Awesome List Updates on Mar 13 - Mar 19, 2017
47 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- fz (⭐496) - Seamless fuzzy tab completion for z
2. Tools
3. Awesome Ant Design
Applications / Themes
- Productivity Application (⭐249) - Kanban style, Trello inspired Productivity application built using React, Ant Design and other fantastic modules.
4. Awesome Ssh
Apps / .ssh/config
- storm (⭐3.9k)
- Manage your SSH like a boss.
- ansible-ssh-config (⭐94)
- Letting Ansible manage
- ec2ssh (⭐247)
- A
manager for AWS EC2.
- ssh-config (⭐120)
- A tool to help manage your
Apps / Servers
- ssh2docker (⭐178)
- SSH server to Docker containers.
- whosthere (⭐1.9k)
- A SSH server that knows who you are.
$ ssh
- sshfront (⭐276)
- Programmable SSH frontend.
- ssh-chat (⭐4.9k)
- Chat over SSH.
- sshcommand (⭐355)
- Turn SSH into a thin client specifically for your app.
- sshmuxd (⭐800)
- x84 (⭐367)
- A python
server for modern UTF-8 and classic cp437 network virtual terminals. In spirit of classic software such as ami/x, teleguard, renegade, iniquity.
- teleport (⭐13k)
- Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
Apps / Network
- sshfs (⭐4.8k)
- Filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol.
- ngrok (⭐22k)
- Introspected tunnels to localhost.
- localtunnel (⭐3.1k)
- Expose localhost servers to the Internet.
- sshttp (⭐810)
- SSH/HTTP(S) multiplexer. Run a webserver and a
on the same port w/o changes.
- switcher (⭐897)
- Run SSH and HTTP(S) on the same port.
- sslh (⭐3.7k)
- Applicative Protocol Multiplexer (i.e: SSH + HTTPS).
- tund (⭐407)
- SSH reverse tunnel daemon.
- wssh (⭐1.3k)
- SSH to WebSockets Bridge.
- docker-volume-sshfs (⭐560)
docker volume plugin.
Apps / Multiplexers
- clusterssh (⭐808)
- Cluster admin via SSH.
- tmux-cssh
with a ClusterSSH-like behavior.
- tm (⭐48)
manager / helper.
- i2cssh (⭐512)
like SSH tool for iTerm2.
Apps / SSH keys / Authentication
- authy-ssh (⭐790)
- Easy two-factor authentication for SSH servers.
- github-auth (⭐386)
- SSH key management for GitHub users.
- cipherhub
- Encrypt messages based on SSH public keys with easy import from GitHub.
- totp-ssh-fluxer (⭐892)
- A way to make sure your
port changes every 30 seconds.
Apps / SSH agent
- ssh-ident (⭐906)
- Different agents and different keys for different projects, with
- oh-my-zsh/plugins/ssh-agent (⭐151k)
plugin forzsh
Apps / Automation
- Ansible (⭐55k)
- App deployment, configuration management and orchestration over SSH.
- rtop (⭐2k)
- Interactive, remote system monitoring tool based on SSH.
Apps / Web
- GateOne (⭐6.1k)
- HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client.
- KeyBox (⭐2.9k)
- Web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems.
Apps / Testing / Honeypots
- ssh-hammer (⭐12)
- SSH load testing tool.
- kippo (⭐1.4k)
- SSH Honeypot.
- cowrie (⭐44)
- SSH Honeypot (based on kippo).
- ssh-audit (⭐2.8k)
- A tool for SSH server auditing.
- sshesame (⭐1.2k)
- A fake SSH server that lets everyone in and logs their activity.
Apps / Alternatives to SSH
- GoTTY (⭐17k)
- Share your terminal as web application.
Libraries / Alternatives to SSH
- Javascript/Node.js
- ssh2 (⭐4.9k)
- SSH2 client and server modules written in pure JavaScript for node.js.
