Awesome List Updates on Oct 08, 2017
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mastodon
- Tusky - Android client.
- Twidere - Android app for Twitter, GNU Social and Mastodon.
- Tooty (⭐132) - Experimental multi-account Mastodon Web client (Elm).
- toot (⭐561) - Mastodon CLI client (Python).
- madonctl (⭐147) - Mastodon CLI client (Go).
- naumanni (⭐98) - Web user interface specially designed for Mastodon.
- Tooter (⭐20) - Native client for SailfishOS.
- Mastodon instances - List of Mastodon instances.
- feed2toot - Automatically parses RSS feeds, identifies new posts and posts them on Mastodon (Python).
2. Awesome Cl
Apps / Third-party APIs
- Mockingbird - A small stubbing and mocking library for Common Lisp. Can also check wether a stubbed function was called, how many times and with which arguments. MIT.
3. Awesome Ciandcd
Provisioning Tools
- Ansible Simple infrastructure management tool via human readable playbooks
4. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- Humidifier (⭐46) - Write and maintain AWS Cloudformation templates using C#.
5. Awesome Algorithms
Online Courses
- Algorithms in Motion - Beginner's algorithms course with fun illustrations, based on the book Grokking Algorithms
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Lua / PicoLisp
7. Awesome Okr
8. Awesome Vehicle Security
Libraries and Tools / Python
- Python-OBD (⭐1.1k) - A Python module for handling realtime sensor data from OBD-II vehicle ports. Works with ELM327 OBD-II adapters, and is fit for the Raspberry Pi.
9. Awesome Bigdata
Books / Streaming
- Kafka Streams in Action - Kafka Streams in Action teaches you everything you need to know to implement stream processing on data flowing into your Kafka platform, allowing you to focus on getting more from your data without sacrificing time or effort.
- Big Data - Big Data teaches you to build big data systems using an architecture that takes advantage of clustered hardware along with new tools designed specifically to capture and analyze web-scale data.
- Prev: Oct 09, 2017
- Next: Oct 07, 2017