Awesome List Updates on May 08 - May 14, 2017
50 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Engineering Blogs
Companies / H companies
Companies / S companies
2. Awesome Clojure
Data Validation
3. Awesome Uncopyright
- Zen Habits - Finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives.
- Lively Days - Vegan recipes.
4. Awesome Linux
X Windows Managers / Other Desktop Environments
- awesome - Highly configurable window manager for X. Fast and extensible.
- bspwm (⭐6.5k) - Tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree.
- Mutter - Window manager for X. Default window manager in GNOME 3.
- Openbox - Highly configurable window manager with extensive standards support.
GUI-based Applications / Pantheon-based
- Go For It! - To-do list with built-in productivity timer.
- Vocal - Podcast client for the modern desktop.
GUI-based Applications / KDE-based
- Dolphin - File manager for KDE focusing on usability.
- Krita - Painting program.
GUI-based Applications / Not based on any desktop environment
- Atom - Hackable text editor for the 21st century.
- ghostwriter - Distraction-free Markdown editor.
- Kodi - Most popular entertainment center.
GUI-based Applications / Third-party clients for online services
- Corebird - Twitter client.
- GNOME Twitch - Twitch player.
- Caprine (⭐6.5k) - Facebook's Messenger client with some added privacy features.
- PB for Desktop (⭐479) - Pushbullet client.
- ramme (⭐3.3k) - Instagram client.
- Whatever (⭐353) - Evernote client based on the web version.
GUI-based Applications / Package management and creation tools
- Y PPA Manager (Ubuntu) - Manage PPAs and search for packages.
- pirut (Fedora) - Provides a set of graphical tools for managing software.
- Synaptics (Debian and
users) - Graphical package management program forapt
- YaST (openSUSE) - Main package management tool on openSUSE.
Console-based Applications and Tools / Package management and creation tools
- speed-test (⭐3.8k) - Test your Internet connection speed and ping using
- youtube-dl (⭐114k) - A tool to download videos from YouTube and other video sites.
5. Awesome Talks
Functional Programming
- Functional architecture - The pits of success by Mark Seemann (NDC Sydney 2016) [1:00:09]
6. Awesome Devenv
Presentation / Extensions
- hacker-slides (⭐340) - Reveal.js based presentation tool
7. Awesome Phalcon
- phalcon3-compose (⭐3) - Docker Phalcon 3 development environment
8. Awesome Machine Learning
Scala / Natural Language Processing
- Montague (⭐59) - Montague is a semantic parsing library for Scala with an easy-to-use DSL.
9. Awesome Emails
Templates / Misc
- Email boilerplate (⭐3.8k) - The email boilerplate for sending out nicely formatted messages.
- htmlemail - Responsive HTML email templates for startups & developers.
Services / Misc
- Sendgrid - Delivering your transactional and marketing email through one reliable platform.
- Postal (⭐15k) - A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail.
Inspirations / Misc
- Email Copy - Email copy from great companies.
10. Awesome Music
Audio Libraries
- Librosa (⭐7.4k) - a python package for music and audio analysis, providing the building blocks necessary to create music information retrieval systems.
11. Awesome Cakephp
- RealWorld (⭐104) - Example CakePHP codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns and more) that adheres to the RealWorld (⭐81k) spec and API.
12. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Fkill (⭐474) - Fabulously search and kill processes.
13. Awesome Opengl
- Pangolin (⭐2k) - Lightweight portable rapid development library for managing OpenGL display / interaction and abstracting video input.
14. Awesome Magento2
- Pestle (⭐533) - Code Generation Tool by Alan Storm.
- Mage2Gen - Online Module Creator.
Development Utilities
- Config ImportExport (⭐159) - CLI Based Config Management.
- Whoops Exceptions (⭐98) - PHP Exceptions for Cool Kids in Magento 2.
- Developer Toolbar (⭐310) - Magento 2 Developer Toolbar.
- Advanced Template Hints (⭐270) - Magento 2 Template Hints Helper.
- de_CH (⭐7) 🇨🇭 - Swiss Language Package.
- fr_FR (⭐42) 🇫🇷 - French Language Package.
- da_DK 🇩🇰 - Danish Language Package.
- es_ES (⭐14) 🇪🇸 - Spanish Language Package.
- pl_PL (⭐17) 🇵🇱 - Polish Language Package.
