Awesome List Updates on Aug 16, 2017
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Theravada
- Bosque Theravada - Web budista dedicada al Canon Pali, el budismo temprano, y la Tradición de Ajahn Chah.
Suttas / Resources
- dhammadāna - Learn about the Buddha's original teachings in French, English, Italian, Burmese, and Japanese.
- Sādhu! - World directory of physical locations and websites.
2. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
3. Awesome Uncopyright
- Using CC0 for Public Domain Software - Drawbacks of using CC0 to license computer programs.
- Cost of Freedom - On the dream for a free culture.
- LibreStock - Search all public domain stock photo websites at once.
4. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Parsing
- pest-parser/pest (⭐4.8k) - The Elegant Parser
5. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- The Changelog - (⭐267)
6. Awesome Research
Code Editors / HTML+CSS+JS
- Atom(
): electron based editor with numerous plugins and easy modifications. Cross-platform with settings and plugins synchronized through the sync-settings plugin.
- Sublime Text(
Free Evaluation
): cross-platform, fast, and with plugins. Not free but can be freely used forever.
- JetBrains(
Free for Students
): beautiful IDE's with many debugging and editing modes integrated.
- vim (⭐31k)(
): no words can describe the almighty vim.- Vundle (⭐24k): the vim plugin manager
- vimrc from amix (⭐29k): "The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc"
7. Awesome Inspectit
- How to Write Your Own Sensor - Walkthrough on how to implement a custom sensor for inspectIT.
- Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) - Walkthrough on how to monitor JMX attributes.
Blog Posts
- Can the Opentracing Scene Benefit From New Tracer Implementations? - Comparision between the tracing systems inspectIT and Zipkin.
- Cross-JVM Tracing - Introduction into inspectIT's cross-JVM tracing.
8. Awesome Gnome
Icons / Material Icons
- Paper - Material icon theme.
- Papirus (⭐6.7k) - Material icon theme, initially based on Paper.
Icons / Flat Icons
- La Capitaine (⭐1.9k) - Icon inspired by macOS and Material Design guidelines.
Icons / Skeumorphic Icons
- Elementary XFCE (⭐274) - Desktop-agnostic version of the icons of elementary OS.
9. Awesome Clojure
Exceptions and Error Handling
Archives and Compression
10. Awesome Swift
- AnyDate (⭐190) - Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
11. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- (⭐41) - Quickly search files with fewer typings and do many more (grepping, copying path to clipboard, etc)
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- doclt (⭐44) - A command line interface to Digital Ocean
Applications / Directory Navigation
- (⭐23k) - ⛅ The right way to check the weather (curl
- Prev: Aug 17, 2017
- Next: Aug 15, 2017