Awesome List Updates on Dec 19, 2017
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Deep Learning by Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville (05/07/2015)
Table of Contents / Courses
- UVA Deep Learning Course MSc in Artificial Intelligence for the University of Amsterdam.
- Practical Deep Learning For Coders by Jeremy Howard -
- Introduction to Deep Learning by Prof. Bhiksha Raj (2017)
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Frameworks
2. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Gratisography - Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. New pictures added weekly.
Photography / Custom License / Usage
- Death to the Stock Photo - ©️ Free monthly photos for all your creative needs.
- ISO Republic - ©️ ISO Republic provides exclusive free stock photos for creatives.
- Kaboom Pics - ©️ Great place to get breathtaking Free Pictures for business or personal projects.
Photography / Public Domain
- New Old Stock - ©️ Vintage photos from the public archive. of known copyright restrictions.
Photography / Attribution Required licenses
- IM Creator - Also includes Website templates and icons. Some (CC0-licensed) works, check the license before use.
- Superfamous - ©️ Superfamous CC BY 3.0 licensed images by Folkert Gorter.
Vector Graphics / Unspecified License
Icons / Icon Fonts
- Appa Sariicon ©️ 147 8-bit retro style webfont icons for web and mobile
- Foundation Icon Fonts 3 - ©️ An icon font from Zurb, the people behind the Foundation framework.
- Material Design Icons - ©️ Google's Material Icons.
- Open Iconic - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Icon set with 223 marks in SVG.
- Social Stackicons - ©️ Icon set with over 60 social brands.
- Typicons - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Rounded icon set with 336 icons.
HTML Templates / Icons Packages and Collections
- Bootswatch - ©️ Free themes for Bootstrap.
Sounds & Music / Icons Packages and Collections
- Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection - ©️ Netlabels collection hosts complete, freely downloadable/streamable.
3. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- Chimp (⭐799) - Develop acceptance tests & end-to-end tests with realtime feedback.
4. Awesome Machine Learning
Go / Natural Language Processing
- sentences (⭐441) - Golang implementation of Punkt sentence tokenizer.
5. Awesome Free Software
Software / Web Applications
- Lobsters - Link aggregation and discussion with downvote explanations. (BSD 3-clause (⭐3.5k))
Resources / Organizations
- Framasoft - Network dedicated to globally promoting free software, innovative projects, and a world of sharing and cooperation.
6. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- simplebeerservice 🔥🔥 (⭐317) - Cloud-connected kegerator that streams live sensor data to AWS.
- Prev: Dec 20, 2017
- Next: Dec 18, 2017