Awesome List Updates on Jul 29, 2017
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 Angular (⭐95k) - Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
2. Awesome Theravada
Videos / YouTube Channels
- Bodhisaddha Forest Monastery - Life at a forest monastery.
3. Awesome Free Software
Software / Web Applications
- Ghost - Hackable platform for building and running online publications. (MIT (⭐43k))
4. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks
- Wraith (⭐4.8k) - Easy to use ruby tool with docker support.
- BackstopJS (⭐6.7k) - Config-driven automated screenshot test framework.
- Galen (⭐1.4k) - Java framework based on Selenium (⭐30k).
- CSSCritic (⭐484) - Lightweight CSS regression testing.
- Spectre (⭐458) - Provides image comparison capabilities and an admin interface for managing screenshots.
- Shoov (⭐38) - UI regression and functional testing focused on Drupal 7 sites.
- Hardy (⭐322) - Selenium-driven, cucumber-powered CSS testing.
- TestCafe (⭐9.8k) - Automated browser testing for the modern web development stack.
- Needle (⭐590) - Needle is a tool for testing visuals with Selenium and nose (Python).
- grunt-photobox (⭐276) - Plugin to prevent your project of broken layout via screenshot photo sessions of your site.
Blog posts
- Kevin Lamping: The 5 best visual regression testing tools - Compares: Wraith, PhantomCSS, Gemini, WebdriverCSS and Spectre.
- Garris Shipon: Visual Regression Testing For Angular Applications - Tutorial using BackstopJS.
- Angela Riggs: Visual Regression Testing with BackstopJS - Tutorial using BackstopJS.
- Garris Shipon: Automating CSS Regression Testing - Tutorial using BackstopJS.
- trifleJS (⭐826) - Headless automation for Internet Explorer. (last update 2016)
- CasperJS (⭐7.2k) - Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS. (archived 2018)
- Navalia (⭐957) - Browser Automation based on headless Chrome and GraphQL. (archived 2018)
5. Awesome Hbase
- asynchbase (⭐605) - Fully asynchronous, non-blocking HBase client.
- gohbase (⭐654) - Pure Go client for HBase.
- happybase (⭐595) - Python client for HBase.
- Amazon EMR - Amazon's Hadoop/HBase offering on AWS.
- Azure HDInsight - Microsoft's Hadoop/HBase offering on Azure.
- Google Cloud Bigtable - High-performance NoSQL database service accessible via HBase client API.
Frameworks / Datasets
- Kite - High-level data layer for Hadoop/HBase.
Frameworks / Document
- HDocDB (⭐24) - HBase as a JSON document database.
Frameworks / Entity/JPA
- DataNucleus - JPA persistence layer with support for HBase.
- Gora - Persistence library for big data with support for HBase.
- HEntityDB (⭐6) - HBase as an entity database.
- Kundera (⭐900) - JPA client with support for HBase.
Frameworks / Geospatial
- GeoMesa - Spatial-temporal database with support for Accumulo, HBase, Cassandra, and Kafka.
Frameworks / Graph
- Gradoop (⭐228) - Research framework for scalable graph analytics built on Flink and HBase.
- HGraphDB (⭐246) - HBase as a TinkerPop graph database.
- JanusGraph - Scalable graph database with support for Cassandra, HBase, Google Cloud Bigtable, and BerkeleyDB.
- S2Graph - High-performance distributed graph database built on HBase.
Frameworks / SQL/OLAP
- Kylin - Extreme OLAP engine for big data that stores data in HBase.
- LeanXScale - Commercial full ACID full SQL product built on Hadoop/HBase.
- Phoenix - SQL layer on top of HBase.
- Splice Machine - Commercial RDBMS built on top of HBase.
- Trafodian - Transactional SQL-on-Hadoop/HBase.
Frameworks / Time Series
- Axibase - Distributed time series database built on HBase.
- OpenTSDB - Scalable time series database built on HBase.
Infrastructure / Secondary Indices
- hindex (⭐588) - Secondary index for HBase.
- Lily HBase Indexer - Quickly and easily search for content stored in HBase.
Infrastructure / Transactions
- Haeinsa (⭐158) - Multi-row/multi-table transaction library for HBase.
- Tephra - Globally consistent transactions on top of HBase.
- Themis (⭐225) - Cross-row/cross-table transactions on HBase based on Google's Percolator.
Integrations / Transactions
- Spark (⭐554) - Spark-HBase connector.
Tools / Transactions
- Ambari - Software for provisioning, managing, and monitor Hadoop/HBase clusters.
- Cloudera Manager - Tool for managing Hadoop/HBase in production.
Books / Transactions
- HBase in Action - Experience-driven guide that shows you how to use HBase.
- Architecting HBase Applications - Includes HBase principles, cluster guidelines, and in-depth case studies.
- HBase Administration Cookbook - How to master HBase configuration and administration.
- HBase Essentials - A practical guide to using HBase.
- HBase Design Patterns - Successful patterns to develop scalable applications with HBase.
- Learning HBase - Learn the fundamentals of HBase administration and development.
- HBase High Performance Cookbook - Exciting projects that teach you how to use HBase.
- Apache HBase Primer - A compact guide to HBase essentials.
- Pro Apache Phoenix - Basic and best practices for using Phoenix.
Papers / Transactions
- Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data - The inspiration for HBase.
- Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook - How Facebook deployed HBase to production.
6. Awesome Sre
- Prev: Jul 30, 2017
- Next: Jul 28, 2017