Awesome List Updates on Nov 09, 2017
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jvm
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/16 - Programming and Performance Intro.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/16 - Bugs and Coding Styles.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/18 - Java vs C/C++.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/21 - Debugging Data Races.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/24 - Fast Bytecodes for Funny Languages.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/09/28 - Struct of Arrays vs Array of Structs.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/10/04 - The 3 Hardest Problems in Programming.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/11/05 - Modern Hardware Performance and Cache Lines.
- Cliff Click podcast 2017/11/09 - Queuing In Practice.
2. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / String
- strip-ansi (⭐369) - Strip ANSI escape codes.
Modules / Function
- compose-function (⭐57) - Compose a new function from smaller functions
3. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- — Uncovers compromised systems in your network
4. Awesome Economics
Studying / Courses
- MIT OCW Economics - Over 100 courses covering all major fields of economics. Courses include prerequisites, recommended textbooks, lecture slides, and assignments. Undergraduate and graduate programs.
5. Awesome AutoIt
- 3270 (by Worlor) (⭐2) - Library for automate a 3270 terminal with AutoIT
Misc / OpenOffice
- Logger (by Worlor) (⭐1) - Logger is an all-in-one logging utility really easy to use ! It enable log rotate per day and zip it after x days
6. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Dataloader (⭐71) - Java port of Facebook Dataloader for Vert.x. Efficient batching and caching for your data layer.
7. Awesome Dash
8. Awesome Diversity
- Scala Bridge - Building an inclusive Scala community with introductory programming workshops for women.
9. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- App.Metrics (⭐2.2k) - App Metrics is an open-source and cross-platform .NET library used to record and report metrics within an application and reports it's health. See the docs for me details.
- NodaTime (⭐2.8k) - Noda Time is an alternative date and time API for .NET. It helps you to think about your data more clearly, and express operations on that data more precisely.
- JustDecompile Engine - The decompilation engine of JustDecompile
- DocX (⭐1.8k) - DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Word 2007/2010/2013 files, it does not require Microsoft Word or Office to be installed.
- Fiddler - The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform
10. Awesome Creative Coding
- Making WebGL Dance - How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Linear Algebra.
- The Pixel Factory - Talk about WebGL, GPUs and Math by Steven Wittens.
Math / Other
- Making Things With Maths - Talk by Steven Wittens about bezier curves, procedural generation, physics engines and fractals.
11. Awesome Frc
- CSCore (⭐23) - The CScore camera vision library from WPI.
- 254 2016 Vision Talk - The most complete lesson about vision tracking out there.
- Robot Scouter (⭐100) - Gorgeous and powerful Android scouting app.
- VictiScout (⭐21) - Light Electron scouting app by Team 1418.
- QDriverStation (⭐168) - Popular open-source Driver Station clone for all Desktop platforms. Though not permitted in competition, essential for teams wishing to drive on another platform or up their open source cred.
- FRCDashboard (⭐132) - Powerful and flexible boilerplate for creating complex driving dashboards with web technologies.
- SmartDashboard.js (⭐16) - SmartDashboard port written in JavaScript with
- /r/FRC - The one and only FRC subreddit.
- Chief Delphi - The essential forum for all things FRC.
- Discord Server - Chat community for robotics advice and socialization with other FRC students, mentors, and alumni. The absolute best place to go for FRC discussion.
Repositories / Java/Kotlin
- WPILib (⭐838) - The official WPILib repository, containing code for the Java and C++ libraries.
- SmartDashboard (⭐22) - The official SmartDashboard repository containing code for the Java Driver Station dashboard.
Repositories / C++
- WPILib (Java/C++) (⭐838) - The official WPILib repository, containing code for the Java and C++ libraries.
Repositories / C#
- WPILib (C#) (⭐25) - Unofficial WPILib port for writing robot code in C#.
- NetworkTables (C#) (⭐3) - Unofficial NetworkTables port for C#.
- FRC-Extension (Visual Studio) (⭐5) - Visual Studio extension to make writing C# robots a breeze.
Repositories / Python
- RobotPy-WPILib (⭐165) - Unofficial WPILib port allowing you to write robot code in Python.
- pyrobottraining (⭐7) - Fundamental tutorial for FRC robot coding in Python.
Repositories / CSS
- banners.css (⭐24) - Library for creating pure CSS FRC banners. Utilitarian and pretty decoration for team websites.
Repositories / Ruby
- tba.rb (⭐3) - Simple Ruby library for easy interaction with The Blue Alliance API.
Miscellaneous / JavaScript
- FIRST Map - Beautiful map of the world's FRC teams.
- FRC New Tab - Chrome extension to fill your New Tab page with a random FRC team, or show the team with a number corresponding to the current time.
- Prev: Nov 10, 2017
- Next: Nov 08, 2017