- ssh2 (⭐4.9k)
- Python
- paramiko (⭐7.9k)
- Native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
- paramiko (⭐7.9k)
- Ruby
- net-ssh (⭐915)
- Pure Ruby implementation of an SSH (protocol 2) client.
- net-ssh (⭐915)
Resources / Security
- Applied-Crypto-Hardening (⭐702)
5. Awesome Talks
Functional Programming
- Functional Programming: What? Why? When? by Robert C. Martin (NDC 2014) [58:26]
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Erlang / Phoenix
- Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger - Fred Herbert (PDF)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Build applications in Python the antitextbook (⭐562) (3.x) (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Mobi)
7. Awesome Opengl
- apitrace - Tools for tracing OpenGL, Direct3D, and other graphics APIs.
- vogl (⭐1.4k) - OpenGL capture and playback debugger developed by Valve.
- OpenGL API Tables - Quick reference of API's for several OpenGL and GLSL versions.
- OpenGL Cheat Sheet - Quick reference card of OpenGL 4.3 commands and syntax.
- Moving Your Games to OpenGL by Rich Geldreich, Dan Ginsburg, Peter Lohrmann, Jason Mitchell [54:45]
- MakingGamesWithBen - Video tutorials (step-by-step) about OpenGL and game development.
- SIGGRAPH - Popular conference about computer graphics.
- thebennybox - Videos tutorials about OpenGL and game development.
- ThinMatrix - Video tutorials about OpenGL and game development using Java.
- sentdex - Videos tutorials about OpenGL (immediate mode) using Python.
- Sonar Systems - Learn about the new and modern OpenGL 3.0+.
- Learn OpenGL by Joey de Vries
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming by Jason L. McKesson
Related lists
- awesome-webgl (⭐1.2k) - A curated list of awesome WebGL libraries, resources and much more.
8. Awesome Haskell
Web / Frameworks
- Database and Persistence - Official Website Resources.
9. Awesome Markdown
Libraries / Python
- markdown2 (⭐2.5k) - Fast and complete implementation of Markdown in Python.
Resources / Documentation
- GitHub Flavored Markdown Specifications - The formal spec for GitHub's Markdown, based on CommonMark.
10. Awesome Ddd
Conferences / Ruby
11. Awesome Non Financial Blockchain
Identity Applications / Public Blockchain Identity
- Blockstack - Platform for decentralized, server-less apps where users control their data. Identity included.
- Evernym - Self-Sovereign identity built on top of open source permissioned blockchain.
- SIN - Proposed identity protocol for BitCoin.
Identity Applications / Blockchain as a collateral
- ShoCard - Proprietary digital identity service, uses blockchain for time-stamping and secure documents exchange.
- Tradle - Makes a bank on blockchain, identity as a collateral.
Identity Applications / Unclear
- KYC Chain - Secure platform for sharing verifiable identity claims, data or documents among financial institutions.
- ObjectChain Collab - Cross-industry collaboration over distributed identity.
Identity Applications / Guidance
- ID3 - Institute for Data Driven Design, explores issues around self-sovereign identity, and distributed organizations.
- OpenCreds - W3C Credentials Community Group.
Internet of Things Applications / Guidance
- Chronicled - IoT devices registry on blockchain.
- Filament - Software and hardware for decentralized Intranet of Things systems
- - Ethereum-based platform for building Shared Things.
Energy Applications / Guidance
- Electron - Reinventing energy on blockchain.
- GridSingularity - Blockchain for Smart Grid. Declare three years of work on the technology.
- lo3 energy - Energy Services, Product Research & Development. Makers of Brooklyn Microgrid along with ConsenSys.
- lumo - Energy provider. Experiment with blockchain.
- PowerLedger - Decentralised energy marketpace.
12. Awesome R
Podcasts / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
- R Weekly - Weekly news updates about the R community.
13. Js Must Watch
14. Awesome Cpp
- {fmt} (⭐21k) ⚡ - Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++. [Simplified BSD] website
15. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- anomalizer/ngx_aws_auth 🔥🔥 (⭐455) - Implements proxying of authenticated requests.
