Awesome List Updates on Oct 16, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Tutorials / iOS
- Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Plex Media Server - Beginners guide to setting up a Plex media server to stream all of your media content.
2. Awesome Android
GUI / Field Validation
- Convalida (⭐203) - A simple and annotation-based way to validate your input fields.
3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Basic / Non-X86
- A beginner's guide to Gambas - John W. Rittinghouse (PDF)
Self / Play Scala
4. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Slides
- Cycle.js - building apps with streams only - by Luca Matteis
Learn / Example Applications
- cyclejs/cycle-examples - Official collection of small Cycle.js examples
- Widdershin/tricycle ★23 (⭐23) - Scratchpad for trying out Cycle.js, relies on Ace Editor with Cycle
- cgeorg/todomvp ★21 (⭐23) - Minimum Viable Pizza, an example webapp written in Cycle.js
- erykpiast/cyclejs-examples ★9 (⭐9) - Example web applications built with Cycle.js.
- ivan-kleshnin/cyclejs-examples ★120 (⭐122) - Collection of CycleJS examples, ES6.
- ivan-kleshnin/tetris-cyclejs ★12 (⭐16) - Tetris game implemented in CycleJS, ES6
- staltz/ ★548 - A interactive matrix multiplication webapp
- staltz/rxmarbles ★2,577 - Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
- foxdonut/cycle-todolist ★11 - demonstrates a simple Cycle.js TODO list app with CRUD.
- Mercateo/component-check ★468 - Common patterns for building Cycle.js components
- edge/electron-cycle-media ★27 (⭐28) - Media player written with Cycle.js and Electron.
- SkaterDad/cycle-snabbdom-examples ★12 (⭐13) - Examples of nested components, using snabbdom-specific animations.
- bahmutov/draw-cycle ★112 (⭐143) - Interactive visualization of counter application showing the data flow inside a MVI component
- andreloureiro/pomocycle ★21 (⭐25) - A simple Pomodoro timer.
- laszlokorte/tams-tools ★24 (⭐30) - A set of tools for teaching and learning computer science built with cycle.js.
- lucamezzalira/jsday-cycle-js ★16 (⭐17) - Reactive Live London Tube trains status example built with Cycle.js.
- cyclejs-community/built-with-cycle ★9 (⭐9) - A website to showcase the cool projects built with Cycle.js
- class-ideas/cyclejs-hangman ★10 (⭐9) - A hangman game built with Cycle.js
- wmaurer/cyclejs-fractals ★15 (⭐20) - Dancing pythagorean tree fractal - Animating 2048 SVG nodes.
- fabiothiroki/cyclejs-starwars ★2 (⭐4) - A Star Wars character search app using Cycle.js, RxJS and Virtual DOM tests.
- staltz/mmmmm-mobile ★124 (⭐875) - A React Native + Cycle.js app to implement a social network on Secure Scuttlebutt networks
- cyclejs/todomvc-cycle ★214 (⭐240) - TodoMVC example implemented in Cycle.js
Tools / CLI
- cyclejs-community/create-cycle-app ★160 (⭐240) - Create Cycle.js apps with no build configuration.
Libraries / Drivers
- @cycle/http (⭐10k) - A Cycle.js Driver for making HTTP requests, based on superagent.
- @cycle/dom - A Cycle.js driver to enable interaction with the DOM. The driver is based on snabbdom as the Virtual DOM library.
- @cycle/storage (⭐52) - A Cycle.js Driver for using localStorage and sessionStorage.
- @cycle/history (⭐10k) - This is the standard Cycle.js driver for dealing with the History API
- @cycle/isolate (⭐10k) - A utility function to make scoped dataflow components in Cycle.js.
- @cycle/time (⭐10k) - Fast and beautiful tests and time management for Cycle.js
- cyclejs/cycle-notification-driver ★20 (⭐21) - A Cycle.js Driver for showing and responding to HTML5 Notifications.
- axefrog/cycle-router5 ★30 (⭐29) - A router driver using Router5
- cgeorg/ ★27 (⭐29) - A Cycle driver for Socket.IO clients
- r7kamura/cycle-fetcher-driver ★14 (⭐14) - A Cycle.js Driver for making HTTP requests using stackable-fetcher (⭐19).
- benji6/cycle-audio-graph ★12 (⭐19) - A Cycle.js Driver for manipulating the Web Audio API using virtual-audio-graph (⭐336)
- CyclicMaterials/cycle-hammer-driver ★11 (⭐11) - A Cycle.js driver to wrap Hammer.js and detect touch gestures
- jessaustin/cycle-sse-driver ★6 (⭐7) - Source driver for Server-Sent Events/EventSource.
- tylors/cycle-snabbdom ★41 (⭐41) - DOM driver using Snabbdom
- cyclejs-community/cyclic-router ★90 (⭐110) - Router Driver built for Cycle.js
- Widdershin/cycle-animation-driver ★33 (⭐35) - Cycle driver for requestAnimationFrame
- dralletje/cycle-firebase ★21 (⭐21) - A Cycle.js Driver for Firebase
- edge/cycle-blessed ★46 (⭐49) - A Cycle.js Driver for terminal applications
- 10clouds/cyclejs-cookie ★2 (⭐2) - Cookies Driver for Cycle.js
- whitecolor/cycle-async-driver ★25 (⭐23) - Factory for creating async request/response cycle.js drivers
- raquelxmoss/cycle-keys ★35 (⭐33) - Driver for keyboard events
- goodmind/cycle-telegram ★15 (⭐19) - A Cycle.js Driver for Telegram Bot API
- apoco/cycle-electron-driver ★22 (⭐23) - Driver to interact with Electron interface from Cycle.js application
- rkrupinski/cyclejs-animated-localstorage ★12 (⭐14) - A Cycle.js driver for animating (srsly) localStorage.
