Awesome List Updates on Oct 28, 2017
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Engineering Blogs
Companies / G companies
2. Awesome Asyncio
- aiorun (⭐453) - A
function that handles all the usual boilerplate for startup and graceful shutdown.
3. Awesome D
- sociomantic labs - Berlin based company specializing in real-time bidding for online advertising. Main sponsor of the annual D language conference. Has open-sourced large parts of their codebase as part of the tsunami organization.
4. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Time series machine learning with h2o+timetk Oct 28, 2017
5. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Games / Others
- Miniclip - Collection of a variety of free games that can be played without giving your email. Flash required.
- CrossCode - A retro-inspired 2D game set in the distant future. Comes with great game mechanics such as combos, puzzles, skill trees, quests, items and more.
6. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- DietPi (⭐11) - Minimal image designed to fit on a 2GB SD card, with tons of configurable settings and scripts.
7. Awesome
- CLion - Smart cross-platform IDE for C/C++ that uses CMake as a build system.
- PhpStorm - Lightning-smart PHP IDE with major frameworks support.
- Rider - A cross-platform .NET/Mono IDE.
- RubyMine - An intelligent Ruby IDE that supports many modern frameworks.
- WebStorm - A smart JavaScript IDE that uses the full power of the modern JavaScript ecosystem.
8. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- LINQ to DB (linq2db) - The fastest LINQ database access library offering a simple, lightweight, fast, and type-safe layer between your POCO objects and your database for more than 10 database engines with full SQL support.
9. Awesome Dotnet
- DeviceId (⭐805) - Generate a 'device ID' that can be used to uniquely identify a computer.
10. Awesome Diversity
- Code 2040 - Through a variety of programs and fellowships, Code2040 is a great initiative creating opportunities in tech for Black and Latinx talent.
- Codebar - Codebar is a non-profit initiative that facilitates the growth of a diverse tech community by running regular programming workshops.
- FrameShift Consulting - FrameShift open sources their fantastic Ally Skills Workshop, Conference incident response materials and many other resources allowing to scale creating welcoming, inclusive, diverse cultures.
- Fund Club - Fund Club raises money to numerous initiatives for mental health, diversity, inclusion, anti-harassment and more.
- Kapor Center - The Kapor family of organizations works to remove barriers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and tech careers for underrepresented people of color.
- Open Sourcing Mental Illness - Open Sourcing Mental Illness is a non-profit corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities.
- ParadigmIQ - Paradigm offers a range of workshops, training and assessments aiding in diversity, inclusion, belonging, retention and more.
- Techtonica - Techtonica partners with tech companies to offer tech apprenticeships with stipends and job placement to Bay Area women and non-binary, feminine-adjacent adults with low incomes.
- Trans*H4CK - Trans*H4CK empowers trans, gender non conforming, agender and nonbinary people through improving access to social services, promoting gender safety and community sustainability while bringing visibility to trans* tech innovators and entrepreneurs.
- Women Who Code - Women Who Code is a global community empowering women to excel in technology fields through resources, job boards, conference scholarships and other member benefits.
- AlterConf - AlterConf is a traveling conference series that provides safe opportunities for marginalized people and those who support them in the tech and gaming industries.
Actionable Resources
- Bootstrapping Inclusion - By Jason Wong.
- Hidden Figures: How Silicon Valley Keeps Diversity Data Secret - By Will Evans and Sinduja Rangarajan.
- Prev: Oct 29, 2017
- Next: Oct 27, 2017