16. Awesome Fuse
Open Source
- Firebase (⭐58) - Firebase bindings for Fuse.
- UnityAds Sample (⭐9) - Simple example of integration UnityAds with Fuse.
17. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Programming Fonts
- Linux: copy the files on ~/.fonts and
sudo fc-cache -f -v
- Windows: copy the files on c:/windows/fonts/
18. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Vue.js in Bahasa Indonesia on
19. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Common Awesome Lists
- Movies For Hacker (⭐10k) - A curated list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
20. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Vissonance A collection of audio visualizers built in THREE.js.
21. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Analyzers (⭐1.6k) - A number of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers initially developed to help flesh out the design and implementation of the static analysis APIs.
22. Awesome Ruby
ORM/ODM Extensions
- Multi-tenancy
- Acts As Tennant (⭐1.6k) - Add multi-tenancy to a Rails app through a shared database strategy.
- Apartment (⭐2.7k) - Multi-tenancy for Rails and ActiveRecord.
- Milia (⭐343) - Non-invasive multi-tenancy for Rails which supports Devise authentication out of the box.
23. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
- TensorFlow Android Guide - Android TensorFlow Machine Learning Example.
24. Awesome Vulkan
- SDF Font Demo (⭐226) - Text rendering in Vulkan by estimating signed distance. [MIT]
25. Awesome Deep Learning Papers
Contents / Appendix: More than Top 100
- A character-level decoder without explicit segmentation for neural machine translation (2016), J. Chung et al. [pdf]
26. Awesome Standard
automatic code formatters
- prettier-standard - format with prettier (⭐44k) configured to standard rules
build tools
- docker-standard - Standardjs Docker image to easily and quickly lint and report javascript files. Very useful in Docker based build systems.
27. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Parsing
- xlsx-populate (⭐966) - Read/write Excel XLSX.
28. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Build Automation
- dotnet-docker (⭐4.4k) - The base Docker images for working with .NET Core and the .NET Core Tools.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs
- azure-event-hubs-dotnet (⭐87) - .NET Standard client library for Azure Event Hubs.
29. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization
- SocialConnect Auth (⭐553) - An open source social sign (OAuth1\OAuth2\OpenID\OpenIDConnect).
- TwitterOAuth (⭐4.3k) - A Twitter OAuth library.
30. Awesome Electron
Videos / Other
31. Awesome Jquery
Animation / Paid Books
- Parallax.js (⭐3.5k) - Scrolling effect.
Forms / Paid Books
- selectize.js (⭐13k) - jQuery based hybrid of a textbox and <select> box.
Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books
- Chart.js (⭐65k) - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag.
- Owl Carousel 2 (⭐7.9k) - Responsive carousel slider.
- Peity (⭐4.2k) - Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts.
Modals and Popups / Paid Books
- Lightbox (⭐6.2k) - JavaScript library used to overlay images on top of the current page.
Miscellaneous Plugins / Paid Books
- Yahoo! Emoticons - Yahoo! Emoticons JQuery Plugin.
32. Awesome Devenv
Orchestration / Extensions
- Nanobox (⭐1.6k) - A micro-PaaS (μPaaS) for creating consistent, isolated, development environments deployable anywhere
Terminal / Extensions
- tmux the awesome terminal multiplexer.
33. Awesome Webgl
Community / Particles
34. Awesome Couchdb
Patterns & Best Practices
- Best Practices - Best Practices, eHealth Africa.
Document Versioning
- 10 Common Misconceptions - More videos from this conference.
Mailing List
- Grokbase - Mailing lists in a Stack Overflow-like interface.
35. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Olavi Haapala (⭐1) - Web and mobile developer from Finland.
36. Awesome Framer
- Designer / coder, and not the other way around - Paul Cotton talks how he started using Framer.
- Why Framer.js Matters - Pedro Carmo on why Framer is a tool designers should start using.
