Awesome List Updates on Sep 27, 2017
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome R
2017 / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
2. Awesome Nextjs
- phox (⭐19) - Create a static photo blog.
3. Engineering Blogs
Companies / J companies
- Jobandtalent
4. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Programming
- Wallaroo - The ultrafast and elastic data processing engine. Big or fast data - no fuss, no Java needed.
5. Awesome Webgl
Others / Particles
- Blend4Web - Tool for interactive 3D visualization on the Internet.
- PlayCanvas - Game engine platform to build interactive experiences.
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Go / Phoenix
- Let's learn Go! (CC BY-NC-SA)
7. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Visualization
- wavesurfer.js - A customizable audio waveform visualization, built on top of Web Audio API and HTML5 Canvas
8. Awesome Tensorflow
- Unsupervised Object Counting (⭐81) - Implementation of "Attend, Infer, Repeat"
9. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Plugin-QA (⭐25) - Comprehensive Plugin for composer to execute PHP Quality assurance Tools.
Packagist Mirrors / IRC
- South America
- Brazil -
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging
- log4net (⭐838) - log4net is a port of the excellent Apache log4j™ framework to the Microsoft® .NET runtime.
- Prev: Sep 28, 2017
- Next: Sep 26, 2017