- cyclejs-community/cycle-keyboard ★9 (⭐9) - A keyboard driver for cycle.js
- garrydzeng/cycle-page ★3 (⭐3) - A tiny client-side router for Cycle.js
- jbowden1982/cycle-socketcluster ★5 (⭐4) - A socketcluster driver for Cycle.js
- cyclejs-community/redux-cycles ★599 (⭐756) - A Redux middleware that allows you to handle actions lifecycle with Cycle.js
- JuniperChicago/cycle-gun ★18 (⭐26) - A basic Cycle.js driver wrapping a gun.js instance allowing graph storage and p2p sync
- EnigmaCurry/cycle-deepstream ★8 (⭐10) - A Cycle.js driver for
- Alex0007/cycle-express-driver ★1 (⭐1) - A Cycle.js driver for Express.js server
- mrpierrot/cycle-node-http-server ★4 (⭐6) - A Cycle.js driver for Node.js HTTP(S) server
- Avalander/cycle-idb ★4 (⭐12) - A Cycle.js driver wrapping IndexedDB
Libraries / Utilities
- staltz/chai-virtual-dom ★24 (⭐24) - Chai assertion helpers to test virtual-dom VTrees
- erykpiast/cyclejs-group ★20 (⭐18) - Utility for CycleJS framework for reducing boilerplate when creating groups of streams.
- erykpiast/cyclejs-wc ★2 (⭐4) - Utility for creating Web Components based on Cycle.js
- ohanhi/hyperscript-helpers ★390 - elm-html inspired helpers for writing hyperscript or virtual-hyperscript.
- pH200/cycle-react ★342 - use React instead of virtual-dom with a Cycle-like API
- WorldMaker/cycle-gear ★4 (⭐5) - A main function factory for Cycle based upon a formalization of Cycle's MVI pattern
- SuperManitu/cyclejs-sortable ★15 (⭐16) - Make everything sortable via drag and drop in only one line of code!
- atomrc/cyclejs-auth0 ★22 (⭐23) - Everything you need to start playing with Auth0 on your Cyclejs app (Driver + component)
- staltz/cycle-onionify ★244 - Fractal state management for Cycle.js apps
Libraries / Boilerplates
- andreloureiro/cyclejs-starter ★50 (⭐52) - Cycle.js starter template with ES6 and Livereload.
- Frikki/generator-cyclejs ★2 (⭐2) - Scaffold out a Cycle.js Nested Dialogue module using Yeoman.
- edge/cyc ★194 - Scaffold an isomorphic Cycle.js app in seconds.
- cmdv/cycle-webpack-boilerplate ★101 (⭐96) - Cycle app with routing, state handling and tests.
- Widdershin/cycle-hot-reloading-example ★27 (⭐27) - A Cycle.js starter project with hot reloading using browserify-hmr
- cycle-community/typescript-starter-cycle ★22 (⭐34) - A simple project for getting started with TypeScript in cycle.js, using Webpack. Has settings for Visual Studio Code as candy.
- wyqydsyq/unicycle ★6 (⭐10) - A boilerplate universal Cycle app running on a Koa.js server with HMR and ServiceWorkers via Webpack
- syarul/cycle-iso ★4 (⭐4) - A barebone boilerplate Cycle app with data stream base on promises and fetched with Falcor.js
Libraries / Testing
- erykpiast/cyclejs-mock ★22 (⭐22) - Utility for testing applications based on CycleJS framework.
Libraries / Components
- erykpiast/autocompleted-select ★10 (⭐11) - Select Web Component with autocompletion. Based on RxJS and VirtualDOM.
- enten/cyclejs-calendar ★11 (⭐10) - Calendar component for Cycle.js. Try it online here.
- raquelxmoss/cycle-color-picker ★44 (⭐58) - A Color Picker component for Cycle.js. Check out the example.
- cyclejs-community/cycle-svg-pan-and-zoom ★4 (⭐4) - A Google Maps style SVG pan and zoom component for Cycle.js
5. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 redux-zero (⭐2k) - A lightweight state container based on Redux
6. Awesome Dataviz
Python tools / Misc
- veusz - Python multiplatform GUI plotting tool and graphing library
- vtk - 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization that includes a Python interface.
7. Awesome Beacon
Stackoverflow Q&A
- Universal Bluetooth Beacon Library (⭐198) - open source library and links to apps to talk to Eddystone and iBeacon beacons
8. Awesome Open Source Supporters
Exception Reporting
- Honeybadger
- Exception and uptime monitoring for Ruby.
9. Awesome Framer
- Fiber - A free interactive UI kit with 15 screens.
- Voyage - A free travel-themed UI kit that’s fully interactive and made for Framer.
10. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- facebook-cli (⭐394) - Facebook command line tool
11. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
12. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- CNTK (⭐18k) - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit. Documentation can be found here.
- Prev: Oct 17, 2017
- Next: Oct 15, 2017