- FORM SF 2014: Panel - Design Tooling - Discussion between creators of popular design tools (including Koen Bok from Framer) on the value of prototyping, lessons learned in crafting products for designers, and the future of UX tools.
- Framer.js Official Basics - The place to start prototyping with Framer.
- Framer Video Tutorials - Video tutorials provided directly from Framer team.
- New to Framer? Just 3 Things to Get You Started - David Lee’s guide to get started.
- Framer.js for people who think things like Framer.js are weird and hard - Sean Mateer makes weird and hard things look easy.
- Prototyping & Working with Framer - Simple guide to getting started by Dan Moore.
- Prototyping with Framer.js - Framer basics by Tackmobile team.
- Getting Started with Framer - Very basic Framer starting guide by Andrew Nalband.
- Building Your First Prototype - Second guide by Andrew Nalband, where you start building real prototype from Sketch file.
- Creating Your First Prototype with Framer - Animation tutorial by Kenny Chen.
- Framer.js Workshop - Collection of Framer examples by Jay Stakelon.
- Periscope Heart Animation Demo at the Seattle FramerJS Meetup - Presentation by Jordan Dobson on how to create Periscope heart animation with Framer.
- Using Parse to power up your Framer prototypes - Using Framer with real data Part 1 by George Kedenburg III.
- Give your Framer prototypes a better memory - Using Framer with real data Part 2 by George Kedenburg III.
- Working with SVG Paths in Framer - Starting point for SVG Paths in Framer by Josh Puckett.
- Managing Styles and CSS in Framer - Mårten Björk on styles management in Framer.
- Developing a Framer Module - John Marstall teaches how to create a Framer Module.
- Prototyping for Virtual Reality using Framer JS - Excerpts of some interaction considerations Keyur Jain learned of while prototyping for a Virtual Reality experience in Framer.
- Prototyping Speech Recognition in Framer.js - Brian Bailey gives a breaf introduction to speach recognition prototyping in Framer.
- Power your Framer prototypes with real location data - Maya Gao on Framer prototypes with real location data using Mapbox API.
Video Courses
- Mobile App Prototyping: Designing Custom Interactions - 50-minute Skillshare class on how to use mobile app prototyping to communicate your ideas and execute your vision by Noah Levin.
- Framerjs: Innovative prototyping and design with interaction - 54 parts, 6 hours course by Adria Jimenez.
- Prototyping with Framer - Three-part prototyping course by Rafael Conde.
- Rapid Prototyping with Framer - 5-hour long prototyping course by Kenny Chen.
- Prototyping With Framer.js - On-location course instructed by Jay Stakelon, Noah Levin and Cemre Güngör.
- UI Prototyping with Framer.js - Almost 5 hours long course by Jay Stakelon.
- Framercasts - Advance your Framer knowledge with real world examples produced by Mike Johnson.
- HSL Color Picker - HSL Color Picker by Framer team.
- iOS Toggle - iOS Toggle using Color class by Jorn van Dijk.
- framer-googlefonts (⭐62) - Google Fonts loader module for your Framer prototypes.
- tabBarModule (⭐94) - Module for Framer that replicates the iOS tab bar.
- framer-animation-collections (⭐64) - Framer classes for managing large sets of animations.
- framer.iosnotification (⭐22) - Framer module that mimics an iOS notification.
- Framer-Grid (⭐24) - Flexible Framer Module that creates a grid overlay on top of your prototype to precisely align content or experiment early on in the design process.
- shortcuts-for-framer (⭐416) - Collection of useful functions to make mobile prototyping with Framer easier.
- RippleTransition.framer (⭐4) - Framer Module for a Material design like ripple transition.
- framer-icon (⭐28) - Framer dynamically tinted icons based off of a template image.
- framer.makeGradient (⭐21) - Module for Framer that makes it easy to create static linear/radial gradients. Want them to animate? I welcome pull requests.
- WatchKit-Framer (⭐55) - Apple Watch Kit module for Framer.
- Framer-VideoPlayer (⭐76) - Video player module for Framer Studio and Framer.
