Awesome List Updates on Aug 31, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ssh
Apps / SSH keys / Authentication
- Slack notifications (archived version) - Guide to setup Slack notifications (can be modified for other services).
2. Awesome Regression Testing
Browser automation
- Selenium (⭐31k) - Browser automation framework and ecosystem.
- SlimerJS (⭐3k) - Scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox.
- (⭐9.1k) - Node.js bindings implementation for the W3C WebDriver protocol.
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- gatling (⭐56) - Integrated visual RSpec matcher which makes real visual testing easy (Ruby).
- vrtest (⭐15) - JavaScript library for running visual regression tests on your components cross browser via selenium.
Online services (a-z↓)
- applitools - Cloud base visual tests.
- Browser Shots - Screenshots only.
- browserling - LIVE interactive cross-browser testing.
- BrowserStack - Free for Open Source. Supports Selenium Webdriver (⭐31k).
- CrossBrowserTesting - Manual & exploratory testing on 1500+ real browsers and mobile devices.
- - Continuous visual reviews for web apps.
- - For React, looks open source.
- - Cloud based automation testing platform for web and mobile UI.
Blog posts (a-z↓)
- Pavels Jelisejevs: Visual Regression Testing with PhantomCSS - Introduction to PhantomCSS.
- Phillip Gourley: Making visual regression useful - Why you should use BackstopJS.
3. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- has (⭐594) -
helps you check presence of various command line tools and their versions on path
4. Awesome Canvas
Libraries / To draw using canvas
- d3 (⭐107k) (or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards. D3 helps you bring data to life using SVG, Canvas and HTML.
5. Awesome Swift
Video / Barcode
- MMPlayerView (⭐730) - Custom AVPlayerLayer on view and transition player with good effect like YouTube and Facebook.
6. Awesome Draft Js
Standalone Editors Built on Draft.js
- React-Draft-Wyiswyg (⭐5.9k) - A WYISWYG editor, with various text editing options and corresponding HTML generation.
Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js
- Draft.js Plugins (⭐4k) - A Plugin architecture on top of Draft.js
- Alignment
- Block Breakout (⭐42) - Break out of block types as you type.
- Buttons (⭐95)
- Color Picker (⭐95)
- Counter - Character, word & line counting.
- Divider (⭐3)
- Drag and Drop
- Embed (⭐95)
- Emoji - Slack-like emoji support
- EmojiPicker (⭐95)
- Focus
- GifPicker (⭐95)
- Hashtags - Twitter-like hashtag support
- Image
- Inline Toolbar
- Katex (⭐33) - Insert and render LaTeX using Katex.
- Link (⭐95)
- Linkify - Automatically turn links into anchor-tags.
- List (⭐14) - Automatic list creation, nested lists
- Markdown Shortcuts (⭐275) - Markdown syntax shortcuts.
- Mathjax (⭐5) - Edit math using (La)TeX rendered by Mathjax.
- Mention - Twitter-like mention support
- Modal (⭐95)
- Prism (⭐49) - Syntax highlight code blocks with Prism.
- Resizeable
- RichButtons (⭐39) - Add and customize rich formatting buttons.
- Side Toolbar
- Sidebar (⭐95)
- Single Line (⭐42) - Restrict to a single line of input.
- Sticker - Facebook-like sticker support
- Toolbar (⭐95)
- Undo - Undo & Redo button.
- Video
- Draft.js Gutter (⭐15) - Compliments line number gutter.
- Draft.js Prism (⭐277)- Highlight code blocks using Prism.
Common Utilities
- Draft.js Multidecorators (⭐32) - Combine multiple decorators.
- DraftJS Utils (⭐280) - Set of utility functions for DraftJS.
- DraftJs to HTML (⭐299) - Library for generating HTML for DraftJS editor content.
Playgrounds for Examples from Official Repository (v.0.10.0)
Usage in Production
7. Awesome Polymer
8. Awesome Ddd
User Groups / Ruby
9. Vertx Awesome
- Resilience4j (⭐9.8k) - Resilience4j is a fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming. Resilience4j provides modules for Circuit Breaking, Rate Limiting, Bulkheading, Automatic retrying, Response caching and Metric measuring.
10. Awesome Pyramid
- pyramid_ldap3 (⭐11) - Provides LDAP authentication services for your Pyramid application based on the ldap3 package.
11. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line utilities
- gradient-string (⭐1.1k) - Beautiful color gradients in terminal output.
12. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- Kotlin: chrome-reactive-kotlin (⭐77) - reactive (rxjava 2.x), low-level client library in Kotlin
- Prev: Sep 01, 2017
- Next: Aug 30, 2017