (Mangal) and vice versa in one click.
Miscellaneous / Others
- - Link shortener with custom URLs and open API (no tokens).
- Bitly - Powerful URL shortener with REST API.
44. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
- TensorFlow Optimizations on Modern Intel® Architecture - Introduces TensorFlow optimizations on Intel® Xeon® and Intel® Xeon Phi™ processor-based platforms based on an Intel/Google collaboration.
45. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- schickling/git-s3 🔥🔥 (⭐229) - Deploy your git repo to a bucket.
- Prev: May 29 - Jun 04, 2017
- Next: May 15 - May 21, 2017