- Framer-Module-ShakeEvent (⭐62) - ShakeEvent Module for Framer.
- Framer-Module-UISound (⭐32) - UISound Module for Framer.
- CameraLayer (⭐84) - Framer layer displaying camera image.
- ios-keyboard-for-framer (⭐31) - iOS Keyboard module for Framer.
- textLayer-for-Framer (⭐257) - Framer module that simplifies the process of adding text to your prototypes.
- framer-flip-card-module (⭐97) - Framer module to quickly create a flip card effect with two image layers.
- StickyHeaders-for-Framer (⭐108) - Module to enable sticky headers within Framer's Scroll Components.
- OrientationEvents (⭐102) - Module for Framer to handle device orientation events.
- ScaleFrame (⭐8) - Module for Framer to calculate properties of a scaled layer using its new dimensions.
- framer-label (⭐11) - Label module with multi-line truncation support for Framer.
- framer-colour-transition (⭐10) - Framer module that transitions the background colour of a layer.
- framer-webview (⭐23) - Web view module for Framer.
- framer-uistatusbar (⭐2) - iOS status bar module for Framer.
- framer.module.ajax (⭐21) - Ajax module for Framer.
- framer.module.fill (⭐6) - Fill module for Framer.
- Comment-for-Framer (⭐18) - Framer module for making comments in your prototypes.
- framer-viewNavigationController (⭐217) - Simple controller for FramerJS that allows you to transition between views with just a couple lines of code.
- Layers-for-Framer (⭐37) - Framer module that makes it easier to find layers in your project.
- Framer-Highlightr (⭐28) - Custom Framer module that shows hotspots over clickable layers in your prototype.
- SVGLayer (⭐171) - Module and corresponding Sketch plugin that make it trivial to work with SVG Paths in Framer.
- VRComponent (⭐184) - Virtual reality component for Framer.
- 3D Touch Module - Module for iOS 3D Touch support by Jordan Dobson.
- Simple Android Ripple (⭐30) - Framer module for adding touch ripple animations to any layer.
- Simple Android Snackbar (⭐3) - Framer module for adding Android Material Design Snackbars to your project.
- Framer Path (⭐148) - Create custom SVG shapes and animate each point individually.
- Material Kit for FramerJS (⭐267) - Make prototyping with Material Design fast and easy without compromising the quality or customization.
- iOS Kit for FramerJS (⭐528) - Make prototyping for iOS fast and easy without compromising the quality or customization.
- spotifyApiFramer (⭐9) - Framer module that allows to get JSON objects when querying with Spotify API.
- ViewController-for-Framer (⭐424) - Module for Framer helps you create multi step user flows with pre-made transitions like "fade in", "zoom in" and "slide in".
- Gridddle (⭐53) - Grid module for FramerJS.
- SliderLibrary - Framer library for creating sliders.
- framer-view-stack (⭐24) - Framer module for creating views that stack on top of each other.
- Pair (⭐39) - Drag and Drop module for Framer.
- Prototyping With Framer - Blog by Kenny Chen with lots of great examples, tutorials.
- Framer Code - Collection of Framer modules, code examples, snippets and tips.
- Framer Snippets (⭐487) - Library of Framer snippets to help speed up workflow.
37. Awesome Pascal
Unit Testing
- DUnit.
Unit Testing Framework, that has been the standard testing framework for years, the Delphi IDE now ships with this library. // Included since XE, deprecated since XE8 in favor of DUnitX; seems abandoned.
- DUnit2.
Fork of the DUnit Project that adds several new features. // Seems abandoned, lacks some features from last DUnit version.
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- Parnassus Bookmarks. IDE plugin that extends bookmark functionality.
- DelphiSettingManager (⭐19). Multiple IDE profiles for Delphi (up to XE6). Allows to install multiple versions of the same component or different component sets for different projects.
- TestInsight. Unit testing IDE Plugin for Delphi. It supports all versions from XE to 10 Seattle. Supports DUnit, DUnit2, DUnitX frameworks.