- tr_TR (⭐32) 🇹🇷 - Turkish Language Package.
- ro_RO (⭐8) 🇷🇴 - Romanian Language Package.
- fi_FL (⭐0) 🇫🇮 - Finnish Language Package.
- ko_KR (⭐4) 🇰🇷 - Korean Language Package.
- sk_SK (⭐0) 🇸🇰 - Slovakian Language Package.
- Algolia Search Integration (⭐177) - Algolia Search(SaaS) Integration.
- Elastic Suite Integration (⭐767) - Elastic Suite Integration.
- MagePlaza Seo (⭐135) - Well documented multi purpose SEO Extension.
Adminhtml / Backend
- Checkout Tester (⭐82) - Extension to quickly test Checkout changes.
Proprietary Extensions
- Commercebug Debugging Extension - A Magento 2 Debug Extension.
Personal Blogs / Progressive Web Application
Company Blogs / Progressive Web Application
Learning / Progressive Web Application
Platforms / Progressive Web Application
- StackExchange - Q/A Forum.
Official Resources / Progressive Web Application
- Magento Official Website - Magento's official Website.
- Magento Developer Documentation - Official Developer Documentation.
- Magento Forum - Community Forum by Magento.
- Magento Github Repository (⭐12k) - Github Repository.
List of trustworthy Extension Developers / Progressive Web Application
Other Magento 2 related Awesome Lists / Progressive Web Application
- Mageres (⭐985) - Alessandro Ronchi's List of resources for Magento 1 and Magento 2.
- Awesome PHP (⭐31k) - A curated List of Awesome PHP Resources.
15. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Examples and Exercises
- Escape from Callback Mountain (⭐258) - Design & refactoring tips for Promise-based Functional JavaScript. Key benefits include better readability, testability, and reusability. MIT.
16. Awesome Elm
Podcasts / Individual Podcast episodes
- InfoQ Podcast 2017-04-27 - Richard Feldman discusses how Elm compares to React.js
17. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Dependency Injection
- Acclimate (⭐220) - A common interface to dependency injection containers and service locators.
Table of Contents / Security
- random_compat (⭐8.2k) - PHP 5.x support for
18. Awesome Tensorflow
- tensorpack (⭐6.3k) - Neural Network Toolbox on TensorFlow focusing on training speed and on large datasets.
19. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - B. R. Preiss (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Introduction to Python - Kracekumar (2.7.3)
Python / Django
- How to Tango With Django (1.7)
Python / Pyramid
Scheme / Play Scala
20. Awesome Creative Coding
- Programming Data Visualizations: A Coding Toolkit for Processing - Join information designer Nicholas Felton in the world of Processing.
- Introduction to Data Visualization - Join Nicholas Felton for a smart, comprehensive, and inspiring intro to data visualization.
- Programming Graphics I, 2, 3 - Learn generative art and Processing with art with Joshua Davis.
Inspiration / Other
- Folds2d - Tumblr with curves, surfaces, scalar and vector fields.
21. Awesome Progressive Web Apps
Must Reads
- Building Progressive Web Apps - O'Reilly Media - A deep dive into progressive web apps, service workers, push notifications, background sync, IndexedDB, offline first and much more.
Learning Resources
- Google Developers - Your First Progressive Web App - A step-by-step guide to building a progressive web apps using the app shell pattern.
Web Share APIs / App Icons
- Introducing the Web Share API - High level introduction to the Web Share API.
- Web Share API explainer (⭐337) - An explanation of the API, along with some examples. Part of the proposal doc.
- Web Share Target API (⭐181) - The proposal for the Web Share Target API, as well as a high level explainer (⭐181).
Awesome Performance / App Icons
- Web Fundamentals - Performance - Google's performance learning portal, containing a wealth of knowledge on optimizing your web apps for perfomance.
- Introducing RAIL: A User-Centric Model For Performance - The seminal introduction to RAIL by the Gang of Pauls.
- Website Performance Optimization - A free Udacity course on optimizing websites for speed.
- Browser Rendering Optimization - A free Udacity course helping you create web apps that maintain jank-free 60fps performance.
- The PRPL Pattern - A new pattern for structuring and serving Progressive Web Apps, with an emphasis on performance.
- Browser Rendering Performance - Understand how HTML, JavaScript and CSS is handled by the browser, and how to optimize your page accordingly.
22. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Static site generation
- Wagtail-bakery (⭐184) - A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files.
23. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Libraries
- Meyda (⭐1.4k) - Audio feature extraction library including a variety of widely used audio features.
Packages / Apps
- Learning Music - Learn the basics of music making.
24. Awesome Indie
Communities [$] focuses on helping software developers launch successful side projects. Being part of the community gives access to case studios, bi-weekly webinars and live mentoring. Run by Justin Vincent. $19.99 per month.
Communities / Other
- Bootstrapped Slack (invite here invite link currently dead, working on it!) - Slack that probably originated from the forum. Not really moderated.
- r/SideProject - Quite active
Books / Not specific to indie founders:
Specific topics / Other
- 'legal aspects'
- 'typical mistakes'
25. Awesome Less
GUIs, Editors and Plugins / Go
- Diamond - Dependency management built for Sass, Less, and CSS.
26. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- onyx-java (⭐5) - Mirrors the Onyx Platform core API by providing a Java equivalent for each component of an Onyx workflow.
Nix tools
- tiptop - Like top but also shows instructions per cycle (IPC).
- CPU Utilization is Wrong - Measure instructions per cycle (IPC) for CPU utilization. Brendan Gregg.
27. Awesome Shell
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- tag (⭐593) - Instantly jump to your ag matches.
28. Awesome Ios
Utility / Collection View Layout
- App-Update-Tracker (⭐26) - Easily detect and run code upon app installation or update.
29. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
- How to Create a Mind - The audio version is nice to listen to while commuting. This book is motivating about reverse-engineering the mind and thinking on how to code AI.
- Deep Learning - An MIT Press book - Yet halfway through the book, it contains satisfying math content on how to think about actual deep learning.
Posts and Articles
- Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks - Interesting for visual animations, it is a nice intro to attention mechanisms as an example.
- Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future - Thought provoking article about the future of the brain and brain-computer interfaces.
Practical Resources / Librairies and Implementations
- TensorFlow's GitHub repository (⭐169k) - Most known deep learning framework, both high-level and low-level while staying flexible.
- Keras - Keras is another intersting deep learning framework like TensorFlow, it is mostly high-level.
Papers / Recurrent Neural Networks
- Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation - Two networks in one combined into a seq2seq (sequence to sequence) Encoder-Decoder architecture. RNN Encoder–Decoder with 1000 hidden units. Adadelta optimizer.
Papers / Convolutional Neural Networks
- Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition - Interesting idea of stacking multiple 3x3 conv+ReLU before pooling for a bigger filter size with just a few parameters. There is also a nice table for "ConvNet Configuration".
30. Awesome LaTeX
Templates / TikZ
- Ultimate Beamer Theme List (⭐1.3k) - Links to various beamer themes along with PDF previews.
31. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- k6 (⭐18k) - A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript
32. Awesome Fonts
JavaScript libs / Programming fonts with ligatures
- fontkit (⭐1.5k) - An advanced font engine for Node and the browser (demo)
33. Awesome Computer Vision
Computer Vision
- Computer Vision Pascal Fua (EPFL):
- Computer Vision 1 Carsten Rother (TU Dresden):
- Computer Vision 2 Carsten Rother (TU Dresden):
- Multiple View Geometry Daniel Cremers (TU Munich):
34. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- HTML (⭐3.8k) - HTML and Form Builders for Laravel
- Laravel Talk (⭐1.5k) - Realtime User messaging system
Starter Projects / Videos
35. Awesome Dotnet
Distributed Computing
- MBrace - Integrated Data Scripting for the Cloud
- RoslynPad (⭐2.5k) - A simple C# editor based on Roslyn and AvalonEdit.
- VS MEF (⭐443) - Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) implementation used by Visual Studio.
- Dapper (⭐18k) - A simple object mapper for .NET by StackExchange
36. Citizen Science
Literature / Citizen Science Theory
- Whole Earth Catalog - A site that contains the remnants of a famous late 1960s and early 1970s maker/ecology magazine.
