Awesome List Updates on Nov 06, 2017
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- amazon-kinesis-scaling-utils 🔥🔥 (⭐333) - Provides the ability to scale streams.
2. Awesome Hacking Locations
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
Choupana Café
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ? | Avenida da República, 25 A – Saldanha | Sun-Sat 7:00 - 20:00 |
3. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Front-end build tools
4. Awesome Cyclejs
Libraries / Testing
- jeysal/pretty-format-snabbdom ★0 (⭐5) - A pretty-format (⭐41k) (Jest snapshot) plugin for rendering snapshots of snabbdom VNodes as nicely as those of React elements
5. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Bjorn Johansson
Digital art in the form of screensavers by designer Bjorn Johansson.
Free (pay what you want)
To the extent possible under law, Adam Garrett-Harris has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
6. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
7. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Communication
- Signal - Encrypted, secure chat and video calls.
8. Awesome Elixir
- basic_auth (⭐164) - Elixir Plug to easily add HTTP basic authentication to an app.
- oauth2_facebook (⭐4) - A Facebook OAuth2 Provider for Elixir.
- oauth2_github (⭐2) - A GitHub OAuth2 Provider for Elixir.
- phauxth (⭐407) - Authentication library for Phoenix 1.3 and other Plug-based apps.
- samly (⭐130) - SAML SP SSO made easy (Doc).
Command Line Applications
- phoenix-cli - Command-line interface for Phoenix Framework like Rails commands.
- elixir-on-docker (⭐173) - A project template to get started developing clustered Elixir applications for cloud environments.
- exreleasy (⭐13) - Dead simple and Mix friendly tool for releasing Elixir applications.
- phoenix_routes_js (⭐21) - Phoenix routes helpers in JavaScript code and browser console.
Framework Components
- better_params (⭐97) - Elixir Plug for cleaner request params in web apps.
- plug_password (⭐10) - Plug for adding simple cookie-based authentication.
- Ace (⭐307) - HTTP web server and client, supports http1 and http2.
- Crawler (⭐949) - A high performance web crawler in Elixir.
- ex_phone_number (⭐257) - Format, normalize, and validate phone numbers.
ORM and Datamapping
- triplex (⭐483) - Database multitenancy with postgres schemas for Elixir applications.
- opq (⭐267) - A simple, in-memory queue with worker pooling and rate limiting in Elixir.
- chaperon (⭐136) - An HTTP service performance & load testing framework written in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- explay (⭐16) - Unofficial Google Play API in Elixir.
- async_with (⭐156) - A modifier for Elixir's "with" to execute all its clauses in parallel.
- Elixir do zero à concorrência - (Portuguese) The book provides introduction to functional and concurrent programming with Elixir by Tiago Davi (2014).
- Phoenix Inside Out - The goal of this series is to enable you as a Confident Phoenix developer. There are 3 different editions to address varied needs of devs jumping into Phoenix.
9. Awesome Chatops
- Automation and Monitoring with Hubot - An e-book that walks you through building a Hubot driven ChatOps implementation.
10. Awesome4girls
General / UX
Anitas - Loc:
Anitas is a group of women engaged with female empowerment in the fields of technology and entrepreneurship, based on the exchange of ideias, knowledge and experience. In order to do so, Anitas organize courses, workshops, talks, and also participate of initiatives which aim at including women in technology and entrepreneurship.
11. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Mobile Development
- deviceframe (⭐581) - Put device frames around your mobile/web/progressive app screenshots.
12. Awesome Cpp
Machine Learning
- RNNLIB (⭐902) - RNNLIB is a recurrent neural network library for sequence learning problems. [GPLv3]
- CGAL (⭐5.2k) - Collection of efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. [LGPL&GPL] website
- linmath.h (⭐942) - A lean linear math library, aimed at graphics programming. [WTFPL]
- Poppler - Open-source multi-backend PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. [GPLv2/GPLv3]
13. Awesome Speakers
Asia / India 🇮🇳
Jayesh Katta Ramalingaiah
Topics: Rust, Android, Angular, React, Web VR, Project Things, Common Voice, Web Compatibility
Manjula Dube
Topics: JavaScript, React, Progressive Web Apps, Node, Testing
Neehar Venugopal
Topics: Code Splitting, Standards
Sidhartha Chatterjee
Topics: React, Progressive Web Apps, Web Performance
Australia / Australia 🇦🇺
Aysha Anggraini
Topics: CSS, Animations
Chen Hui Jing
Topics: CSS
Zell Liew
Topics: CSS, JavaScript
North America / United States of America 🇺🇸
Michael Jackson
Topics: React, JavaScript, React Router
Aimee Knight
Topics: JavaScript, CSS, Angular, Growing Junior Developers
New Orleans
Gant Laborde
Topics: JavaScript, React Native, Leadership, Redux, Open Source, Tooling, Public Speaking
Sia Karamalegos
Topics: React, JavaScript, React Native, Front-End Performance
South America / Brazil 🇧🇷
Buenos Aires
Evangelina Ferreira
Topics: CSS, Animations
- Prev: Nov 07, 2017
- Next: Nov 05, 2017