- SynProject (⭐28) (docs). Tool for code source versioning and automated documentation of Delphi projects.
- Lazy Delphi Builder. Build tool for Delphi. Recompile projects/packages from sources with all dependencies, without need to mess around with configs. Quickly (re-)install components from sources into IDE, with no need to change your Library Path. // Powerful automating tool. Freeware but not open source
- Inno Setup. Free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability.
- Delphi Preview Handler (⭐136). Preview handler for Windows Vista, 7 and 8 which allow you read your object pascal, C++ and Assembly code with Syntax highlighting without open in a editor
- OmniPascal. Project that enables Delphi and Free Pascal developers to write and maintain code using the modern editor Visual Studio Code.
38. Awesome Esolangs
- ChuckScript (⭐31) - Unary-based language, where the code is a single number.
- DNA# - Language based on the structure of the DNA.
- LolCode - Language with keywords based on the lolcat meme expressions.
- Ook! - Brainfuck-based language, where the commands are orangutan words.
- Unary - Brainfuck-based language where all the commands are 0.
- Velato - Language that uses MIDI files as source, programs are defined by the pitch and order of notes.
- Whenever - Language that does things whenever it wants.
- Wikipedia/Esoteric programming languages - Wikipedia list of esoteric languages.
39. Awesome Network Analysis
Journals / Topic-specific
- ARCS – Analyse de réseaux pour les sciences sociales / Network Analysis for the Social Sciences, in English and in French (GDR ARSHS).
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- GDR Analyse de réseaux en sciences humaines et sociales – French research group with funds to support training and workshops on network analysis for social scientists.
Software / JavaScript
- Graphology - Specification and reference implementation for a robust and multipurpose JavaScript
Varia / Tutorials
- Centrality Measures as a Signature of Roles in Rousseau’s Les Confessions - Analysis of a real-world character network.
- Open Graph protocol - A proposed standard to turn any Web page into a “social graph object.”
40. Awesome D3
Utils / Third Party
- d3-component (⭐109) - Lightweight component abstraction
41. Awesome Deep Vision
Human Pose Estimation / Other Applications
- Zhe Cao, Tomas Simon, Shih-En Wei, and Yaser Sheikh, Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields, CVPR, 2017.
- Leonid Pishchulin, Eldar Insafutdinov, Siyu Tang, Bjoern Andres, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Peter Gehler, and Bernt Schiele, Deepcut: Joint subset partition and labeling for multi person pose estimation, CVPR, 2016.
- Shih-En Wei, Varun Ramakrishna, Takeo Kanade, and Yaser Sheikh, Convolutional pose machines, CVPR, 2016.
- Alejandro Newell, Kaiyu Yang, and Jia Deng, Stacked hourglass networks for human pose estimation, ECCV, 2016.
- Tomas Pfister, James Charles, and Andrew Zisserman, Flowing convnets for human pose estimation in videos, ICCV, 2015.
- Jonathan J. Tompson, Arjun Jain, Yann LeCun, Christoph Bregler, Joint training of a convolutional network and a graphical model for human pose estimation, NIPS, 2014.
42. Awesome Remote Job
Others / Others
- Remote Working (⭐11k) - A list of remote working resources for Chinese.
43. Awesome Elixir
- timber (⭐214) - Structured logging platform; turns raw text logs into rich structured events.
44. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Gentics Mesh Example (⭐17) - Example on how to build a template-based web server with Gentics Mesh and handlebars.
45. Awesome Clojure
Text Processing
46. Awesome Fp Js
- FPO.js (⭐447) – FP library for JavaScript by Kyle Simpson (aka getify). Supports named-argument style methods.
47. Awesome Creative Coding
Articles • Tutorials / Other
- Particle Physics - Particle physics explained.
- Adventures in Game Development World - Easy to understand collection of articles on game development, but relevant to creative coding as well.
- Prev: Mar 20 - Mar 26, 2017
- Next: Mar 06 - Mar 12, 2017