37. Awesome Research
Colors / Social Sciences
38. Awesome Ionic
39. Awesome Crystal
C bindings
- (⭐27) - Bindings for libncursesw and crt
- (⭐137) - Bindings for the Duktape (⭐6k) javascript engine
- (⭐16) - Bindings for the libgphoto2 library
- (⭐11) - Bindings for the ICU library
- (⭐26) - Bindings for Libnotify
- (⭐25) - Bindings for libpcap
- cltk (⭐73) - A crystal port of the Ruby Language Toolkit
Logging and monitoring
- (⭐33) - Statsd (⭐18k) client library
Processes and Threads
- neph (⭐204) - A modern command line job processor that can execute jobs concurrently
Project Generators
- libgen (⭐80) - Automatic bindings generator configured using JSON/YAML files
- (⭐265) - Minimum but powerful http router for HTTP::Server
Task management
- cake (⭐72) - Production-ready Make-like utility tool
40. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Communication
- Floobits - Remote pair programming with screen share. Integrates with Sublime, IntelliJ, Atom and others
Tools / Project Management
- Trello - Lean project boards.
41. Awesome Deep Learning Papers
Contents / Optimization / Training Techniques
- Training very deep networks (2015), R. Srivastava et al. [pdf]
42. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Symbolic Music - MIDI - Musicology
- Pretty-MIDI 🐙 (⭐712) 📦 - Utility functions for handling MIDI data in a nice/intuitive way.
43. Awesome Elixir
- sigaws (⭐12) - AWS Signature V4 signing and verification library (Doc).
- phoenix_gon (⭐102) - Allow you to pass Phoenix environment or controller variables to JavaScript without problems.
- ravenx (⭐111) - Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications.
Framework Components
- plug_sigaws (⭐0) - AWS Signature V4 authentication protection for Phoenix/Plug Routes (Docs).
- react_phoenix (⭐505) - Render React.js components in Phoenix views focusing on easy installation and Brunch compatibility.
- mines (⭐48) - A minesweeper clone in the terminal.
Instrumenting / Monitoring
- graphitex (⭐4) - Graphite/Carbon client for Elixir.
ORM and Datamapping
- elastic (⭐65) - A thin-veneer over HTTPotion to help you talk to Elastic Search.
- Sippet (⭐78) - An Elixir library designed to be used as SIP protocol middleware.
Static Page Generation
- serum (⭐320) - A simple static website generator written in Elixir.
44. Awesome Cl
- Practical Common Lisp - A good introductory text to Common Lisp, with practical examples.
- Land of Lisp - A fun, game-oriented introduction to Common Lisp.
- Let Over Lambda - A book on advanced macro techniques. All eight chapters are available in the print copy.
- On Lisp - Paul Graham's amazing book on Lisp macros (and other interesting things).
- Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer's Guide to CLOS - An old, but very thorough book on CLOS.
- Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp - A book on programming AI that covers some advanced Lisp.
- with a web version:
- PAIP-lisp (⭐7.3k) - Lisp code for the textbook "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming".
- Common Lisp Quick Reference - A distilled, pocket-size version of the ANSI CL spec. Available for download as a PDF.
- CLHS - The Common Lisp HyperSpec; the ANSI CL standard, in hypertext form.
- ANSI Common Lisp - A thorough, practical covering of the entire language, with exercises. Not recommended as a starter text, due to some caveats.
45. Awesome Hacking Locations
Singapore 🇸🇬 / Outram Park
Just Want Coffee
Not so much noisy and crowded. It is located nearby MRT station. Coffee and cakes are also good.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Blk 1 Everton Park, #01-27, Singapore 081001 | Mon - Fri 8:30AM–6PM, Sat - Sun 10AM–6PM |
46. Awesome No Login Web Apps
- FaxZero - Send an online fax for free.
Drawing / Others
- bubbl - Create mind-maps, brainstorm ideas in the browser.
Text based tools / Others
- Wordle - A toy to generate 'Word Clouds' form a given piece of text.
Utilities (uncategorized) / Others
- WhoIsHostingThis - Find the web host of any website.
Miscellaneous / Others
- lmgtfy - When your friends are too lazy to use Google on their own.
47. Awesome Dev Fun
- Groot Ipsum - Generates random texts containing "I am Groot".
48. Awesome Symfony
- Slack - Symfony on Slack, platform for team communication.
49. Awesome Lua
Resources / Glossaries
- Lua 5.3 Glossary - A glossary of some essential Lua terms.
50. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Build tools
- FuseBox (⭐4k) - Fast build system that combines the power of webpack, JSPM and SystemJS, with first-class TypeScript support.
- Prev: May 15 - May 21, 2017
- Next: May 01 - May 07, 2017